Minutes for Board Meeting Held on Monday, August 28, 2017
Meeting was brought to order at 8:00 pm.
President:Alex Cuozzo
Vice President:Robert Lemke
Vice President:Kevin Arloff - Absent
Treasurer:Gary Westerfield
Secretary:Pamela Lee
Standing Sport Committees:Standing Administrative Committees:
Track & Field:Richard DegnanOfficials:George Erker
Track & Field:Dwayne Johnson – AbsentCoaching Education:Michael Frazer - Absent
Race Walking:Mary Ann Harvey - AbsentOutreach:Ronald Nardo
MUT:Carl Grossbard - AbsentPR & Nominating:Lori Mangual
Masters Athletics:Vicki Fox - AbsentMembership:Sue Polansky
Youth Athletics:Sheryl Hall - ExcusedSports Medicine:Jon DeGorter - Excused
Para-Athletics:Fred BenleinLDR Grand Prix:William Reitz - Absent
Club Representatives:Invited Guests:
Bellmore Striders:Bridget McCannNone
We Are Athletes:Kathy Benlein
Minutes:Minutes of June 5, 2017were approved.
Budget & Finance:
Bank Balance at Citibank as of June 5, 2017: $24,128.24 compared to $12,710 at this time last year.
Membership:2,016 Individuals have renewed for 2017 (compared to 2,054 at this time last year) and there are 67 Clubs/Organizations (compared to 66 at this time last year).
There are clubs that do not have all accreditations for 2017. Penalties may be applied after May 1.
President’s Report:
Alex Cuozzo reported that the summer meets ran well. It was noted that attendance for open women was light.
Discussion/Business Items:
Old Business:
Health Update: Rich Degnanreported that Harry Pennyis in good spirits and has a van now. His track club is trying to fund raise for vehicle costs. Potential venues areMulcahy’s Pub, Wantaghand The Nutty Irishman, Farmingdale on a Sunday afternoon in October.
Grievance Procedures Update:Grievance meeting was held on August 18, 2017. The panel will meet and render a decision by the October Board Meeting.
TrackTownUSA Summer Series:The finals and a road race took place on Thursday, July 6, 2017. Attendance was light, but athletes had a great time.
LITF Association Convention: The convention will take place at Hofstra University on Friday, September 29, 2017 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
Voting will take place for elections of Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs. A voting member must be a member of LITF 30 days prior to the convention date. Representative organizations of less than 50 members are entitled to one vote; 51-150 2 votes; greater than 150 3 votes. Cici Hirsh will send out instructions on the voting process. Nominations should be sent to the Nominations Committee: Lori Mangual (chair), Richard Degnan, Mike Frazer, and Dwayne Johnson.
New Business:
USATF Annual Meeting: The Meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 29 through Sunday, December 3 in Columbus, OH. Registration fee is $195 through October 31. Must register in order to reserve a room at the host hotel (Hyatt Regency Columbus) at the $139/room rate. The Officials Dinner is on Friday, December 1.
The Board approved an additional expense to the 2018 budget that a $100 stipend would be provided to attendees at the National USATF Annual Meeting.
Committee Reports:
Standing Sport Committees:
Track & Field: Richard Degnan reported that the summer season went well. The winter season will consist of a February meet at St. Anthony’s and a youth meet in Suffolk.
Fall training clinics are planned at Island Trees. Sachem is interested in running a throws clinic.
CYO is interested in outreach programs. Contact names will be provided to Outreach Committee.
Membership can possibly be expanded if athletes who are in college use home address instead of college address.
LDR: Alex Cuozzo reported that the Farmingdale Mile is scheduled for Saturday. September is open since the Angels on the Bay dropped from the schedule. The next LDR meeting is September 11, 2017.
Possible fund raising events include running a road race and obtaining sponsorships/donations.
Alex Cuozzo will visit Gardiner County Park in West Bay Shore as a possible venue for cross-country. Fred Benlein suggested The Grange in Sayville. He will send the link to this location by the September 11 LDR meeting.
Race Walking: Maria Michta-Coffey placed 25th at the World 20k Championships in London on August 13, 2017. At the USATF Nationals in Manalapan, NJ at 10,000m, Maria placed first (45:32) and Kayla Shapiro placed third (55:11). Lauren Harris placed second (25:27) and Kayla Shapiro placed 5thUS finisher (27:54) at the Dual USA/Canada Junior Race Walk Championships in Rome, GA on August 20, 2017.
The National 30k Championships will take place on October 22 in Hauppauge. There will be a walking race at the HOKA mile on September 6.
Mountain Ultra & Trail:No report.
Masters Athletics: Robert Lemke reported that there was a good turnout at the summer meets in the men’s competition.
Youth Athletics:No report.
Para-Athletics: Fred Benlein reported that he is working on greater involvement by para-athletes. There are approximately 25-30 members from Rolling Thunder and a small contingent from Northport Running Club and We Are Athletes.
There was a Catholic War Veterans 5k race on August 27 but, although advertised for disabled veterans, no wheelchair or amputees participated.
Standing Administrative Committees:
Officials: George Erker reportedthat there are 30 USATF officials and 4 in process. 56 are needed for accreditation.
19 officials worked the summer meets.
Certification remains to be a problem. Many high school officials do not want to gain certification. We have two years to train officials for the Junior Olympics. The NCAA may require USATF officials in the future. Everyone is encouraged to try to recruit at least one official.
Coaching Education: Congratulations to Lori Mangual and RonaldNardo for achieving USATF Level 1.
Records: Send any records to Alex Cuozzo.
Outreach: RonaldNardoreported that an outreach event will take place at BOCES in the fall.
Outreach shirts for volunteers and participants will be ordered. Sue Polansky will look into getting some shirts donated from South Shore Outdoor.
Publicity: Lori Mangual reported that an article was submitted to Cici Hirsch and GLIRC and Newsday.
Sports Medicine:No report.
Newsletter: No report.
Next meeting: Monday, October 9, 2017. The Annual Convention is scheduled for September 29, 2017.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:57 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Lee, Secretary, USATF-Long Island