CSCE 5270 – Computer-Human Interaction – Spring 2016

Class Information:

The class currently meets on Tues. & Thurs 8:30-10:00.

Contact Information:

Instructor: Kathleen Swigger

Office: F-253 Research Park


Phone: (940) 565-2817

Office hours: 12:00 - 2:00 Tues., Thurs.

Class website:

All documents will be posted on Blackboard Learn


Emphasizes human performance in using computer and information systems.

Text and Related Materials:

Required: Interaction Design by Jenny Preece.

Optional: A book on HTML, Web Programming and database (MSQL) will be desirable.


·  Understand the foundations of Human Computer Interaction HCI

·  Understand how human and machine capabilities and limitation impact human-computer interactions

·  Recognize how and where HCI techniques are applied within the software development process, particularly in the design of web sites.

·  Be able to choose HCI techniques relevant to a given problem, and gain firsthand experience applying them

·  Gain familiarity with advanced topics in HCI such as multimedia, collaboration, web statistics, visualization, etc.

Study areas include:

·  Foundations of HCI

·  Building Graphic User Interfaces

·  Evaluating User Interfaces

·  Designing User Interfaces

·  Multimedia, Web Analytics, Visualization

·  Collaboration and Communication


The prerequisites for this course are a familiarity with programming graphic user interfaces and data structures.

Course Outline (Subject To Change):

1.  Introduction: What is it and why you should do it
The Process of HCI Design – models of development

2.  Understanding & Involving Users
- user-centered design
- human performance
- mental models

3.  Systematically Designing, Building and Evaluating Interfaces
- needs & requirements definition
- user interface design representations
- interaction styles
- prototyping
- evaluation type
- evaluation type
- ethics in experimentation

4.  Designing Interfaces in the Future
- designing for communication
- affect & expression in interfaces
- metaphor in interfaces
- advanced interfaces


Your grade will be based in part on homework, quizzes, in-class lab assignments and exams. All of these tasks will allow you to apply the techniques you learn.

Homework and programming assignments 40% (Not all programs are created equal)

In-Class Labs/exercises/quizzes 15%

Exams (2) 45%


Attendance is mandatory for this class. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the class. More than four absences will result in a one grade reduction in your final grade.

Things to Note before you decide to take this course:

1.  I do NOT allow students to take the final exams early. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.

2.  I do NOT allow students to ‘make-up’ quizzes or in-class labs. If you are not here the day that these occur, you will receive an F for that assignment.

3.  I will NOT accept any Internet applications that cannot run on the CSP machines (that means NO applications).

4.  I do NOT allow students to leave in the middle of the class, unless there is an emergency -- --- you will be downgraded ONE letter grade.

5.  I generally take roll at the beginning of each class or through a quiz or lab– if you are not here at that time, you will be counted absent.

6.  If your cell phone rings in the middle of class, I will confiscate it.

7.  If you are caught cheating in my class, you will receive an F for the course.

Exams: There will be two exams this semester – one midterm and a final exam. The material covered on the exam will be taken from reading assignments, class lectures, and homework. The exam will be announced at least one class period prior to the exam.

Quizzes and exercises: There will be several quizzes and exercises this semester. These quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Quizzes may not be made up unless the student has a doctor's excuse.

Labs: There will be between eight and ten labs this semester. These labs will be announced. Labs may NOT be made up unless the student has a doctor’s excuse.

Programs and Homework: Programs and any assigned work are to be posted on the due date, or the deadline time given by the instructor. The late policy is that the program is “late” at the beginning of the first class period after the assignment is due.

Attendance: Students are expected to attend each class meeting. In case of illness, death in the family or confinement to a hospital the student may be excused. If you miss class obtain notes and handouts from a classmate. Attendance will be taken at the start of each class period and will be used in the evaluation of your grade.

Speaking English: Students will please speak only English in this class. It is rude to speak a foreign language in front of someone who does not understand the language. Also, the teacher should be able to know what her students are talking about so that she can respond to any problems or issues.

Plagiarism: All assignments and programming projects should be produced by individual effort. Any duplicate solutions, plagiarism, or violations of the Computer Resources Regulations will be dealt with harshly. In cases in which duplicate or near duplicate programs are handed in a grade of zero will be given to all programs/assignments. A repeat offender (more than once) of this policy will immediately will receive an F for the course.

Americans with Disabilities Act:

The Computer Science Department cooperates with the Office of Disability Accommodation to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students (cf. Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504, Rehabilitation Act) with disabilities. If you have not registered with ODA, we encourage you to do so. If you have a disability for which you require accommodation, please discuss your needs with me after class or submit your written Accommodation Request on or before the second week of classes.