Florida ERC Net Script

30 Jul 12 / Version 1.0.0

Pre-Net Announcement: [ At Least 10 minutes prior to scheduled start time ]

This is (call sign) with an announcement for all stations monitoring this frequency. Florida ERC will begin at : Zulu. Are there any early birds wishing to check in?

Calling The Net:

Calling the Florida Emergency Response Communications Net. This is (call sign) calling the Florida ERC. The purpose of this net is to provide emergency communications specialists an opportunity to test their equipment, improve operating skills, pass message traffic and prepare for emergency operations.

This is a directed net. Please transmit only when requested to do so by net control. This is (call sign), (call sign phonetically) net control station. My name is (name). My transmitting location is (your location).

We use the ARRL standard triple BREAK for priority and emergency traffic only. Is there any emergency or priority traffic for the net?

Roll call follows by geographic area. As you check-in, please give your call sign, name and if you have traffic: (Call each group as listed on the roster)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Are there any relays? Are there any stations who I did not hear but someone else did? Call now please.

[ If there are check them in above - After taking check-ins, DO NOT make/allow any comments / announcements at this time. ]

Welcome one and all to the net. This is (call sign) Net Control for Florida ERC.

We will now return to those who have traffic.

[ DO NOT allow anything improper ]

Training: (Deleted In Times Of A Real Emergency)

Prior to opening the net for general traffic I would like to turn the time over to (the name & call sign of the trainer) , for today=s training event.

[ Turn the time over to the station giving the training. At the end, allow the station giving the training item to answer questions. Then, THANK the training station ]

This is (call sign) Net Control for Florida ERC. At this time I would like to open the net for general comments and discussion.

[ Open net for discussion - DO NOT allow anything improper ]

This is (call sign) Net Control for Florida ERC, calling for any late or missed check-ins, call now please.

[ Handle any late or missed check-ins at this time - log on pages 2 and 3 - DO NOT let this drag out. ]

Are there any additional reports, comments, announcements, bulletins, or additional business for the net?

[ Handle any additional comments, announcements, bulletins, or business at this time. ]

Closing the Net:

Thanks to all stations participating in the net today. This is (call sign) Net Control for Florida ERC closing the net at (local time)

: hours. Safety First!!

Total Stations Participating:

Reported To Florida ERC NM On:

Reported To ERC-East Operations Manager On: