Helena Mineralogical Society Meeting Minutes

January 21, 2016

Submitted by Carolyn DeMartino


Martin Landry our president was out sick. Sally Caputo, vice president did a fine job running the meeting.


Dave Jordan presented a DVD about the Adelaide Crocoite Mine in Tasmania. Crocoite is a lead chromate mineral. It is the presence of magnesium that allows chromium and lead to bond to form the extremely bright orange, beautiful crocoite in Tasmania.

For our next meeting Dave has asked Gary Parisi to talk about his Arizona trip.

Show Chair –Dan Caputo for Gary Parisi

Gary Parisi was out of town this evening so Dan Caputo updated the club members about the show status. Show dates are April 9th and 10th, with set-up beginning around 1 pm on Friday the 8th. Following the show set-up; we will have a potluck. The club will provide fried chicken. Please bring a potluck item to share.

At this point in time there are 20 vendors for the rock and mineral show. Gene Hodge asked if there is room for a small dealer of Scandinavian material.

Dan reminded everyone to sign-up to work on the sign-up sheets.Sean and Race will stay overnight to guard the venue.

Grab bag filling will take place at Wayne Water’s house either on March 26 or April 2. Natalie Jordan is in charge of getting the grab bags made this year. February 8 and every other Monday they will be working on the grab bags. Meet at 424 W. Lawrence. Coffee and lunch will be provided. Grab bag making will end around work will end at 3 pm. Terry, Sally, Peggy, and Kathy will help.

Carolyn DeMartino mentioned how having a new show poster might attract more people to the show. She showed a draft version of the poster to club members. People seemed to like the idea but decided it should be tabled till our next meeting. The poster was set on the back table during the break so that club members could make suggestions for the poster. Carolyn also volunteered to call and see if we could put a display about the show in the U.S. Bank window. The club does have 3 sandwich boards that could be placed in strategic areas to direct the public to the show.

Sally Brooks asked if folks were still getting the 404 error when trying to access the newsletter. She said she would let Martin know this is still happening.

Treasurer’s Report – Terri Smith/ Jim Bruce

Jim & Terri went through the club finances. The total assets in November are approximately $24,916.76. January’s total assets will be discussed at our February meeting. A motion was made to accept the report and the motion passed.

Fieldtrip Chair – Wayne Waters/ Martin Landry

Wayne Waters has agreed to become the Fieldtrip Chair. Please let him know if you would like to lead a fieldtrip; or if you have ideas for fieldtrips.

Wayne would like to maybe see us go on an archeological fieldtrip. He is thinking about Camp Disappointment on the Lewis & Clark Trail. Another fieldtrip option would be to attend seminars in Butte at MT Tech. There is a 1 hour & 20 minute Giant Springs Show that discusses medicines on Lewis & Clark’s journey.

Dan O’Leary also said he would give club members a tour of his “mini mining museum”.

Member At Large - Gene Hodge

There is nothing new to report at this time.

Historian/ Secretary-Carolyn DeMartino

Carolyn gave a brief presentation about a large star sapphire that was found in Sri Lanka (see attachment).

New Business

This was the first meeting using the new projector and computer. Dave said both work well. Sally Brooks, Membership/Newsletter Chair will get the old computer to use.

Sally Caputo mentioned that all our claims are legal; that all the paperwork has been submitted, and that this is good for 1 year. Sally also mentioned that she will go through the donated beads for the children’s beading project for this year’s show. Arlene mentioned she would donate a large spool of elastic string and a bottle of glue for the project. The price for the bracelets was tabled till our February meeting. The motion was made and passed concerning the children’s beading project for the show.

Special Notes

Wayne Waters made a motion that Andie Moore and her son Sean Moore be given the privilege of Lifetime Membership for their hard work and dedication to the Helena Mineralogical Society. The motion passed. Congratulations to Andie and Shawn!

Ryan Hannahoe, a science teacher at Clancy Elementary School thanked the club for the donation to help run the Science Camp and the donations of magnifying glasses and rock kits for his classroom.

The HMS Club’s next meeting will be Thursday, February 18, 2016, at the Neighborhood Center at 7 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.