UNAMI Middle School Chapter

of the

National Junior Honor Society

February 8th, 2017

Dear Parents of Prospective Honor Society Members,

Congratulations on being considered for membership in the Unami Middle School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society! After review of your academic records, you have met the preliminary requirements for entrance, which is a rolling cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher. Academic excellence is not the sole criteria for acceptance. The National Junior Honor Society considers four ideals along with scholastic performance as the basis for membership. A student’s leadership, school and community service, character, and citizenship are also examined for admittance into the society. While high scholastic performance is the first criteria used to determine an entry into the process no student is inducted solely because of a high academic average.

The National Junior Honor Society recognizes and encourages academic achievement along with characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. Students selected for membership are expected to continue to demonstrate the qualities of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. As active members, students are given opportunities to share their talents and skills with the school and community. Through the NJHS, students maintain and extend the qualities that earned them selection.

Your son/daughter is to be commended for maintaining a high scholastic average. If they are interested, please encourage them to complete the application packet. When completing the application, it is imperative that students complete the form honestly and follow the guidelines. Completed forms are to be turned in to a bin in the main office no later than 2:30 on Thursday, February 23. No late forms will be accepted or considered. Have your son/daughter see one of the advisers before the due date if they have any concerns. There will be an informational meeting in the auditorium for students to discuss the selection process and ask questions on Friday, February 10th, during Resource. Please understand that membership is not guaranteed to anyone. The final decision for membership will be made by the faculty council. Letters informing students of the decision are expected to be mailed by April 6th, 2017. Should your son/daughter be selected, please note that the induction ceremony will take place on Thursday, April 27, at 7:00 PM in the auditorium.

On the next page there is a guideline of requirements for your convenience.

Thank you for your support and encouragement. You have every reason to be proud of your son/daughter.


Mrs. Christina Lang Mr. John Murtha Ms. Adams and Ms. Timko

Principal Assistant Principal NJHS Advisers


of the


Please use this page as a checklist. This does not need to be turned in with the application.

In this packet you will find:

1.  NJHS Student Resume. This must be typed or printed neatly in blue or black ink. The resume is to be completed by the student and should be treated the same as a resume for a job. Only activities since 7th grade are considered. We have included a rubric on how you will be evaluated.

2.  Subjective Essay. The essay should be typed on a separate sheet of paper, in paragraph form. Please explain in 500 words or less what a contributing member of the National Junior Honor Society is and how you will uniquely fill that role. Please include your name, typed, at the top of the page and staple it to your resume.

3.  Teacher Evaluation. You must request two (2) current Unami Middle School staff members to complete a Teacher Evaluation. A minimum of (1) form must come from a current core content teacher. Be sure to put your own name on the teacher evaluation form before giving the form to your teacher.

a.  Please be mindful of your teachers’ schedules and allow sufficient time for them to complete the Teacher Evaluation Form. The last day to give evaluation forms to teachers is Tuesday, February 14th, 2017. Teachers will return completed evaluations directly to Ms. Adams or Ms. Timko.

b.  Teacher Signature Form. As you give each teacher your evaluation, ask him or her to initial and date the Teacher Signature Form verifying that they received it. This must be stapled to your resume when you turn it in.

4.  Letter of Recommendation. This must be a letter from an adult who knows you well. The letter must include the person’s phone number and signature. This letter cannot be written by a Unami Middle School staff member or an immediate relative. When requesting your letter, we recommend you ask the person to evaluate you on the five traits of the NJHS: character, scholarship, leadership, service, and citizenship.

Please keep all paperwork together and hand it in to the main office no later than 2:30 on Thursday, February 23, 2017. You are responsible for submitting the Student Resume, Subjective Essay, Teacher Signature Form, and a Letter of Recommendation. Your teachers are responsible for submitting the Teacher Evaluations. No late forms will be accepted.

Student Resume

*Remember, this should be typed or written in blue or black ink.

Name: ______Date: ______

Leadership is defined as an elected or appointed position in the school, community, and/or work and includes responsibilities for directing and motivating others. List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community, or work activities. Only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others should be included. For example: elected by student body, class or club officer, committee chairperson, team captain, newspaper editor-in-chief, boy/girl scout leader, etc.

Leadership Role/Description / Grade Level
(7th/8th/9th) / Contact Person/Phone Number

Community Service is defined as providing one’s time and effort for the betterment of the school and community. List community service projects in which you have participated in and out of school and note any major accomplishment in each. Generally speaking, these projects are those which are done for or on behalf of others (not including immediate family members) for which no compensation (monetary or other) has been given. This section must have the signatures of the adult sponsors who can verify your participation in each activity.

