Currie Enrichment Series: Unity Without Uniformity- 1 Corinthians 1:10-18

First Presbyterian Church

Kerville, TX

April 3, 2011

Dr. Tony Campolo

First Presbyterian Church

Kerville, TX

11:00 AM

April 3, 2011

  1. 1Corinthians 12:12-19, 27
  2. The church has always been divided, even in the days of the Apostle Paul
  3. Aren’t we all called to be members one to another
  4. Some of the divisions today are ethnic, political, economic, Apollonian/Dionysian
  5. Story about Blaise Pascal who sat in still and quite until he experienced God in his being, the Holy Spirit and his words “fire, fire, fire, joy, joy, joy!”
  6. Theology with out emotion is dead, and emotion without theology is just emotion.
  7. Story about Tony’s sermon that was going nowhere and the woman that said “help him Jesus, help him Jesus!”
  8. There is even a split in the church over music
  9. Romans 14- The church was divided over vegetarianism and those that ate meat
  10. Matthew 13:52
  11. John 17- Jesus prays for the oneness of the faith
  12. How do we overcome our differences? We have to come to grips with who Christ is.
  13. Story about the man ant the ants whom he tried to communicate his love for them
  14. Only by becoming one of us could Jesus fully communicate God’s love for us
  15. There is a difference between Christ being in us and Christ being with us.
  16. It’s much more than just being orthodox. Is Christ in you?
  17. Story about the deacon that didn’t “deac.”
  18. The same Christ that incarnated the body of Jesus wants to incarnate each one of us
  19. 1 Corinthians 12:27, Romans 8- The same Spirit that was in Christ Jesus will invade your mortal bodies
  20. John 14:12
  21. There is something more important than miracles, love.
  22. Love is more than romanticism
  23. A wedding just creates the possibility for marriage,
  24. Galatians 6- There is a special love that is generated in the Spirit
  25. Story about the birthday party for Agnes the prostitute
  26. You don’t have to be a prostitute on the street to have a lost soul
  27. Story about the story Fred Craddock would tell about the greyhound dog that stopped chasing rabbis that weren’t real
  28. Seek fist the Kingdom of God
  29. Story about orphanage tony helped build in Haiti
  30. The church can do great things
  31. Tony tells the parable about the wheat and the tares
  32. Not only is the kingdom of evil growing everyday, but so is the Kingdom of God
  33. The church is exploding all over the world
  34. T.S. Elliot had it wrong when he said “This is the way the world will end, not with a bang, but a whimper.”
  35. This is the way the world will end, the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our God,

Tags: 1 Corinthians 12, church, divided, Paul, ethnic, political, economic, Apollonian, Dionysian, Pascal, Holy Spirit, fire, joy, theology, emotion, music, Romans 14, Matthew 13, John 17, love, orthodox, deacon, 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 8, John 14, miracles, love, romance, wedding, marriage, Galatians 6, Agnes, Honolulu, Hawaii, Agnes, prostitute, Fred Craddock, rabbits, Haiti, orphanage, church, wheat, tares, parable, T. S. Elliot, Kingdom of God