Cuyamaca College

Computer and Information Science Department
Spring 2015 CIS 110 Section 4017
Principles of Information Systems (4 Units)

This course adheres to the policies outlined in the Cuyamaca College catalogue. For further information, see Academic Policies stated in the catalogue.

Syllabus and Calendar are subject to change at the discretion of the Instructor


Instructor: Greg “diff” Differding

Office: Room E109B

Phone: (619) 660-4039





Class Meeting:

Section 4017: Wed. 9:00AM-1:20PM in E210

Office Hours (E109B or E211):

Tues: 11:00AM-1:00PM

Wed: 1:20PM-3:20PM

Wed: 5:00PM-6:00PM

Other times: By appointment only

This course adheres to the policies outlined in the Cuyamaca College catalogue. For further information, see Academic Policies stated in the catalogue.

Syllabus and Calendar are subject to change at the discretion of the Instructor


Required: This is a 4 unit class structured as 3 units lecture and 3 units lab which totals 96 hours of instruction. The course is delivered as a short-term 12-week class.

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: An introductory course in information technology with an emphasis on business and business-related applications. Concepts include computer organization, data processing systems, decision support systems, systems analysis and design. The laboratory component consists of hands-on problem solving using software applications including spreadsheets and databases.

This course is articulated with SDSU MIS 180 (formerly IDS 180) and covers material similar to the content in that course.

Required Texts and Materials: One of the following (broken down into paper book and ebook bundles):

For students that prefer a paper book:

1.  CIS 110 Book bundle, ISBN: 9781259620614, only available from the campus bookstore. Bundle includes:

·  O’Leary, Computing Essentials 2014, Complete Edition. McGraw-Hill. 2014. ISBN: 978-0073516864.

·  Nordell, et al. Microsoft Office 2013 custom printed text with 4 Access chapters and 8 Excel Chapters.

·  SimNet for Microsoft Office 2013 access codes

·  Connect Plus access code

For students that prefer an ebook, you can purchase two access codes from the publisher. The SimNet and Connect sites include an ebook copy of the required texts. Purchasing only the access codes is significantly less expensive. See the Blackboard site under Week 1 to find the ordering information:

1.  Connect Plus access code (only available from the publisher)

2.  SimNet access code (only available from the publisher).

Student Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:

1)  Describe the components and functions of computer systems, including both hardware and software.

2)  Use modern productivity tools (i.e., spreadsheet, database) or custom programs to solve business problems.

3)  Describe the differences between various types of information systems and explain the importance of determining information system requirements for all management levels.

4)  Describe how the system development life cycle is used in building an information system to solve business problems.

5)  Describe the importance and use of data communications and the Internet, and explain how they affect the way business is conducted.

6)  Describe the ethical and social implications of using information technology within the context of the information systems industry.

Course Requirements

General Policies

·  It is recommended that you log in to the class Blackboard site 2 to 3 times per week to read the class news and complete assignments.

·  Students will be dropped if they fail to actively participate in the class by submitting all required work during any 2 week period

·  If you have an assignment extension then that assignment will not be considered late until the extension expires.

·  The class “Have a question? Ask it here…” forum on Blackboard is the official method of communication for this class outside of the classroom. This forum is to be used for general class or class material questions. This forum provides all students with the ability to hear the question and the answer. You are probably not the only student with that question. If you have a more private matter to discuss (grades, assignment completion issues, etc.) use a private email or phone call to the instructor. Email is a last resort method of communication and should only be used if you are unable to access the forum in Blackboard. Only private information should be sent via email.

·  If you have a problem completing assignments contact me as soon as possible - I'm here to help.

·  It is your responsibility to complete the necessary forms to withdraw from the class

·  The online course resources for this course are provided for instructional purposes only. Students are expected to maintain the same decorum and demeanor in these environments that are expected in a classroom setting. Using the Blackboard chat and discussion board tools for espousing personal beliefs, ideologies or other personal matters will not be tolerated. Students engaging in these activities will be expelled from the chat and discussion board functions. Further disciplinary action will be taken as deemed appropriate

Tutoring and Instructor Availability

·  The instructor holds office hours each week. While there may be times when he will not be physically available in the office during posted office hour times, he will be available online and/or telephonically. If you need additional assistance, contact the instructor via email, using ShowMeWhatsWrong, or telephonically. As the instructor is a visual learner, questions submitted via video formats (ShowMeWhatsWrong) will result in fewer questions from the instructor to resolve the issue.

·  The instructor will normally answer questions within 24 hours including weekends. There may be times when it will take longer, but he will make an effort to check his email/Ask a Question posts at least once a day.

·  The instructor may answer questions via email, video demonstrations, or Blackboard posts.

·  If you need additional assistance, there are tutors available in the Campus Tutoring Center, as well as potentially in the CIS Department labs and potentially online. Contact the Tutoring Center ( for further information.

