SEPTEMBER 5-8, 2017 / Contact Mrs. Male:

/ NO SCHOOL MONDAY, 9/5** "Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers." "It first became a federal holiday in 1894." Wikipedia / SUPPORT PTO! / To maintain HONORS LEVEL GROWTH, read independently at least :40 per day.
8:45-10:15a / RELA/READING,
10:15a-11:30a / SCIENCE (Q1&4)
11:30a-12:20p / 12:20p-12:55p / SSR
12:55p-1:20p / 1:20p-2:12p Specials / Technology & Enrichment:
TUESDAY / Power up 16
Saxon 2.16, Rounding Whole Numbers; Estimating, pg.82-86
DAILY NOTES: Vocabulary (round; estimate)
Problem Solving: together
Practice set: a-o, together
Practice, #1-30 / Anchor Text ‘Double Dutch, A Celebration of Jump Rope, Rhyme, and Sisterhood’ Vocabulary, pg.110-113; RN39&42; This week’s skills: Pause to clarify and Recognizing Sequence of Events. First read: Pg.115-125, w/Sequence of Events Graphic Organizer (PR57-72)
Essential Question: “How can being active in sports improve someone’s attitude?”
Writing: Share selected dialogues
Hake Grammar, Lesson 13: Singular, Plural Compound, and Possessive Nouns, pg.53-57 NO Review set 13. Complete Possessive Worksheet by tomorrow.
Dictation prep #2, pg. 611 / Finish Chapter 1 notes; review for test tomorrow. BRING ALL NOTES TO THE OPEN NOTES TEST on Wednesday
Chapter 1, Review & Test Preparation, pg. 62-63 (together)
Work on Circulatory System enrichment Packet (due Fri.) & Heart Model(due Thurs.) / RECESS/LUNCH / SSR / 1:20p-2:12p Specials – (PE, Dance, Art, Music) / MiM
Collect & Analyze Airplane data
Self-correct hmwk 16
Power up:17
Saxon 2.17, Number Line, Fractions & Mixed Numbers, pg.87-92
Problem Solving – Moved to Thursday**
Activity: create a 1/16th” ruler – attach to notes.
Daily Notes: a-g
Practice, #1-30 / Reading: 10:15a-11:05a
Anchor Text ‘‘Double Dutch, A Celebration of Jump Rope, Rhyme, and Sisterhood’ Dig deeper,pg.126-129, Analyze text: Pace & Rhythm;.Second read: Pg.115-125 with RN 37&38
Essential Question: “How can being active in sports improve someone’s attitude?”
Hake Grammar: Lesson 14: Future Tense, pg.58-62.
REVIEW SET 14, #1-30, IS HOMEWORK, due FRI. / Science:
Chapter 1 Science test – OPEN NOTES. Upon completion: Hand-in test AND notes (separately) for a grade.
Heart Model is due tomorrow / 11:55-12:30p: RECESS/LUNCH / 10 MINUTE BREAK / 12:41-1:25p SPECIALS / 1:25p-2:05p
THURSDAY / Self-correct hmwk 17
Power up 18
Saxon 2.18, Average; Line Graphs; pg.93-98
Enrich: Line graphs
Daily Notes: Vocab (average; line graph) & prac.set a-h.
Problem Solving Teams: **Lessons 17&18
Practice, #1-30 / Compare texts with similar themes: ‘Score!’, identify Rhyme and Rhythm of Poetry. Pg. 130-132; Compare texts, p.133;
Grammar review: Commas, RN46 & Capitalizations, RN47
Essential Question: “How can being active in sports improve someone’s attitude?”
Hake Grammar: Lesson 15: Capitalization: Sentence, ‘I’, and Poetry; pg.63-67.
NO Review set for Lesson 15.
Hake Grammar Dictation Test #2; Uncorrected errors are 2pts. (pg.611), / Finish Circulatory System enrichment packet. Due tomorrow for a grade.
Finish and hang your heart model along the TOP EDGE of the ‘cog’ mural in the back of the room. Be sure your name is on your model!
Open notes Circulatory and Respiratory test is next week. / RECESS/LUNCH / SSR / 1:20p-2:12p Specials – (PE, Dance, Art, Music) / Francesco Redi/Scientific Method Powerpoint work session.
FRIDAY / Self-correct Hmwk #18
Investigate #2, (2nd Fri. of 2) Investigating Fractions with Manipulatives, pg.109-111;.complete #19-30 & EXT.a-c. Note: your answers must be in the form of drawn models (pictures) of the fractions. / Friday Science PODS:
A.TeamPPt.rehearsal– Francesco Redi/Scientific Method
B. Respiratory operation/Smartboard
C. Respiratory Model (due 9/14)
D. Respiratory Info pack (due 9/15)
E. Rehearse Circulatory System Skit (w/dialogue) (due 9/15)
F.Optional 3-D Lung Model (needs one 2 liter bottle,per team, from home). / Self-correct Grammar 14; #1-30.
Th.1-4 Reading Test / RECESS/LUNCH / SSR. / Movie: Respiratory System

