Meeting to be Held on Thursday 19th Marchat Barnham Broom Conference Centre (Barford Suite), 9.00am (9.30am start)- 4.30pm


Chris BallDavid HopkinsonKay Watkinson Sharon Gardner

Matthew LabakiGuppyDavid StanderwickSue Spoerer

Julian SnowlingGeoff RayEmma MurrayCaroline Steels

Also Attending:

Tony Dean (Chief Officer), Lauren Seamons (Deputy Chief Officer), Charlotte Woolston (Support Officer), Theresa Clarke (Co-operative Pharmacy)

  1. Welcome

Welcome back to Lauren, now back as Deputy Chief Officer.

We will be joined at 1pm by Roisin Hawkes from GY/Waveney CCG. Roisin has been a fantastic source of knowledge and support on EPS2, and she and Charlotte are working really well together.

  1. Apologies for Absence Ben, Dee Hebron (replaces Sunil)
  2. To Receive and Approve the Minutes of the Last Meeting

Proposed David Standerwick, Seconded Sharon Gardner

  1. Matters Arising (not dealt with elsewhere)
  2. Declarations of Interest:

All members were advised that the folder was available and advised to update over lunch if needed.

  1. LPC Work-streams and Responsibilities 2015

To ensure the new structure works effectively the Officers met and mapped out LPC work for 2015 (as we know it), and identified who would Lead, be Involved or be Aware for each. We have discussed prioritisation, and team working and we are confident that we will work together to produce greater results for our Contractors. For information the work-streams will be presented and questions answered/suggestions welcomed.

GR asked Committee for feedback or comments.

DS good structure and insight to LPC work streams

DH great plan

TD like our business plan just needs a few goals to be a full business plan.

LS one of our main challenges is to help to support pharmacies to push to achieve more.

  1. To Elect the Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer for 2015-16. Remuneration of these and Officers

GR asked Committee to show interest if any in the room.

Geoff and Chris both happy to continue in current roles and the Committee unanimously agreed to support this.

The remuneration of Chief Officer and Support Officer was then discussed in their absence and an agreement reached. Contractors may apply to the Committee for details. Remuneration of Officers is reported upon in the Annual Financial Statement.

  1. Area Team Update & LPC Federation Discussion

The merger with Essex has now happened, with the Area Team now called “NHS East”.

There is one overarching Operations Director, Andrew Pike, previously with Essex AT, and 6 Directors. The Finance Director, Medical Director and Nursing Directors have been appointed and all 3 are from our old AT.

Below this level the restructuring has yet to take effect (1st April), but we know more…

We are happy to report that there will be a Contract Manager for Pharmacy & Optometry for each of the 3 sub-regions (Cambs/Norfolk, GY/Waveney/Suffolk & N. Essex, and Essex). We are delighted to further report that Kelvin and his team will remain to cover the Cambs/Norfolk patch.

TD explained the changes above to the Committee and talked through the changes and effects on Norfolk.

Flu: There is a new Director (Alison Cowie) in overall control, with a lead in Essex and Sue Arrowsmith remaining locally. Clearly we need to work with Essex LPC on this. TD has again been “elected” to lead on this locally. Kelvin has already sent an email to Alison requesting information on plans and how to proceed etc. What is clear is that there WILL BE a SERVICE and we need to get that message out soon.

DS what are the major differences between the two.

TD explained the main differences between the two services. Will update as soon as have more information but recommend that all look into training requirements for branches/staff.

DS do we have actual figures from the service this year.

TD Norfolk trebled figures from previous year, full reports will be available soon.

Federation: Clearly we will continue to work with the other LPCs. Depending on the degree of “joining up” of locality policy we may be working more closely with Cambs on some things but as a wider group on others. We will keep this under review but again we now have the capacity to cope and lead where needed.

Audit: Clearly this has been handled very poorly by NHS England, who bear the fault of delaying paperwork but also PSNC, who should have taken a stronger stance much earlier on the unacceptability of notice. We have made this very clear to both. As this is written there is still uncertainty but this should have resolved by the meeting. ACTION: to discuss

Support/follow up needed.

TD asked everyone if they had seen recent communication for the Audit starting Monday. Electronic reporting and as there is no extra time for input/starting it will be non-compliance. I would be very surprised if breach notices are issued but this could happen. Asked all for support to ensure executed fully and correctly to ensure there is no non-compliance.

IG:The exemption forcontinuity planning has again been extended, thought again MUCH TOO LATE! That said, the LPC should be supporting pharmacies to make some basic plans- indeed this is a requirement of the Primary Care Services Contract.

Annual Complaints Report and CPPQ: a reminder of these requirements has been sent by Gateway.

LPN & Domiciliary MURs: We are aware that in the Midlands the LPN has led on and secured £250K of funding from HE England and their AT to pilot Domiciliary MURs (£58 top up fee). The results of this should be available in the summer.

This has naturally raised the questioning of the functionality and performance of our LPN, and how its performance is measured.

LPC Budget: It has been confirmed that a basic budget should be submitted to Kelvin for approval.

TD will forward this completed report to Kelvin

Repeat Dispensing: Raising awareness of this is now a core contractual requirement. There have been discussions with the AT on this and TD/GR have a meeting with the LMC after which more guidance will be issued.

