Closing date for Detailed Research Proposals is Friday, 18 August 2017.

The following Detailed Research proposal should be completed and returned to . Please refer to the Biennial Grants booklet for information about completing this Detailed Research Proposal form.

Please note:

  • Use the margins as set with font no smaller than Calibri 10 point
  • The completed form should not exceed 10 pages (instructional text may be deleted)
  • Attach the relevant documents as per the checklist on page 3.1

Name of Applicant (Principal Investigator):
Position Description (or title) of Applicant:
Phone No: Email:
Name(s) of Associate Researcher(s):
Host Institution:
Administrative Contact:
Address of Applicant/Host Institution:
Admin Phone No: Admin Email:
Title of proposed project:
The proposal is as described in the corresponding Preliminary Proposal, except as amended herein
Research themes:
To which of the following themes does the proposed research contribute? (please tick one or more)
Improved detection and understanding of geological hazards
Enhanced assessment and modelling of NZ’s geohazard risk
Advances in low-damage design and engineering solutions for the built environment
Social and Behavioural aspects of disaster risk reduction and improved resilience
Application of economics, finance and public policy to hazard risk management
Amount requested (as per attached budget) $
Have you applied for funding for this project or similar project from EQC or other sources?Yes/No
If yes, please detail (who, what, when, how), whether it was declined, and what changes have been made to address concerns raised):
Will the research proceed if funds are not provided by EQC?Yes/No
Statement of Objectives: (Explain how proposed research applies to, adapts or complements any earlier work; its relevance and urgency of application to New Zealand conditions, its relevance to EQC’s research strategy,its relevance to end users, and by what means it is intended to address a gap in present knowledge and practices.)
Describe the science and research method:
Does the proposed project link into or depend on other project work either currently being undertaken or soon to be undertaken either by yourself or others?
If yes, then give details of the other work including by whom and the relevant outputs applicable to the proposed project.
Vision Mātauranga:
Identify which, if any, of the Vision Mātaurangathemes relevant to disaster risk reduction and resilience research can be associated with the proposed research.
Indigenous Innovation: Contributing to disaster resilience and risk reduction through distinctive research and development
Taiao/Environment: Achieving disaster resilience through iwi and hapū relationships with land and sea
Hauora/Health: Improving health and social wellbeing aspects linked to disaster resilience
Mātauranga: Exploring indigenous knowledge and science and innovation, regarding hazard risk management
Not applicable
Ethics approval
Yes N/A
For projects involving the public, specify the ethics assessment process and certify that approval is being obtained.
Has work on this project commenced?
Yes When? No
Proposed commencement date:Proposed completion date:
The research funding agreement for 2018has been read by both the applicant and employing organisation and it is acknowledged that if this proposal receives EQC funding, the terms and conditions set out in the agreement must be adhered to.
Principal Investigator:
Date: / Host Institution:
Please name three reviewers, of which EQC will approach two, who can provide expertise to assist the Assessment Panel in its evaluation. Please ensure that your reviewers are aware of the contents of your proposal and are prepared to provide brief comments within 2-3 weeks of being approached by EQC.
EQC reserves the right to obtain additional or alternative independent reviews of proposals.
Phone No:Email address:
Phone No:Email:
Phone No:Email:

Please email this completed form with the following documents to :

  • Budget template
  • Curriculam Vitae

EQC Biennial Grants Programme 2018– DetailedResearch Proposal1