Charles University Prague

2nd Medical School

Department of Immunology

VÚvalu 84, 150 06 Praha 5

Head prof.MUDr. Jiřina Bartůňková, DrSc.

Immunology Essays 2017/2018

Following a good experience of previous years, we continue to assign seminar theses to stimulate the creative activity of our immunology medical students and to lead them in getting oriented in the literature.


1.  Students will make groups od 1-3 students.

2.  Each group will write an essay on one immunology topic. You will choose it during your first seminary. List of topics for this year can be found on this website. Each topic has specific teacher responsible for consultations a evaluation of your work.

3.  The essay should be composed as a paper for medically educated colleagues who do not need to be experts in immunology. All authors who show a perfect comprehension in the essay will be graded the same.

4.  You can ask your teacher in case of difficulties. You will get contact to the teacher responsible for your topic after you will pick it up on the fist seminary and it could be found also in the list of topics on our website. In case of serious problems that you can´t solve with your supervising teacher please contact MD Sobotkova either by phone (22443 5963) or by email () and we will try to sort it out.

5.  Intelligent, creative and independent approach will be appreciated. Start as soon as possible.

Extent: Abstract: 250 words maximum

Text: 1000-2000 words (excluding literature and abstract)

Do not exceed this limit! Brief essays are welcome.

Format: Send essays via email to your teacher and to our secretary - in electronic form (doc, docx preffered) until 27.10.2017.

Oral In Powerpoint, shown at seminar in November 23th and 30th and December 7 th (groups 3, 4) or November 24th and December 1st and 8 th (groups 1, 2)

Presentation max. 10 minutes (approximately 6-8 slides)

presence of all students at these seminars is obligatory

Terms: 1st seminar - October 5 th or 6th 2017- the topic will be assigned

27.10.2016 - deadline for submitting essay

seminar(s) – 23.11., 30.11 and 7.12. 2017 and 24.11., 1.12 and 8.12 2017

Structure: Abstract, text and references (literature) are obligatory. Subchapters are recommended to allow easy orientation to the readers. Cited references must be tractable by common measures such as Medline database.


·  limits (due dates, extent)

·  independent thinking, coverage of all available information

·  the ability to share the thoughts in a concise way

If Your essay and presentation are satisfactory, You will gain credit and can sign for the exam.

Database primary source of abstracts:


The library of our Medical School: contains a free fulltext version of some journals

Alternative search engine Google Scholar:



Charles University Prague

2nd Medical School

Department of Immunology

VÚvalu 84, 150 06 Praha 5

Head prof.MUDr. Jiřina Bartůňková, DrSc.

Immunology Essay

Title of the essay:

Name and surname / Study group


Evaluation of the essay:

1/ Adherence to the length limits?

2/ Correct content of the essay? No serious misunderstandings?

3/ Satisfactory graphical layout and style of the essay?

Other comments:

Name and signature of the teacher evaluating the essay:

Date, oral presentation:

Evaluation of the oral presentation:

1/ Adherence to the length limits?

2/ Correct content of the essay? No serious misunderstandings?

3/ Satisfactory graphical layout and style of the presentation?

Other comments:

Name and signature of the teacher evaluating the presentation:

Overall evaluation/grade: