Cal Ripken Contact information

League Purpose

Manager Information



Bat Safety


Line-up cards

New Releases



League Goals and Expectations


Rookie Division Specific Rules

Minor Division Specific Rules

Major Division Specific Rules

Suggestion and Concerns Procedure Policy

Conduct Policy

Parents Meeting

Coaches Code of Ethics

Players Code of Ethics

Welcome to the Brunswick Cal Ripken League. It is the purpose of the Brunswick Cal Ripken League to introduce baseball and softball to the kids of Brunswick. We hope to provide an enjoyable and rewarding experience for your youth and to all those involved.

The goals of the program include:

To teach the fundamentals of softball and baseball in a supportive and instructional manner to youth ages6 through 12.

To demonstrate and encourage good sportsmanship, appreciation, and respect for teammates, opponents, coaches, umpires and fans.

It is our philosophy to the greatest extent possible to provide every player the opportunity to participate equally and fairly in regular season games.

Brunswick Cal Ripken

Managers & Coaches


Board of Directors – 2014


Vice PresidentRick

SecretaryLaura Lee


Board MembersMatt












Major League Division

Minor League Division

Rookie League Division

Scheduling Coordinator

Equipment Coordinator

Concessions Coordinator

Insurance Coordinator

Registration Coordinator

Umpire Coordinator

Fundraising Coordinator

Coaching Coordinator

Durham Cal Ripken: President Rod Stimpson

Lisbon Cal Ripken: President Tony Austin, cell: 207-740-0705, email:

Bath Cal Ripken: President Denis LeBourdais email:

Managers and Coaches Information


  • ALL coaches in Brunswick Cal Ripken must complete the Cal Ripken certification course/exam online or regular mail.

WHO: All Cal Ripken Coaches heads and assistants

WHAT: Coach Certification

WHERE: Go to Online course and exam will take about 2 hours.

WHY: REQUIRED BY Cal Ripken National rules.

COST: $20. Brunswick Cal Ripken will reimburse you for the cost if you are coaching in the league this year. Submit a copy of the receipt and the league will reimburse you.


  • NOTIFICATION -In the event of rainout cancellations a notice will be posted on the league website (DO NOT PUT “WWW” INFRONT). Team Managers/coaches are responsible for checking the league website and Managers are responsible for contacting all of the players on their team. The league President or designee will do their best to send an email to the managers in the event of a rain out. If a manager/coach does not have e-mail or internet access they will have to make a special request to the league president to be contacted by phone. Because we are using the Town of Brunswick’s fields, the decision to cancel games is made by the BrunswickRecreationCenter personnel. On weekdays the decision will be made by 3pm, on the weekends ASAP. Please do not call the Recreation Center; the league will send you an email. Decisions to cancel are final and games absolutely will not be reinstated if the weather clears.
  • SEVERE WEATHER PROCEDURESIn the case of a severe weather warning, the ranking league official should notify all participants, spectators and staff and be alert for lightning, hail or heavy rains. At the first sign of thunder and/or lightning the area will be cleared immediately. If after 30 minutes there has not been any additional thunder and/or lightning the facility may be reopened and play may be resumed. It is important to wait the full 30 minutes. If the thunder and lightning continues the area will remain closed until the storm clears. Again, it is important to wait 30 minutes after hearing the last thunder roll or seeing the last flash of lightning. There may be instances when a storm moves into the area rather rapidly and without much warning. In this case the ranking official may need to take appropriate and immediate action to clear the area. The league will do its very best to reschedule any/all games cancelled for inclement weather but the league President has the authority to decide whether a game will be rescheduled or not on a case by case basis. The league Scheduling Coordinator: Ryan Sullivan, email:ill be responsible for contacting team managers about reschedule dates and times.
  • RESCHEDULING GAMES CANCELLED FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER:The league will do its very best to reschedule any/all games cancelled for inclement weather but the league President has the authority to decide whether a game will be rescheduled or not on a case by case basis. The league Scheduling Coordinator:Ryan Sullivan, email: ill be responsible for contacting team managers about reschedule dates and times.

4. RESCHEDULING REQUEST – (other than weather)

If a problem arises during the regular season where a team will not have enough players due to a school function or some other reason, please contact the opposing coaches and Scheduling Coordinator:Ryan Sullivan, email: . The two coaches can request a game be rescheduled and in most cases we will reschedule that game at a later datebut the league President has the authority to decide whether a game will be rescheduled or not on a case by case basis.


Safety with bats is a real concern; please stress this issue with players and parents. Players should only pick up a bat if they have a batting helmet on. There should be a coach or parent volunteer to help supervise the on-deck circle during games. Please only one player in the on-deck circle at any time and they must be wearing a helmet.


