Table of Contents
Ver : 1.2 / AT/QSM/A / Date : 02/07
/ ISO 9001:2000 REFQSM/A / 1.2 / Table of Contents / --
QSM/B / 1.2 / Revision History
QSM/C / 1.2 / Organisation Profile / --
QSM/D / 1.2 / Scope & exclusion / --
QSM/E / 1.2 / Quality Policy and Objectives / 5.3, 5.4.1
QSM/F / 1.2 / Document Level Linkage / --
QSM/G / 1.2 / Abbreviations and Glossary / --
QSM/H / 1.2 / Organisation chart / 5.5
QSM/I / 1.2 / AXIOM Quality Management System / 4.1,4.25.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5,5.6,
(except 7.5.2) 8.1,8.2,8.3,8.4,8.5
Annexure A / 1.2 / Policy Deployment Matrix / 5.1,5.3
Annexure B / 1.2 / Process Matrix / 4.1
Annexure C / 1.2 / QMS – Master List / 4.2.3
Revision History
Ver : 1.2 / AT/QSM/B / Date : 02/07
S.No / Section / Version No / Date / Change Summary
1 / Initial / 1.0 / June-06
2 / QSM/I 7.9.2 / 1.1 / Nov-06 / Excluded the validation of Processes for production and service provision from the QSM based on Pre-assessment findings
3 / QSM / F Document Level Linkage / 1.1 / Nov-06 / Removed section 7.3 and 7.5.2 from the Document Level Linkages based on Pre-assessment findings
4 / QSM /H
QSM /F/I / 1.2 / Feb-07 / Modified Organization chart to address KSA positions
Added references of Mobily,Du sales procedures
Organization Profile
Ver : 1.2 / AT/QSM/C / Date : 02/07
Axiom Telecom is the largest and leading, authorized distributor and retailer for international brands such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Siemens, Thuraya, i-mate and Simpletech. Axiom specializes in wireless communication products and boasts more than 200 outlets under it'smanagementin prime retail locations across the UAE and KSA .
The Axiom name is a stamp of quality and originality, and a guarantee of the best after-sales service in the region provided by highly trained professionals. Axiom employs over 700 people it has since expanded into Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman,Egyptand Kuwait. More expansion and jobs are in the pipeline as the company grows in the Middle East but also in the surrounding countries.
AXIOM controls its operations using a Centralized and Decentralized model .The key functions like Category Management, IT, Marketing, Supply Chain, Finance, HR and Quality are centrally controlled from the Dubai Head Quarters with extended support made locally established and available in the respective countries. The Sales channels operates independently in the respective regions.
Established in 1997 by Faisal Al Bannai, Axiom is committed to offering the best value for money to its customers, along with genuine service and the most attractive incentives. Axiom operates its retail channel in three different store formats – AXIOM,FONO and One Mobile .
Today, besides its own branded outlets, Axiom owns and operates stores through partner arrangements in the UAE with Spinneys, LuluCenters and Union Co-op(One Mobile Stores). Axiom is also the exclusive telecom partner for Emirate Service Stations and more recently Enoc & Eppco Petrol station where Mobile Phone accessories are sold in over 190 stations.
Axiom is more than a retailer. The company is made up of different business units. Retail is the flagship business where Axiom is clearly the largest and most advance retailer in the region. Wholesale makes Axiom the biggest multi-brand distributor in the Middle East and Europe. The other sales channel which is a constituent part of the Axiom is the sales through Direct Distribution Channel .Axiomplus another successful business unit that focuses on selling value-added services like ring- tones, games, wallpaper, live SMS soccer score updates, data backup and many more mobile wireless applications.
The mobile service centre is another important business unit in Axiom takes care of all after sales services in Axiom. Axiom was also the first company to invest in the dedicated mobile phone repair facility, 'Phonecare'. Currently located on Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, the spacious and well-appointed service centre is the first facility of its kind in the UAE to receive ISO certification.
Axiom also has a dedicated call centre with trained and quality customer service advisors who answer calls from all its retail divisions and helps customers with all the day to day queries, and technical support.
The other major business unit is Axiom SP, which takes care of the Thuraya Satellite Company. In this case Axiom is a service provider. In a short space of time Axiom has managed to become one of Thuraya’s biggest airtime generators.
AXIOM Mobile services also includes sales of Mobile card and products of leading Service providers like Du, Mobily .
Among its many claims to fame, Axiom prides itself on being the first company in the UAE to offer two years extended warranty and free mobile phone insurance. It is also currently the first and only telecom company to offer Air Miles to its customers. Supported by an impressive network of Middle East distributors, Axiom is perfectly positioned to explore expansion opportunities in the region and outside.
