Module 1: Basic Reactionnaires Final Exam
Please select the oneBEST answer for each question.
1.Before creating a reactionnaire instrument, it is important to ask questions about the specific training session. What is one important question you need to know
about the training session?
a)How long is the training session?
b) What is the purpose of the training session?
c)How many questions are needed to create the reactionnaire?
d) How many participants will be answering the training reactionnaire?
2)What do you do when you see an item on the reactionnaire measuring two criteria at the same? For example: "The facilitator was helpful and organized."
a)Create a double-barrel item.
b)Change the item to an open response so the respondent can write answers
to both criteria.
c)Edit the item into two separate criteria.
d)Edit the item so only relevant information is used.
3)If you see a question on a reactionnaire stating, "What did you like best
about this training session?," how might you edit the item to follow one of the six
a)Create a double-barrel item in order to eliminate an open-ended statement.
b)Write the item using positive language.
c)Write closed questions or statements requiring response categories.
d)Write the response sets so it contains the evaluation, for example,
excellent, good, etc.
4)"The facilitator spoke clearly" is an example of:
a) an item biased towards the negative; it needs to be written using neutral
b)an item biased towards the positive; it needs to be written using neutral
c)a neutral item; it is correct to keep the item as it is written because one
of the six guidelines encourages neutral language.
d)a positive item; it is correct to keep the item as it is written because one
of the six guidelines is to use a balance of positive and negative items.
5)When a reactionnaire asks the respondent to rate the HR Director's academic background, the reactionnaire violates which guideline?
a)Write closed questions requiring categories of response sets.
b)Only ask relevant information.
c)Write items using neutral language.
d)Write specific items in order to obtain more information.
6)One guideline encourages evaluators to write questions that break down the
assessment by units, modules and/or chapters. For example:
How do you rate the handouts for:
Unit 1:
clarity?3 2 1
comprehensiveness?3 2 1
usefulness?3 2 1
Unit 2:
clarity?3 2 1
comprehensiveness?3 2 1
usefulness?3 2 1
In the example above, which guideline is BEST illustrated?
a)Write specific items in order to obtain more information.
b)Only ask relevant information.
c)Write items using neutral language.
d)Write closed questions requiring categories of response sets.
7)Which response set below provides the most specific feedback to the following
question:"How do you rate the instructor's voice projection?"
a)Excellent5 4 3 2 1 Poor
b)5 = Strongly Agree
4 = Agree
3 = Neutral
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly Disagree
c)3 = Perfect2 = Too Much1 = Too Little
d)3 = Good2 = Average1 = Poor
8)In a reactionnaire's demographic section, it asks the respondents to indicate
their gender, job title, and company location. Why might these questions
be problematic?
a)Taken together, these questions can disclose who is answering the
b)People enjoy answering demographic information because they like to
talk about themselves.
c)This type of information makes the reactionnaire instrument longer. Thus,
respondents will focus on the demographic section rather than the other
reactionnaire sections.
d)Closed response sets would need to be created rather than open-ended
9)Some evaluators use large scales such as the example below.
10 = Outstanding ...... 1 = Poor
What is their reason for using larger scales?
a)greater reliability
b)greater validity
c)greater internal consistency
d)greater variability
10)One reason the guidelines suggest you write neutral statements isunlike writing a
balanced of positive and negative items, with neutral statements you don't have to:
a) validate any of the items.
b) count the number of items you have.
c) reassess the number of items in relationship to response sets.
d) recode any of the items.
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