Co-op Work Experience

SYG 2949, Class #4630

3 Credit Hours

Instructor:Ms. Anja Norman

Time: On-the-job hours will be established between the student and the internship.

Meetingtimes will be established between the instructor and student.

Location for Campus Meetings: Psych Lab, ES 309, Clearwater Campus

Office:ES 313B

Office Hours:The instructor will be available for consultation during office hours. However, email instructor anytime for assistance or to ask questions.

Instructor holds office hours upon appointment. Please email instructor to schedule a meeting.

Email:To email the instructor through MyCourses: Go to log in, and click on our course. Then, go to the Communication drop down, and click “Email.” Next, click “Compose” and click “Address Book.” If you are taking several courses, then you can click “Filter By” to select only our course. Then, check “Anja Norman” and click “To.” Type in a subject, message,and “Send.”

Although the instructor prefers to receive email through MyCourses, you may also use: however, email may go to SPAM and be delayed.

Instructor responds to emails multiple times daily, Monday through Friday. The last email check of the day is on or before 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Phone:(727) 791- 2671 (office); (727) 791-5963 (Office of Social Science)

Instructor responds to phone calls multiple times daily, Monday through Friday.

Instructor Page Link for “Bio” and Teaching Philosophy:

Academic Department:

Dean of Social Sciences: Dr. Joseph Smiley

Department Chair Office Number: Clearwater Campus, ES 313B

Link to Social Science Website:

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide students with major-related, supervised, evaluated practical training work experiences. Students are graded on the basis of documented learning acquired through hands-on experiences in an actual work setting. Variable credits are available, one to three per course. The student must fulfill the requirement of 60 on-the-job hours for each credit earned in addition to written assignments. Co-op courses may be repeated but total credits shall not exceed twelve.

Course Goal:

The primary goal of this course is student success in “reality testing” a career in a local non-profit agency, while gaining a valuable skill set.

Course Objectives:

  1. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the terminology and procedures used in the workplace.
  2. The student will understand the personnel policies of the place of employment.
  3. The student will apply classroom course content, including theory and skills, to a job situation.
  4. The student will apply the principles of human relations skills in the work setting.
  5. The student will evaluate his/her decisions regarding a career choice.

Prerequisites: Instructor recommendation and approval. Students must pass Level 2 background check and have reliable transportation.

Important Dates:

Drop/Add: On or before 8/22/2014

Last Day to Withdraw with a Grade of W: On or before 10/23/2014

Course Dates: 8/18/2014 - 12/11/2014

Course Requirements:

  1. Attendance.

The instructor will implement SPC’s recommended attendance policy, which is provided below:

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Instructors will verify that students are in attendance at least once each week during the first two weeks of class. Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn.

Immediately following the 60% point of the term, each instructor will verify which students are actively participating in class as defined in the course syllabus. Students classified as not meeting the criteria for active class participation will be administratively withdrawn with a “WF.” Students will be able to withdraw themselves at any time during the term. However, requests submitted after the 60% deadline will result in a “WF.” Students and instructors will automatically receive an e-mail notification to their SPC email whenever a withdrawal occurs.

Active participation in this course is defined as follows:

  1. Fulfilling and documenting the on-the-job hours established by the workplace and student. The due dates for Timesheet submissions are noted on the Calendar. The Timesheet needs to be completed, signed by the student and on-site internship supervisor. Students can submit the Timesheet during Intern Meetings or through the MyCourses drop box in the “Timesheet” module. At the start of final exam week, the on-site hours need to total at least 140.
  2. Meeting with the instructor and other co-op students in the Psychology Lab, ES 309, at the established meeting times.
  3. Completing the assignments in MyCourses. Please consult the Calendar for due dates.

If you do not fulfill the requirement for active course participation, you need to speak with the instructor to determine an academic plan for successful completion of the course. If you do not consult with the instructor, you will need to withdraw from the course before the 60 percent point in the term to receive a grade of “W.” If this occurs after the 60 percent point in the term,you will receive a grade of “WF.” Ifyou are inyour third attempt at completing a course,you will be given a grade of “WF” at any point that youattempt to withdraw or at any point that you violate the attendance policy.

Excused absences that have been communicated with the instructor and documented accordingly will not count against you. Frequent communication with the instructor is highly recommended!

2. Grading.

Student’s total points scored on the following will determine his/her final grade:

On-the-Job Hours Documentation (totaling 140 or more on-site hours) ______40 points

Attendance of Monthly Intern Meetings with Instructor ______20 points

Submission of Time Sheets ______20 points

Class Discussion Participation ______20 points


100 points

The student’s final grade in this course is determined on the basis of his/her accumulated points:

A = 90 – 100 points(90 – 100%)

B = 80 – 89.9 points(80 – 89.9%)

C = 70 – 79.9 points(70 – 79.9%)

D = 60 – 69.9 points(60 – 69.9%)

F = 0 – 59.9 points(0 – 59.9%)

*Please note:* In the event that a student is dismissed from the internship, he or she needs to immediately contact the instructor. The dismissal may result in a grade of “F” for the course.

*Please consult the Calendar in MyCoursesfor Intern Meeting dates and assignment due dates.*