Service Projects/Description / Grade Level
(7th/8th/9th) / Verification Signature / Contact Person/Phone Number

Activities List all school based and non-school based activities in which you have participated. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, etc., and any significant accomplishments in each. In order to receive the maximum number of points you must have at least one in school activity and at least one out of school activity.

Activity / Grade Level
(7th/8th/9th) / Contact Person/Phone Number

Student Agreement:

I, ______, have completed this form and essay independently and honestly. I certify that the information within this application is true and if the information is found to be untrue or misleading, the NJHS committee has the ability to reject the application.

If selected, I agree to abide by the standards and guidelines of the Unami Chapter of NJHS. I understand that by submitting this form, I will not automatically be selected for membership in the NJHS.

One mission of the NJHS is to reinforce the development of independent self-reliant students. Therefore, in the event of questions regarding the application and scoring process, I understand that it is my responsibility to seek out the advisers with my questions and concerns.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Agreement:

I am aware that because of my son/daughter’s high cumulative GPA, they have been invited to submit an application as the next step in the NJHS selection process. I confirm that my son/daughter has completed the attached form and essay to the best of their ability, as this is a reflection of their hard work over the past few years. I understand that by submitting this form, they are not automatically selected for membership in the NJHS.

One mission of the NJHS is to reinforce the development of independent self-reliant students. Therefore, in the event of questions regarding the application and scoring process, I understand that it is my son/daughter’s responsibility to seek out the advisers with their questions and concerns.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Teacher Signature Form

Name: ______Date: ______

Dear NJHS candidate: Please ask the teachers you have selected to sign and date in the appropriate box below acknowledging they have received the evaluation. This signature verifies that teachers have received the application form by Tuesday, February 14th, 2017.

Teacher / Class / Date Received / Teacher Signature

Teacher Evaluation Form

Name of Candidate: ______

The student above has met the academic requirements to be considered as a member in the National Junior Honor Society. Students are required to receive two teacher recommendations. Your time is greatly valued and the NJHS committee appreciates your input about the prospective candidates. Please take a few moments and rate this student based on character, scholarship, leadership, service, and citizenship. Please use the listed behaviors as guidelines to rate the students. Please return to Nicole Adams or Jaclyn Timko by Thursday, February 23rd. This form should NOT be returned to the student.

0-  Never demonstrates this quality

1-  Occasionally demonstrates this quality

2-  Usually demonstrates this quality

3-  Always demonstrates this quality

Character 0 1 2 3

Displays an understanding of right/wrong

Makes appropriate choices

Treats others with respect

Scholarship 0 1 2 3 Displays academic effort

Follows academic honesty policies

Maintains high expectations of self

Leadership 0 1 2 3

Displays actions of role model

Leads by example

Promotes school activities

Service 0 1 2 3

Displays willingness to help others

Assists those around them

Understands value of serving others

Citizenship 0 1 2 3

Upholds school rules

Displays appropriate behavior

Appreciates spirit of community

Name of teacher: ______

Teacher signature: ______Date:______

Please return to Nicole Adams or Jaclyn Timko by Thursday, February 23rd. This form should NOT be returned to the student.

Teacher Evaluation Form

Name of Candidate: ______

The student above has met the academic requirements to be considered as a member in the National Junior Honor Society. Students are required to receive two teacher recommendations. Your time is greatly valued and the NJHS committee appreciates your input about the prospective candidates. Please take a few moments and rate this student based on character, scholarship, leadership, service, and citizenship. Please use the listed behaviors as guidelines to rate the students. Please return to Nicole Adams or Jaclyn Timko by Thursday, February 23rd. This form should NOT be returned to the student.

0-  Never demonstrates this quality

1-  Occasionally demonstrates this quality

2-  Usually demonstrates this quality

3-  Always demonstrates this quality

Character 0 1 2 3

Displays an understanding of right/wrong

Makes appropriate choices

Treats others with respect

Scholarship 0 1 2 3

Displays academic effort

Follows academic honesty policies

Maintains high expectations of self

Leadership 0 1 2 3

Displays actions of role model

Leads by example

Promotes school activities

Service 0 1 2 3

Displays willingness to help others

Assists those around them

Understands value of serving others

Citizenship 0 1 2 3

Upholds school rules

Displays appropriate behavior

Appreciates spirit of community

Name of teacher: ______

Teacher signature: ______Date:______

Please return to Nicole Adams or Jaclyn Timko by Thursday, February 23rd. This form should NOT be returned to the student.

Student Evaluation Rubric

The application will not be considered if it is handed in after the due date (unless the student is absent from school on Thursday, February 23rd).

Total Points for Application 0 – 50