CTO: 11:44 a.m.
Present: Rose Amador,Benny Boveda, Janeen Dittrick, Joseph Flynn, Richard Friberg, Leslie Gilroy, Jose Gonzalez, Sue Koepp-Baker,Glenn Ledet, Rocky Maddex, Dr. David Matuszak, OlivierMinkowski, Pamela Moore, Ananth Nagaraj, Dr. Mark Novak, Rachel Perez, Steve Preminger, Rashad Said, Mitch Schoch, Fernando Sepulveda, Bryan VanHuystee, Henri Villalovoz,Erin Wright, Sima Yazdani.
Absent:Ralph Aceves, Denise Boland, Brian Chrisman, Jack Estill, Tom Fink, Scott Green, Bill Guthrie, Van Le, Marcia Lillis, David London, Matt Navarro, Hermelinda Sapien, Dani Sellers, Sajeev Sidher, Alex Torres, Lloyd Tran, Jorge Zavala.
- OPENING REMARKS: Read by Chair Benny Boveda.
ACTION:Upon motion bySteve Preminger, seconded byRocky Maddex, and approved unanimously, the Board unanimously accepted the following consent items:
(a)Accept the Grant Report of March 1, 2012.
(b)Accept the Training Report of February 27, 2012.
(c)Accept the Customer Service and Integration Report of March 2, 2012.
(d)Accept the (BOS) Report of March 2, 2012.
(e)Accept the Labor Market Information Report of February 1, 2012.
(f)Accept the December Budget Variance Report of March 1, 2012.
- Old Business
- Minutes Approval
ACTION: The Minutes of work2future’s December 8, 2011 Board meeting were approved with five abstentions.
Motion: Leslie Gilroy
Seconded by: Erin Wright
B. New Business
1. Executive Director’s Report Out
Executive Director Jeff Ruster said that the Report Out will be a standing Board agenda item moving forward. He mentioned that work2future has undergone several restructurings not in response to crises, but to ensure that it stays ahead of the curve. He added, looking at the agenda items for the meeting, that the budget, RFPs, new legislation and technologies will also cause changes to the business model and will reshape the organization within six to twelve months. He closed by saying that there is room for optimism, but work2future must sustain its high level of performance and high impact in the community, and must stay on the path to continuous improvement.
2.Featured Board Member
The Featured Board Member presentation was deferred to the June 21, 2012 Board meeting.
- Department of Labor Performance Update
Assistant Director Christopher Donnelly provided an update to the Board regarding work2future’s performance, explaining that work2future is projecting that it will meet or exceed nine out of nine performance goals at 80% of the negotiated level as success is defined by the State, and seven out of nine performance goals at 100% of the negotiated level as success is defined locally, since work2future’s local goals are set higher than the State goals.
- work2future Budget Approval
The Executive Director discussed SB 734’s requirement that at least 25% of each WIB’s Adult and Dislocated Worker formula funding be expended for training, and that the expenditure requirement for 10% of the Adult/Dislocated Workerformula funding may be met by applying leveraged resources. He also discussed the implications of SB 734 as it relates to work2future’s budget, explaining that the definition of training that work2future had assumed for purposes of assembling the budget was close to the definition issued by the State in a recent draft directive. He said that, for the coming fiscal year, work2future’s budget scenarios allocatehalf of the SB 734 requirement for Adult/Dislocated expenditures (12.5%) to trainingin order to retain staff that otherwise would have to be laid off to meet SB 734’s training expenditure requirement.
The Executive Director provided three budget scenarios to the Board: a $9.7M budget (0% increase over this year’s budget), a base case $8.7M budget (12% reduction relative to this year’s budget), and a $7M budget (28% reduction relative to this year’s budget). Three scenarios were provided for approval to ensure that work2future has sufficient flexibility to move forward in the likely event that the actual allocation falls within the range defined by the budget scenarios.
The proposed program operating budget scenarios were reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee at its meeting of February 16, 2012, and the staff recommendation to forward the budgets to the Board were reviewed and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of March 14, 2012.
ACTION: work2future’s proposed preliminary Program Operating Budgets for FY 2012-2013 of $7M, $8.5M, and $9.7M were unanimously approved.
Motion: Sue Koepp-Baker
Seconded by: Rocky Maddex
- Contract Manufacturing Study
The Contract Manufacturing study presentation wasdeferred to the June 21, 2012 Board meeting.
- SB 698 & Private Employer Business Council Update
An update was provided to the Board regardingSB 698, its potential effect on the organizational workload in terms of the strategic planning needed per SB 698 in addition to the annual plan already required to be submitted to the State, and the formation of a private sector team to address this and various other requirements leading to designation as a “high performing WIB.”
Ms. Sima Yazdani, Senior Manager of Process Refinement and Information Architecture/Strategic Planning for Cisco Systems, Inc., provided an engaging presentation regarding work2future’s product strategy.
- NUMMI Update
An update was provided to the Board regarding NUMMI client services, training, and performance.
- Shop San Jose Campaign Update
An update was provided to the Board regarding the ongoing Shop San Jose Campaign, an additional BOS service enhancement to increase demand for San Jose’s goods and services.
- Election of work2future Chair and Vice-Chair
The Executive Director thanked work2future Chair Benny Boveda with a plaque for his many years of service and support for the organization.
ACTION: Joseph Flynn was nominated and elected to serve as work2future’s Chair.
Motion: Rashad Said
Seconded by: Benny Boveda
ACTION: Sima Yazdani was nominated and elected to serve as work2future’s Vice-Chair.
Motion: Steve Preminger
Seconded by: Dr. Mark Novak
C.Set Items for Next Agenda
- Final work2future Budget
- Technology Study Update
- SB 698 and other workforce legislation
- Contract Manufacturing Study
- Announcements
- Assistant Director: The Youth RFP and RFQ were released three weeks ago and are posted on the City’s WebGrants site, technical assistance conferences were held for both solicitations, and the responses to questions from the technical assistance conferences will be posted as an addendum to the Youth RFP and RFQ on WebGrants. The Adult/Dislocated Worker Workshops RFQ may be released as soon as tomorrow, March 16, 2012.
- Business Services Manager B.J. Sims:work2future is holding a Job Fair at the Mexican Heritage Plaza on March 28, 2012. The Job Fair at the Youth Training Center (Shirakawa) on February 29, 2012 with over 500 job seekers attending. She added that over 200 small business owners attended Small Business Tax AssistanceDay, and that Assemblyman Paul Fong is sponsoring a Business Expo at the Cupertino Quinlan Community Center on March 23, 2012; information will be sent out to Board members.
- Assistant Director: A Youth Job Fair was held in Gilroy on March 13, 2012;
13 employers participated, with nearly 100 youth attending.
- Pamela Moore:A Job Fair was held by San Jose State University with over 2200 participants, 500 recruiters, and over 120 employers.
- Joseph Flynn:For new Board members, the best way to learn more about what is going on is to participate in a work2future committee.
E. Next Board Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 21, 2012at 11:30 a.m. at work2future’s Business Services and Administration Center (Almaden Winery Community Center).
V.PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments.
- ADJOURNMENT: the meeting was adjourned at 1:12 p.m.