Scope of Quality Management System
Ver : 1.2 / AT/QSM/D / Date : 02/07
- Scope:
The scope of the quality management system covers the following activities in line with ISO 9001:2000
“Sales of wireless communication products and related accessories“
- Exclusion table
Clause or sub-clause / Exclusion / Justification
7.6 / Calibration / AXIOM Telecom is a retailer selling wide range of wireless communication products (mobiles, accessories etc.) through different sales channels and it does not use any measuring & testing instruments for its process.
7.3 / Design and Development / AXIOM Telecom main line of business is selling of wireless communication products & related accessories Hence at organization level there is no design and development activity that is carried out as part of its core business process.
7.5.2 / Validation of processes for production and service provision / AXIOM Telecom does not have any process where the resulting output cannot be verified intermittently. Hence the clause is excluded from the scope of organization’s process.
Quality Policy
Ver : 1.2 / AT/QSM/E / Date : 02/07
AXIOM commits to:
-Having the right range of products to meet our customers mobility needs while offering the latest technologies first
-Having staff who can address our customer needs
-Having the best buying experience when dealing through us
-Continuously improve our services and processes to enhance our customer satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction (Overall) = 90%
Process Compliance (Overall) = 80%
SLA Compliance (Overall) = 85%
( To be achieved by September 2007 )
Faisal Al Bannai
CEO, AXIOM Telecom
Document Level Linkages
Ver : 1.2 / AT/QSM/F / Date : 02/07
S.No / ISO Clause No / Quality Manual Section / Standard Operating Procedures / Documented procedures/Work Instructions
4.2.1 / 4.1 / --
4.2.2 / 4.2.2 / --
4.2.3 / 4.2.3 / DP 01
4.2.4 / 4.2.4 / DP 02, AT/CATA/SOP 05,
5.1 / 5.1 / --
5.2 / 5.2 / AT/RS/SOP 05, AT/DD/SOP 06,AT/WS/SOP 05,AT/SP/SOP 03
5.3 / 5.3 / --
5.4.1 / 5.4.1 / --
5.4.2 / 5.4.2 / AT/SOP/SRM 01
5.5.1 / 5.5.1 / AT/<Dept>/SOP G
5.5.2 / 5.5.2 / --
5.5.3 / 5.5.3 / AT/<Dept>SOP E
5.6 / 5.6 / --
6.1 / 6.1 / AT/AP/SOP 01-22
6.2 / 6.2 / AT/ HR/ SOP PR 01,03,
AT/ HR/ SOP 07
6.3 / 6.3 / AT/ PRM / SOP 01, 02,06,10 ,AT/IT / SOP 01, AT/WH/01
6.4 / 6.4 / AT/PRM/SOP11,AT/WH/WI 11
7.1 / 7.1 / AT/SOP/SRM 01
7.2.1 / 7.2 / AT/CATA/SOP 01 (Category)
AT/CATH /SOP 02 (Category)
AT/DD/SOP 02 (Direct Distribution)
AT/WS/SOP 02 (Wholesales)
7.2.2 / 7.3 / AT/RS/SOP 05
7.2.3 / 7.4 / AT/MKTG/SOP 06
7.4 / 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 / AT/CATA/SOP 10,11
AT/PRM SOP 8 , 9
AT/IT/SOP 9,10
AT/SP/SOP 7 , 8
AT/CATH/SOP 03,04 (Handsets)
AT/CATA/SOP 03,04 (Accessory)
AT/MKTG/SOP 05(Marketing)
AT/PRM/SOP 03(Project Management)
AT/LG/SOP 03,05 (Logistics)
AT/AXP/SOP 03 (Axiom Plus)
AT/SP/SOP 05(Axiom Service Provider)
7.5.1 / 7.9 / AT/IT/SOP 06
7.5.3 / 7.10 / AT/WH/LG SOP 06
7.5.4 / 7.12 / AT/CATH/09
AT/RS/SOP 12 , 13
AT/DD/SOP 08,09
7.5.5 / 7.13 / AT/WH/SOP 03,04
7.6 / None / None
8.1 - .8.2.1 / 8.1 / AT/RS/SOP 11
8.2.2 / 8.2.2 / DP 04
8.2.3 / 8.2.3 / AT/CATA/SOP 02
8.2.4 / 8.2.4 / AT/CATA/SOP 12
8.3 / 8.3 / DP 03,AT/CATA/SOP 09
8.4 / 8.4 / AT/SOP/SRM 01
8.5.1 / 8.5 / AT/QC/SOP 01
8.5.2 / 8.6 / DP 05
8.5.3 / 8.7 / DP 06
AT/QC/SOP 01,02,04
Ver : 1.2 / AT/QSM/G / Date : 02/07
Abbreviation / Description
MKTG / Marketing
CATH / Category – Handsets
CATA / Category – Accessories
PRM / Project Management
HR / Human Resources
ADM & PR / Admin & PR
QC / Quality Control
AXP / Axiom Plus
ASP / Axiom Service Providers
FIN / Finance
RS / Retail Sales
WS / Whole Sales
DD / Direct Distribution
SC / Supply Chain
WH / Warehouse
LG / Logistics
MOB / Mobily
AT / Axiom Telecom
QSM / Quality System Manual
PR / Process
DEP / Departments
FRM / Form
SOP / Standard Operating Procedures
WI / Work Instructions
GRN / Goods Received Note
PI / Pro-forma Invoice
SIT / Stock In-Transit Report
SLI/STI / Stock Location Transfer In Report
SLO/STO / Stock Location Transfer Out Report
SO / Sales Order
SP / Service Provider
WAC / Weighted Average Cost
CI / Commercial Invoice
ROCI / Return on Capital Investment
PO / Purchase Order
PR / Purchase Requisition
CAPA / Corrective Action & Preventive Action
MR / Management Representative
IQA / Internal Quality Audit
RQA / Retail Quality Audit
NC / Non Conformances
PIR / Process Improvement Request
PCAR / Phone care Authorization Report
