Thomas Love Peacock(1785-1866)


Peacock, Thomas Love. Headlong Hall. Novel. 1816.

_____. Melincourt, or sir Oran Haut-ton. 1817.

_____. Nightmare Abbey. Novel. 1818.

_____. Maid Marian. Novel. 1822.

_____. The Misfortunes of Elphin. Novel. 1829.

_____. Crotchet Castle. Novel. 1831.

_____. "The Capture of Mr Chainmail." From Crotchet Castle. In Great English Short Stories. Ed. Lewis Melville and Reginald Hargreaves. London: Harrap, 1931. 125-42.*

_____. "An Essay on Fashionable Literature." In Romantic Critical Essays. Ed. Bromwich. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993. 187-99.*

_____. "The Four Ages of Poetry." Ollier's Literary Miscellany. 1820.

_____. "The Four Ages of Poetry." Rpt. in Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 491-497.*

_____. "The Four Ages of Poetry." In In Romantic Critical Essays. Ed. Bromwich. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993. 199-211.*

_____. "The Four Ages of Poetry." In Peacock's Four Ages of Poetry, Shelley's Defence of Poetry, Browning's Essays on Shelley. Ed. H. F. B. Brett-Smith. Oxford: Blackwell, 1923.

_____. The Four Ages of Poetry. Ed. John E. Jordan. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965. (Including A Defence of Poetry by Shelley).

_____. "The Four Ages of Poetry." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. Preface to Headlong Hall. In The Personal Note. Ed. H. J. C. Grierson and S. Wason. London: Chatto, 1946. 134-5.

_____. Gryll Grange. 1861.

_____.Headlong Hall and Gryll Grange. Ed. Michael Baron and Michael Slater. Oxford: Oxford UP.

_____. Satirical Novels. Ed. Lorna Sage. 1976.

_____. Papers in The Modern Era 1800-1950. Database. 39 vols. (English Letters). Intelex / Oxford UP, 2004. (Correspondence and papers from Thomas Love Peacock, Harriet Martineau, Augustus De Morgan, William Thackeray, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, David Livingstone, Anthony Trollope, George Boole, Charlotte Brontë, Benjamin Jowett, Walter Pater, Arthur Hugh Clough, Matthew Arnold, George Meredith, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Robert Bridges, Henry Bradley, Robert Louis Stevenson, James George Frazer, Edward Thomas, William Temple, Katherine Mansfield, Wildred Owen, Harold Laski, I. A. Richards. From the Oxford UP ed.).



Dawson, C. His Fine Wit: A Study of Thomas Love Peacock. Berkeley: U of California P, 1970.

Mills, H. Peacock: His Circle and His Age. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1969.

Prickett, Stephen. "Peacock's Four Ages Recycled." British Journal of Aesthetics 22 (1982): 158-66.

Raleigh, Walter. "Peacock." In Raleigh, On Writing and Writers. London: Arnold, 1926. 151-4.*

Roberts, Marie Mulvey, and Hugh Ormsby-Lennon, eds. Secret Texts: The Literature of Secret Societies. AMS Press, 1998.

Wimsatt, W. K. "Peacock vs. Shelley: Rhapsodic Didacticism." In Wimsatt and Brooks, Literary Criticism: A Short History. New York: Knopf, 1957. 412-31.*