Assignment Polices

·  All class assignments are due on Wednesdays at 9:00AM in accordance with the due dates listed in the Academic Calendar. If the instructor changes the due date of an assignment, he will issue a class announcement stating the new due date. If your computer has problems, have a backup plan on how you are going to complete the class. Computer problems are not a valid excuse for late work.

·  Access and Excel projects shall be submitted via Blackboard. They will not be accepted via email or any other means of delivery.

·  Students are expected to complete their assignments without assistance. That doesn’t mean that you cannot avail yourself of on-campus or online tutoring services for assistance in understanding concepts and procedural tasks. However, the completion of the work is to be your own effort. In addition, support is available from your instructor via the Ask a Question forum/private email messages/ShowMeWhatsWrong video site and on campus office hours. If you are having problems which are preventing you from completing assignments please contact me as soon as possible for assistance. The longer you struggle trying to understand something the more you become frustrated and frustration impairs your ability to learn/perform well.

·  Some of the lab assignments may require significantly more time to complete. Don't wait until the due date to start your lab assignments!

Assignment Extension Policies

·  An extension of up to 1 week may be granted for lab assignments and projects. If you need extra time to submit an assignment then you can request an extension via private email to the instructor. A valid reason is required. “I need more time” is not a valid reason.

·  Extension requests must be made prior to the due date/time.

·  Extensions will not be granted for exams.

·  Extensions will not be granted past the last day of class.

Late Assignment Policy. If your assignment is late it will be graded as follows:

·  Extension granted—less than one week late—No penalty

·  Extension granted—but more than one week late—100% penalty.

·  No extension granted—100% penalty.

Quizzes and Tests Policy

·  Quizzes/exams cover material from the class textbook and in some cases the lab books.

·  The quizzes/exams will generally consist of between 10 and 50 questions and can include multiple choice, matching, fill-in or short answer questions.

·  These test questions come from a large pool of questions including material from both the chapter reading and the class web site.

·  Every test attempt will contain a unique set of questions.

·  Some tests may allow additional attempts. If you attempt a second attempt then you will have a different set of questions than you had on your first attempt. The highest score will be recorded.


·  Connect/Computing Essentials: Students should complete the chapter review questions. I do not collect or grade them but you will find them helpful in preparing for the exams. The Connect site’s activities will also provide additional information/preparation for the chapter exams. If you have a question about any chapter review questions please ask and I will explain the answers or provide information where you can find the answer.

·  SimNet/Access/Excel: Students should complete the SimNet Show Me, Guide Me and Let Me Try activities as well as the Pause and Practice activities embedded in each chapter as these activities will assist students in learning the concepts that will be required to complete the projects. In addition, the completion of an end of chapter exercise is also highly recommended.

Grading Policy

·  Grades will be posted on the course Blackboard site.

·  Grading is computed on an absolute value of the number of points achieved.

·  SimNet grades have to be manually uploaded by the instructor. Be patient. They will be uploaded weekly.

·  Various reasons may cause the number of points awarded to change during the class.

·  The table, listed below, shows the point values which guarantee given grades.

·  Each class is different and the points required to achieve a given grade may be lowered if deemed appropriate.

Points Available
Assignments / Points Possible
Syllabus Quiz / 10
Computing Essentials Chapter Tests (Test 1-6) / 180
Access and Excel Exams (50 points each) / 100
SimNet SimBook Activity Completions / 190
Lab Projects (5 projects) / 300
Total Points Available / 780
780-702 / A
701-624 / B
623-546 / C
545-468 / D
467-0 / F

Academic Integrity

·  All work submitted in this class is to be that of the enrolled student.

·  Submitting someone else's work as your own is considered cheating.

·  Cheating is a serious offense. Anyone found cheating on a quiz, exam or other assignment will immediately receive a zero (0) on that quiz, exam or other assignment and the incident will be reported to the Disciplinary Dean.

·  Anyone found cheating a second time or on multiple assignments will be recommended to the Disciplinary Dean for further disciplinary action.

·  Additional actions, described in the Cuyamaca College Catalog paragraph on Academic Honesty/Dishonesty, may be assessed as deemed warranted by the instructor.

This course adheres to the policies outlined in the Cuyamaca College catalogue. For further information, see Academic Policies stated in the catalogue.