Abbreviation / Description
PPI / Process Performance Index
Supplier/ Service Provider / Business entities who provide products for selling / renders service for business and support activities
Principal / Suppliers of larger scale (more of business partners) who supply as their products for selling.
Eg: Nokia, Motorola, Sony etc..
Phone Care / Division of AXIOM that handles repairs and exchange of defective phones
Organization Chart
Ver : 1.2 / AT/QSM/H / Date : 02/07
AXIOM Quality Management System
Ver : 1.2 / AT/QSM/I / Date : 02/07
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1Axiom Telecom has established, documented, implemented, maintained and continually improves a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000.
4.1.2To implement the quality management system, the Axiom Telecom has: the processes needed for the quality management system as per table QSM/L sequence and interaction of the various processes of the organization are identified and depicted as given below:
Process Matrix / AT /QSM – Annexure B4.1.2.3Determined criteria and methods required ensuring the effective operation and control of these processes. These are defined in the Standard Operating Procedures. the availability of resources information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes:, monitor and analyse these processes, and implement action necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement.
4.1.3The Axiom Telecom manages these processes in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000.
4.1.4Axiom Telecom exercises control over processes, that are out-sourced and the nature & extent of control is based on impact in the product conformity with the requirements.
4.2Documentation requirements
4.2.1The quality management system in Axiom Telecom is documented in FOUR levels and it is as follows: Telecom has documented procedures required by this standard in the form of documented procedures. needed for effective planning, operation and control of Axiom Telecom processes in the form of Standard Operating Procedures & Work Instructions. Telecom shall also maintain necessary records required by this international standard and its processes to show conformity
4.2.2Quality manual quality manual is established and maintained and it includes the following:
- The scope of the quality management system, including details of, and justification for, any exclusions & this is addressed through QSM/D;
- Documented procedures or reference to them, is addressed through QSM/G;
- A description of the sequence and interaction of the process included in the quality management system is addressed as depicted in the Process flow diagram depicted above.
4.2.3 Control of documents required for the quality management system are controlled. Procedure No DP 1. describes the methods adopted for the control of documents used and it includes methods:
- To approve documents for adequacy prior to issue;
- To review, update as necessary and re approve documents;
- To ensure that changes and current revision status of documents are identified;
- To ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use;
- To ensure that documents remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable;
- To ensure that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution controlled;
- To prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose.
Document Control / AT /DP 014.2.4 Control of quality records are established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the quality management systems. Records are maintained legible, readily identifiable retrievable. Documented procedure No DP 2 is established to define the controls needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records.
Records Control / AT /DP 025.Management commitment
5.1Top management of Axiom Telecom provides its commitment to the development and improvement of the quality management system by:
- Communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as regulatory and legal requirements is addressed through quality policy & management review meeting;
- Establishing the quality policy and quality objectives;
- Conducting management reviews;
- Ensuring the availability of necessary resources.
Policy Deployment Matrix / AT /QSM – Annexure A5.2 Customer focus
5.2.1Top management of Axiom Telecom ensures that customer requirements are determined and are met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction.
