Sigma Theta Tau: Iota Xi Chapter

Florida Atlantic University

Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing

Meeting Date: September 23, 2013 8:30 pm.


Participants: Anne Dahnke, Katherine Keller, Rhonda Goodman, Sharon Dormire, Susan Dyess, Kitty Chadwell, Roshini Persaud, Dong Piyakong, Christine Williams, Felicisima Perlas, Sandra Siegel, Mary Perry, Rebecca Koszalinski, Liz Thomas, Betty Chukwuma

Agenda Item / Key Discussion Points / Action / Follow-Up Responsible Party
Call to Order 8:35 am
Temporary Secretary- Susan Dyess
Other Officers needed-
Finance Report
Fall Program
Spring Program
10 year doctoral Education Anniversary Celebration -November
Website update
Other Business
Next Meeting
OCTOBER 28, 2013 0830
Respectfully submitted:
Susan Dyess / Anne Dahnke called the meeting to order.
Minutes of November 12, 2012 last set of minutes to review. C.Barry contacted for more current minutes.
President elect-Roshini Persaud
Davie Faculty Counselor-vacant
Leadership Succession plan Nominating committee chair- Felicisima Perlas
Revenue: $ 10,415.01 income (over $9,000 membership fees) Other methods for Cord sales-income and guest for induction Expenses: $9111.88 ( mainly reception for 25th year/ induction recruitment, STTI assessment fee, IAHC Sponsorship, upcoming STTI conference)
Balance: $17,338.41
Budget estimate- similar to last year-will mail considered in budget Fall conference sponsorship Tax IRS paperwork being done now
Fall Program- Research Conference at Holy Cross Hospital. Saturday November 9, 2013. Iota Xi chapter supporting at $250 level
Consider the 3rd week in February. Wednesday February 19 tentative time frame- 6:00 for research presentations Consider Lisa Weise & Nohemi Sadule-Rios- to present their research that was supported with Iota Xi Funds
Requested to consider sponsorship by planning committee
Discussion to increase sponsorship to Silver level or $2,500, questions related to stipulations of money and who will be supported by the funding.
More information is needed to determine if STTI Iota Xi will increase to $ 2,500.
Who can work with Michelle Perkins to update? Please update information
Please place on national website a Congratulatory note for the 10 year anniversary / Deferred review until clarified if November 2012 minutes already approved.
Anne will follow up with Sue Bulfin to invite her to consider position.
F. Perlas will work with Cindy Blum to transition
Move to accept report-Christine Williams/ Second- Sharon Dormire Accepted report- unanimously
Motion to approve research program and sponsorship Anne Dahnke, Second- Rhonda Goodman - Passed unanimously
All in favor
Motion to support the event at the Bronze level or $1,000- Katherine Keller Seconded by Rhonda Goodman
Passed 13 in favor 2 abstain
Another motion made by Sharon Dormire to increase sponsorship to Silver level or $2,500, Seconded by Rebecca Koszalinski Discussion related to stipulations of money and who will be supported by the funding
Some outdated information needs correction. / A Dahnke with C. Barry
A Dahnke with S. Bulfin
C. Blum with F. Perlas
Rhonda Goodman will send projected budget out to Anne to include with minutes
Anne will follow up with Joy Longo
Anne Dahnke will confirm date and inform Christine Williams who will invite the two potential speakers
Christine Williams will follow up with details related to sponsorship.
Anne Dahnke and Katherine Keller will work on this together.
Anne Dahnke will do this


Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing - Sigma Theta Tau International – Iota Xi Officers, 2012-2013

Title / Name / Email
President / Anne Dahnke /
Vice President / Shirley Gordon /
President Elect / Roshini Persaud
Treasurer / Rhonda Goodman /
Secretary / Charlotte Barry/ Interim Susan Dyess /

Leadership Succession Committee/Chairperson / Felicismas Perla & Cindy Blum /
Governance Committee Chairperson / Sharon Dormire /
Boca Faculty Counselor / Rebecca Koszalinski
Assistant to Rebecca Sandy Siegel
Davie Faculty Counselor / vacant
TCC Faculty Counselor / Jill Winland-Brown /
OFFICE / Term of Office / Duties of the Office
President / 2012-2014 / The president shall be the executive officer and shall administer all business of the Society as provided for by the bylaws. The president serves as chief representative of the chapter in inter-chapter activities, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except Leadership Succession Committee
President-elect / 2013-2015 / The president-elect shall succeed into the presidency at the end of the term of office and shall promote the purposes of the Society
Vice President / 2011-2013 / The vice president shall perform the duties of the president in the president's absence.
Treasurer / 2011-2013 / The treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of this chapter and may be bonded in an amount equal to three-fourths of the worth of the chapter. The treasurer shall propose a budget to the board.
Secretary / 2011-2013 / The secretary shall prepare and distribute meeting minutes and correspondence.
Succession / 2013-2015
(C. Blum) / The Leadership Succession Committee shall consist of three elected members and shall develop members in organizational leadership roles across the span of their careers, mentor members to assume organizational board and officer positions at all levels of the organization. The committee shall select nominees and prepare the ballot.
Committee / 2012-2014 / The Governance Committee shall oversee bylaws compliance, make recommendations for bylaws changes and oversee member and chapter eligibility issues.
Faculty Counselor / 2013-2015 / A counselor shall be a member of the faculty at the institution of higher learning where the chapter is located
Faculty Counselor / 2013-2015
Harbor Branch Faculty Counselor / 2013-2015
Davie Faculty Counselor / 2013-2015