Scorebooks must be filled out & accurate(minor & U10/major & U12 divisions only). Try and have a parent keep the book for you. Help them identify “real hits” vs. reaching base on errors. We may be using these books to help us select All-Star players and to complete evaluations at the end of the season.


Managers need to give a written roster/batting lineup to the opposing team prior to the start of the game


News releases for U10, U12, minor and major league divisions: The manager of the home team is responsible for sending in game results to the Times Record during the course of the season. We want all kids to be recognized at least once during the season. Try and list the score and hitting, fielding and pitching stars of both teams. You can email the results to .


Practices can start as soon as the fields are ready for play. A schedule will be established with the scheduling coordinator:Ryan Sullivan, e-mail: . Most teams practice once a week.


The league will supply each coach with equipment including: jerseys, pants, socks, hats, softballs and baseballs (type specific to division), bats, catcher’s equipment, batting helmets and scorebook. The coach is responsible for picking up equipment at the designated facility and time and the coach is responsible for collecting team jerseys and pants at the end of the season and turning in equipment at the designated facility. If you cannot make the designated times contact the equipment coordinator or your division coordinator to arrange a special time.

Brunswick Cal Ripken

League Structure, Goals & Expectations




Rookie Division

The emphasis of the rookie division is on fun. We are introducing most players to the great games of softball and baseball. We need to make the game fun, safe and interesting to all players. To accomplish these goals, players will be equipped with smaller, properly sized equipment. After assuring player safety, the primary role of the coaching staff is to keep play moving along. From a developmental point of view, seven and eight year old boys and girls need to remain engaged mentally to have a sense of fun. This is accomplished by the joint effort of the coaches of both teams. For example, the time to teach swing mechanics is at practice or on the sideline, not in the batter’s box during the game.

This is “non-traditional” baseball and softball. All players on defense and hitting through the entire roster are examples of our non-traditional approach. We also allow defensive coaches to assist players in the field and to provide reminders in game situations. We want our rookie players to be able to throw straight, catch the ball and make consistent bat-to-ball contact when they move on to the next level of play. More importantly, we want the players to have fun and sign up for many years to come. Players develop at different times of their lives and this is especially apparent in these games with their exacting skills. It is important to have late bloomers still playing the game when break through occurs and it all comes together for the player.

Minor League Division and U10 Softball

The Minors and U10 Softball is recommended for 9 and 10 year olds. Among teammates of their own age and experience level, players continue building and refining their fundamental skills while they begin to understand game strategy. It is at these levels that players first experience post-season tournament play, with district, state and regional levels of play. Players are also eligible for the All Star season.

Major League Division and U12 Softball

The most experienced level of Cal Ripken Softball and Baseball, recommended for 11 and 12 year old players. The U12 and the Majors divisions offer players the highest level of competition. Players are eligible for postseason and tournament play as well as the All-Star team.

The Cal Ripken rulebook will be followed with these exceptions or points of emphasis:


All Divisions:

  1. Sportsmanship

a. Unsportsmanlike conduct and dangerous play cannot and will not be tolerated from players, coaches, or spectators. First offenses will result in a warning to the offending team. Subsequent events can/will result in out calls or ejection. All incidents of this nature will be reported to the League Coordinator as soon as possible. The League coordinator will investigate and report all finding back to the executive Board of the League.

  1. Player Safety
  1. Batters must wear batting helmets – with face masks - in the on-deck circle and continue to wear them until they return to the bench. A team will be warned if a player removes their helmet on the playing field. Outs will be issued after the first warning.
  2. A thrown bat will result in a team warning as well. The next player to throw a bat will be declared out and play ruled dead immediately.
  3. All coaches are expected to police their own team and issue warnings and out calls associated with rules 2a and 2b.
  4. Protective cups: Different requirements for the three divisions:
  • Rookies: required when players are catching - no exceptions. A catcher may use his/her own glove to catch.
  • Minors: required when players are catching – no exceptions. The league strongly recommends all players to wear a cup in the field as well. A catcher may use his/her own glove to catch.
  • Majors: required when players are catching – no exceptions. The league strongly recommends all players to wear a cup in the field as well. A catcher’s glove must be used. Only one player in the on-deck circle at a time, no exceptions. It’s a good idea to draw a circle in the dirt to indicate the circle and stress to your team to stay away unless you are on-deck.

e.Metal cleats are prohibited; rubber cleats are recommended but not required.

  1. Forfeits
  1. There are no forfeits for number of players available. Other registered players in same age group may be used if less than 8 players are available. You are NOT allowed to use non-registered players for insurance purposes.
  1. Pitching (Minors and Majors ONLY)
  1. Cal Ripken rules indicate a maximum of 6 innings pitched in a calendar week (Mon-Sun). One pitch is considered an inning.
  2. On Brunswick “A” field the middle rubber is to be used.
  3. All players wanting to pitch must be given the opportunity at the coaches’ discretion.