5.2.2The customer requirements are determined & fulfilled through management reviews & Analysis of Customer satisfaction.
5.2.3 Operational Planning and Control procedures of all departments shall identify customer feedback measurement as one of the key measures and analyze them as part of their departmental performance.
Customer Feedback analysis for Sales departments and SLA tracking for support departments shall be used as key data measures for analysing Customer satisfaction .
Reference :–
Customer Sales(Retail) / AT/RS/SOP 05Daily Sales(Direct Distribution) / AT/DD/SOP 06
Sales(Wholesales) / AT/WS/SOP 05
Sales(Axiom Service Provider) / AT/SP/SOP 03
Customer Support(Axiom Plus) / AT/AXP/SOP 07
Daily Sales (Mobily) / AT/MOB/SOP 03
Customer Support – Planning and Control / AT/MKTG/SOP 10
5.3 Quality policy
5.3.1Axiom Telecom top Management has set the quality policy for the Organisation, which is documented in
Reference :–
Quality Policy and Objectives / AT /QSM E5.3.2The Quality policy of Axiom Telecom will be appropriate & provide a frame work for setting objectives
5.3.3The Quality Policy is communicated throughout the Organisation across all levels and functions and made understood within the Organisation. The Quality Policy is displayed in prominent places in the Organisation.
Policy Deployment Matrix / AT /QSM – Annexure A5.3.4The quality policy is reviewed for its continuing suitability in management review meetings.
5.4Quality objectives
5.4.1Top management of Axiom Telecom has defined the Quality Objectives, which are measurable and covers all functions and levels of the Organisation. Targets are established for these Objectives on an annual basis. The quality objectives are measurable and consistent with the Quality policy. Quality objectives include those needed to meet requirements for product also.
Quality Policy and Objectives / AT /QSM E5.4.2 Quality Management system planning Top management of Axiom Telecom ensures that
a)The quality management system planning is carried out in order to meet the requirements given in Section 4 of this manual and the quality objectives
b)The integrity of quality management system is maintained when changes to the quality management system are planned and implemented.
Process Matrix / AT /QSM – Annexure BStrategy Planning / AT/SOP/SRM 01
5.5.1 Responsibility and authority Organisation Structure of Axiom Telecom is defined in QSM/I The Roles and Responsibilities including the Authorities are defined for all the employees in Job Description Manual part of Human Resources department manual. This is communicated to the concerned employees.
The roles and responsibilities of all employees are also documented as part of Responsibility Matrix of every departmental manual .
Organization Chart / AT/ QSM IJob Description Manual / None
Responsibility Matrix / AT/<Dept>/SOP G
5.5.2Management representative management of Axiom Telecom has identified a separate role for
Management Representative for whom, irrespective of other responsibilities, have responsibility and authority that includes;
- Ensuring that processes of the quality management system are established and maintained. The responsibility will include;
-ensuring the identification of quality objectives from the policy (annually)
-organising internal audits, non conformances, complaints & continual improvement projects (audit plan)
-reporting on performance to management (management reviews)
- Reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management system, including needs for improvement & the MR has to determine
-Satisfaction among customer sections
-Process/ Product capability
-Effect of actions, promotions & awareness (objectives, goals, progress)
-Trends in continual improvement
-Achievement of objectives
-The frequency of reporting to top management by the MR will be decided based on any one of the factors such as turn-over of personnel, product/ service criticality, capability of critical processes & No. of comments from audits, customer complaint
-Number of audits conducted, number of non-conformances observed and closed.
- Promoting awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization.
-This is done through management reviews, training, customer feed backs.
- Liaisoning with External Agencies on matters relating to the quality management system.
Correspondence for Nomination of Management Representative / QMR-Appointment5.5.3Internal communication
5.5.3The communication in Axiom Telecom shall take place in two levels. Level:System level communication is done to ensure correct information is transmitted from one function/process/individual to another through training programs, documented procedures, check lists, shift reports, Periodic reports.
Management review meetings, notices. overall and general effectiveness of the Quality Management System shall be communicated to employees in the Management review meeting by the Management representative. Level: Process level communication is done to appropriate department/individual responsible related to
- Process performance
- Product Compliance
- Customer Satisfaction. details of Internal Communication carried out are explained in all the departmental manuals.
Interdepartmental Interactions / Refer AT/<Dept>/SOP E5.6 Management Review
5.6.1 General management of Axiom Telecom reviews the quality management system, in every six months using to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. The review evaluates the need for changes to the organization’s quality management system, including quality policy and quality objectives.