Syllabus and Calendar are subject to change at the discretion of the Instructor


Section 4017 Academic Calendar

Week / Date / Read / Assignments / Due!
1 / Week of 2/2 /

1. Course syllabus

2. Computing Essentials (CE): Chapters 1, 2, and 11 / 1. Purchase Required Books and/or Software Access codes
2. Verify Excel and Access software versions installed on your computer
3. Complete SimNet Assignment
4. Complete Connect Assignment
5. Connect: Syllabus quiz (graded)
6. Connect: SmartBook (CSB): Chapters 1 and 2 (ungraded)
Fri, 2/6 / NOTE! 1. Last day to drop without a “W”
2. Last day for a refund.
Mon, 2/9 / NOTE! 1. Last day to add this class (instructor imposed).
2 / Week of
2/9 / Microsoft Office 2013: In Practice. Access Chapters 1 and 2 / 1. SimNet: Access SimBook Chapters 1 and 2
2. Pause and Practice (PP): Access Chapter 1 and 2 (ungraded)
3. Connect: Test 1 (covers CE Chapters 1 and 2)
4. Project 1 / Due 2/11 @ 9AM:
1. Syllabus Quiz
2/16 / President’s Day Holiday
3 / Week of
2/16 / CE: Chapters 3 and 4
Access: Chapters 3 and 4 / 1. Connect: CSB Chapters 3 and 4 (ungraded)
2. SimNet: Access SimBook Chapters 3 and 4
3. Pause and Practice: Access Chapters 3 and 4 (ungraded) / Due 2/18 @ 9AM:
1. SimNet: Access SimBook Chapters 1 and 2
2. Connect: Test 1 (covers CE Chapters 1 and 2)
3. Project 1
Tues. 2/17 / NOTE! Last day to apply for Pass/No Pass (Credit/No Credit) classes
4 / Week of
2/23 / Review Access Chapters 1-4
Microsoft Office 2013 In-Practice: Excel Chapters 1 and 2 / 1. SimNet: Excel SimBook Chapters 1 and 2
2. Pause and Practice: Excel Chapters 1 and 2 (ungraded)
3. Project 2
4. Connect: Test 2 (covers CE Chapters 3 and 4) / Due 2/25 @ 9AM:
1. SimNet: Access SimBook Chapters 3 and 4
5 / Week of
3/2 / CE: Chapters 5, 6 and 7 / 1. SimNet: Access Exam (covers Access Chapters 1-4)
2. Connect: CSB Chapters 5, 6 and 7 (ungraded) / Due 3/4 @ 9AM:
1. SimNet: Excel SimBook Chapters 1 and 2
2. Project 2
3. Connect: Test 2 (covers CE Chapters 3 and 4)
6 / Week of 3/9 / Excel: Chapters 3 and 4 / 1. SimNet: Excel SimBook Chapters 3 and 4
2. Pause and Practice: Excel Chapters 3 and 4 (ungraded)
3. Project 3
4. Connect: Test 3 (coverts CE Chapters 5, 6, and 7) / Due 3/11@ 9AM:
1. SimNet: Access Exam (covers Access Chapters 1-4)
7 / Week of 3/16 / CE: Chapters 8 and 9 / 1. Connect: CSB Chapters 8 and 9 (ungraded) / Due 3/18 @ 9AM:
1. SimNet: Excel SimBook Chapters 3 and 4
2. Project 3
3. Connect: Test 3 (coverts CE Chapters 5, 6, and 7)
Fri, 3/20 / Last day to apply for Fall Degree/Certificates
Week of 3/23 / Spring Break!
8 / Week of 3/30 / Excel: Chapter 5 and 6 (Lessons 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 6.1, 6.2 only) / 1. SimNet: Excel SimBook Chapters 5 and 6 (Lessons 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 6.1, 6.2 only)
2. Pause and Practice: Excel Chapters 5 and 6 (Lessons 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 6.1, 6.2 only) (ungraded)
3. Connect: Test 4 (covers CE Chapters 8 and 9) / Due 4/1 @ 9AM:
Nothing this week.
9 / Week of 4/6 / CE: Chapters 10 and 11 / 1. Connect: CSB Chapters 10 and 11 (ungraded) / Due 4/8 @ 9AM:
1. SimNet: Excel SimBook Chapters 5 and 6 (Lessons 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 6.1, 6.2 only)
2. Connect: Test 4 (covers CE Chapters 8 and 9)
Tues, 4/7 / Last day to drop this class for a “W” and not the grade earned.
10 / Week of 4/13 / Excel: Chapters 7 and 8 (Lessons 7.1, 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 only) / 1. SimNet: Excel SimBook Chapters 7 and 8 (Lessons 7.1, 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 only)
2. Pause and Practice: Excel Chapters 7 and 8 (Lessons 7.1, 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 only) (ungraded)
3. Connect: Test 5 (covers CE Chapters 10 and 11)
4. Project 4 / Due 4/15 @ 9AM:
Nothing this week
11 / Week of 4/20 / CE: Chapters 12 and 13
Review Excel Chapters 1-6 / 1. Connect: CSB Chapters 12 and 13 (ungraded)
2. SimNet: Excel Exam (covers Excel Chapters 1-8)
3. Project 5 / Due 4/22 @ 9AM:
1. SimNet: Excel SimBook Chapters 7 and 8 (Lessons 7.1, 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 only)
2. Connect: Test 5 (covers CE Chapters 10 and 11)
3. Project 4
12 / Week of 4/27 / 1. Connect: Test 6 (covers CE Chapters 12 and 13) / Due 4/29 @ 9AM
1. SimNet: Excel Exam (covers Excel Chapters 1-8)
2. Connect: Test 6 (covers CE Chapters 12 and 13)
3. Project 5

This course adheres to the policies outlined in the Cuyamaca College catalogue. For further information, see Academic Policies stated in the catalogue.