1.Game Length

  1. Each game will consist of 6 full innings or 90 minutes from the scheduled start time, whichever comes first. Score is not kept.
  1. Game Management
  1. All players will have equal playing time.
  2. Eleven players will be placed on defense by positioning two pitchers on both sides of the coach and four outfielders.
  3. All batters will hit.
  4. Rotation of defensive position, from one to the next, is expected.
  5. All players will be in a batting order at the start of the season that continues into each subsequent game. The on-deck players at the end of the game will lead off the next game.
  6. All players will bat each inning unless 3 outs are recorded.
  7. The defensive coaches will act at field umpires and home plate umpire.
  1. Game Rules
  1. Pitching will be done by a pitching machine or coach of the team at bat.
  2. Balls and strikes are not recorded. There are no walks. There is a five pitch count for each batter, after they can option for a hitting tee. After the seven pitch count, the batter must use the tee. It is important to avoid lengthy at bats, the game must be kept moving along so all players can stay mentally in the game.
  3. All overthrows result in a one base award from their position at the time of the overthrow.
  4. Runners cannot advance on passed balls, wild pitches or by stealing.
  5. There is NO bunting.



Game Rules: The Minor League shall comply with the Cal Ripken Division Rules and Regulations, including the pitching limitations set forth by the board. There is 1 pitch limitation for U10 Softball:

*In tournament games, a pitcher may pitch only 9 innings in any 2 successive games.

Minor League Baseball Pitching Limitations

  1. 1 to 20 pitches: No game rest

21 to 40 pitches: 1 day rest

41 to 60 pitches: 2 days rest

61 to 74 pitches: 3 days rest

75+ pitches:4 days rest

**Exception: If a pitcher reaches the limit while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following occurs: 1. That batter reaches base, 2. That batter is put out, 3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning.

**Maximum 30 pitch count per inning.

  1. A pitcher may pitch a max of six (6) innings per calendar week as long as the pitch counts stated above are not violated.
  2. One (1) pitch thrown in an inning is considered one (1) full inning.
  3. The calendar week is Monday through Sunday.
  4. A pitcher must have two (2) calendar days rest between pitching assignments if he pitches in more than two (2) innings in any one game.
  5. A pitcher may not throw in more than one game in a day regardless of pitch count.
  6. No pitcher can throw in any three (3) days in a row regardless of pitch count.
  7. A pitcher who delivers twenty (20) or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day. It is ok for a player to catch and then pitch.
  8. Pitchers may throw fastballs and change-ups only. NO curveballs, breaking balls, or knuckle balls.
  9. Warm up between innings is limited to 6-8 pitches. Umpires should be made aware of this prior to each game.
  10. The scorekeeper or coach (no players) should track the pitch count, including foul balls. All coaches are required to fill out a pitch count tracking worksheet for each game and have the opposing coach sign the tracker after completion of each game.
  11. Balks: Balks are allowed and the team will not be penalized. If the umpire feels that the pitcher is balking intentionally to disrupt the batter or runner, the umpire can enforce the penalty but a warning to coaches and players should be issued first.


  1. All teams are required to play with a fourth outfielder.
  2. If more than 10 players on a team, no player can sit for more than 1 inning per game.
  3. All players will have equal playing time.
  4. A rotating defensive placement at infield and outfield positions for each player in every game is expected. For safety reasons there may be some positions that not every child will play (P, C, 1B).
  5. Free substitution and re-entry is permitted with the exception of the pitcher.


  1. Team bats until 3 outs OR 10 Max. Batters per inning/OR bat through the order if agreed by both coaches.
  2. A continuous batting order will be used. The player on-deck at the end of the game will lead off the next game. All players will bat in order, even if not playing defense. If a player does not play defense during the game, the player will not bat.
  3. If a player is late to a game, there is no penalty if the at bat is missed. Skip over the player and report it to the opposing team.
  4. Batting helmets with face shields must be used at bat, as a base runner, and in the on-deck circle.
  5. Slash bunting is not permitted.
  6. Base runners cannot advance from 3rd base to home on a passed ball or wild pitch.
  7. Special running rule: When a pitcher is in contact with the pitching rubber and in possession of the ball and the catcher is in the catcher’s box ready to receive delivery of the ball, base runners shall not leave their bases until the ball has been delivered and crossed the plate.
  8. Once the fielder has secured the ball and the runner has stopped their forward progress, the runner must immediately return to the base unless the fielder makes a wild throw back to the pitcher or tries to make a play on the base runner.

Game Rules