What's happening this week at Four Peaks?

This Friday, 9/8, marks the mid-point of the first quarter and P1 (mid-quarter Progress) will close. I am accepting missing work through Thursday morning, 10am. Please I have been working with at-risk students for the past two weeks and I ask that parents take the time to review PowerSchool with your child. ‘Good work’ hugs are due to most!

- Science - Every Friday for the remainder of the quarter, we break into teams to work on various hands-on, computer-based, or other enrichment projects. Many of the students thrive in team environments while others find 'teamwork' quite a challenge. As teamwork is an expectation at all education levels, we will continue practicing the skill. Please ask your student about their team and help him/her find ways to be a highly effective team player. Also, if by chance you have an extra pair of student scissors at home, please send them in. We’ll do quite a bit of cutting during the rest of the quarter. Thank you.

- Grammar/Dictation – Dictation is now a weekly part of our routine. Dictation activities give students a chance to practice their auditory processing skills and prepare them for taking lecture notes in the future. Our dictation practice also includes self-correction activities and students who self-correct any and all errors in their dictation test earn 100% credit for the test. Because the self-editing is supported by an open book (dictation lessons start on pg. 611 of the grammar book you have at home), the point value of uncorrected errors is steep. During week 1, students lost 1 points per error. This week, students lose 2 points per error and starting next week, the point value for each uncorrected error settles at 5 points per error for the remainder of the year. Although students are always expected to do their very best the first time, I will accept re-done self-corrected dictation should a low grade be earned on the first try.

To view an electronic copy of this Weekly Communicator, go to

Best contact: e-mail,

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.” — F. Matthias Alexander. Excellent work habits are wonderful tools for the honors level student, so I have asked all students in the class to focus on two questions as we move forward: “Do my work habits help or hinder my progress?” and “Do my work habits help or hinder other people’s progress?” Good habits that are of particular focus are avoiding disruptions during work or testing sessions and preparing for transitions in a timely manner. With everyone practicing good work habits, we can more comfortably meet our honors level goals for the year. Congratulations and thanks go out to the many students who have already mastered these particularly important work habits!

Weblinks used in Mrs. Male’s Class this week

Tuesday Math – Rounding whole numbers. Includes a review of the rules of rounding.

Tuesday Grammar: Forming possessive nouns


Possessive nouns and pronouns

Tuesday Science:Circulatory System


Red Blood Cells:

Wednesday Math, Mixed Numbers and Fractions on a Number Line

Thursday Science: Circulatory System

Details of the Circulatory System:

Types of blood cells:

Circuits of oxygenated & deoxygenated blood:

Friday Science: Pulmonary Function: Gas exchange between lungs and blood cells

Friday Science: The respiratory process has many steps.