Kindergarten Supply List

If a specific name brand is listed, please make every effort to purchase that brand. We have learned from experience what works best for the children.

2 - 12 pks #2 pencils – sharpened

4 - boxes of Crayola Crayons (24 ct)

1 - 8 pk Crayola Classic washable markers

2 - 7.6 oz (Large Bottle) Elmer’s White School Glue (no glue-all)

5 - 0.77 oz JUMBO Elmer’s Glue Sticks

1 - black & white marble notebook

1 - 1” hardcover vinyl 3-ring binder

2 - 4 pks BLACK EXPO Dry Erase LOW ODOR markers

1 - 5” Fiskar scissors – pointed metal blade

1 - Pink Pearl Eraser

1 - package white lined index cards

1 - 8” x 5” supply box – no handles

Boys - 1 - box Ziploc Bags – gallon size

Girls - 1 - box Ziploc Bags – quart size

2 - old socks to be used as an eraser

2 - large boxes of tissues

1 - backpack – no wheels or long hanging straps due to safety concerns

1 - art smock (An old adult size t-shirt works best)

1 - beach towel or braided rug for rest time (no mats, please)

2 - pumps of hand soap

1 - extra set of clothing (underwear, socks, shirt, pants) to be kept in school in case of an accident (please label items)

1 - sweater or sweatshirt to be kept in school (please label)

$6.00 for magazine subscription

Sneakers must be worn everyday. For your child’s safety we are asking that when you purchase new sneakers for your son/daughter please keep safety in mind. Sneakers that either tie or have Velcro are the best. Slip on, zipper or sneakers with high heels do not stay on and are a safety hazard in the gym class. We do a variety of activities throughout the school year and we need sneakers that fit and will not fall off easily.