Form 000.653.F0141

Zero Incidents Program Award Verification Audit

Site Manager: / Site HSE Representative:
Project Name: / Project Location: / Project No./Contract No.:
All sections below must be completed. When the “N/A” or “NO” box is marked, use the “Comments” section to validate why the item is not applicable or why the project/site/office is not in compliance. / YES / no / n/a
1. / Subcontractor management
A. / Adequate prequalification in place
B. / Pre- and post-award subcontractor alignment sessions are held
C. / P2S’s Subcontractor Improvement Strategies implemented
A. / Written and approved site HSE plan in place (000.653.1301)
B. / Pre-project HSE plan communicated to project team, management, and subcontractors
3. / HSE Education and orientation
A. / Site-specific HSE training program and Safety Leadership Training in place/conducted
B. / Orientation program implemented (000.653.1001)
4. / new employee development
A. / Project management participates in orientation process
B. / P2S’s New Employee Development Program in place/operational (000.653.1001)
A. / Visible program promotion occurs
B. / Employees are involved
6. / substance abuse program
A. / Current corporate HSE-issued site-specific program in place (000.653.14001)
B. / Subcontractors have approved substance abuse program in place
7. / recognition and rewards
A. / The recognition and reward program is funded appropriately
B. / Incentive program to encourage participation in HSE process in place
C. / Subcontractors are included in the site’s recognition and reward program
8. / incident investigation AND REPORTING
A. / Incidents are recorded and properly reported
B. / Use corporate-approved investigative methodology to investigate incidents
9. / pre-task planning
A. / Safety Task Assignments (STAs) and post STA fully implemented (000.653.F0101)
B. / Job hazard analysis (JHA/JRA/JSA ) conducted when applicable (000.653.F0100)
10. / management in action
A. / Manager or designee participates in 100% of employee orientations
B. / Site management team participates in Adopt-A-Crew
C. / Site management participates in weekly HSE assessments
D. / Site management participates in the investigation of all recordable incidents and serious near misses
11. / Audits/assessments
A. / Corporate audit conducted within the past year, or scheduled in the upcoming year
B. / Weekly HSE assessments conducted
12. / USE of networking and resources
A. / Knowledge community participation, where available
B. / News Online participation, where available
C. / Skill-Soft or computer-based training, where available
Auditor’s Signature: / Title: / Date of Assessment:

Note: This form is referenced in Practice000.653.1100

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Form Date: 01May2009