TD clearer national guidance needed before talking around this further. Will circulate document around Committee for perusal. This would be a joint proposal from Norfolk and Suffolk LPC around guidelines for best practice around this area. Asked to return with any questions/notes regarding this within the next week.

NHS Premises & Mergers etc.

TD if the only people that know about these moves are surgeries how is pharmacy going to be affected. Will arrange a meeting to discuss this and future plans around this.

Managed Repeats: As per last meeting this remains a recurring issue for some CCGs. Tania F. and TD have drawn up a joint LPC “position statement” to clarify our views to anyone enquiring.

  1. Primary Care Contracts (Public Health)

HEALTHCHECKS: We are aware of some proposed changes to the SOP resulting from national guidance, but the implementation of these will be delayed LS to explain. Recently there have been a couple of very successful outreach events that have been very successful and will be reported on in the spring newsletter. Public Health are now trailing different HbA1c monitors for such events to prevent the person having a Healthcheck from having to return for a fasting glucose at a later date. The last Healthchecks event that was held at DWP used the current Siemens machine that PH are trialling at present. The feedback from this was positive and we await further information around the continued use of this machine from PH. If anyone is interested in holding Outreach events please contact Charlotte.

ACTION: To discuss progress, training needs, LPC support and the need for Company Champions

LS updated Committee on current status of pharmacy engagement with the sign up process for the new contracts. Please ensure that you all check the message service on Intend process as this will slow up the process. Pharmacies that have not yet submitted the application will probably not now be awarded before 1st April therefore creating a gap in service provision.

GR do we have a clear indication of pharmacies that have applied to the intend process?

LS no we do not have that information which is one of the points that will be fed back to the Council. Will circulate links to next steps (training etc). Also once the services have been awarded advise to go onto PharmOutcomes and on the left hand side of the page there will be the Lot information please read and ensure that there is a full understanding of each lot you are providing. Also all PGDs are also available and advise that these are printed read and signed in case of an audit from NCC. All that have already put in applications we are assured will be provided with a contract before 1st April 2015.

LS training to be attended next week as new guidelines for Healthchecks. No more changes to contract for the next 3-6 months. Anyone wanting to do any Outreach events please contact Charlotte to obtain HbA1c monitor use and training. Once there is a clearer outline on the expectations and changes to the Healthchecks these will be communicated. Any feedback for helpful/useful materials that could be useful during tests.

LS with regards to company leads/champions would be really helpful if all have one of these for each service this would be a much more effective way of training and sharing information within companies. Refresher and top up training is available from smoke free and SHPU contact the relevant providers for training support.

TD LPC will now feedback via Pharmoutcomes to inform pharmacies if a positive case of chlamydia is detected so that pharmacies are aware to look for a payment.

  1. LPC Communications and Contractor Engagement

ACTION: To discuss: New email address for enquiries, Website, Social media, LPC events, Calendar etc.

LS highlighted to the Committee the new subscription list for all pharmacy staff to sign up to receive all information from LPC. New electronic sign up to training events. Any items that anyone would like on the website for easy access please forward suggestions to Lauren. Needle exchange and supervised consumption submit form each month to claim payment of £22.50. Then talked Committee through the supervised consumption service.

Contractor Survey is now due so we will need to agree if new questions are needed and also an opportunity to highlight the new mailing list subscription.

The Website is in the process of being updated and we aim to direct more queries in that direction as well as offering more resources etc.

LS contractor survey is now due will circulate around template and send back to Lauren with any changes or new questions. Then compile a new survey to be completed.

  1. PharmOutcomes for Needle Exchange & Supervised Consumption

This service is now live and communication has gone out to all stores, thank you to those who have trialled the system. Please do feedback if any problems

  1. Healthwatch Update – Dr Sam Revill not available postponed until next meeting.
  2. EPS2: Roisin Hawkes, Prescribing & Medicines Management Team, Health East.

CW: Pharmacy visits completed with Roisin Hawkes around the Great Yarmouth area supporting pharmacies to ensure they are ready for the surgeries to go live. Although initial findings were concerning the level of engagement has really stepped up with almost all of the pharmacies now ready or already processing EPS2 prescriptions. Would encourage all pharmacies across Norfolk to ensure they have tokens in stock these are available from Norfolk Stores. Make sure ALL staff have smartcards that are working if not take the steps needed to rectify these problems ASAP. Pharmacy staff are engaging with the customers, explaining and taking the nominations. Contact the relevant departments in your company to obtain any system training that is available for your staff on EPS2. Check printers are working and able to print tokens (2 trays ideally) also remember you will be using more toner cartridges etc. Visited CO-OP in Carlton Colville who have a very good understanding of EPS2 and have implemented different ways of working to incorporate EPS2 into working day. Attending meeting with Tony 23/3/15 to discuss Norwich “GO LIVE” plans.

ACTION: To discuss other support available and Company Champions

Roisin Hawkes presented to the Committee current work streams around EPS2 and how to best prepare and support pharmacies in the run up to go live and after.

  1. Funded Emergency Supplies 2015-16

TD: We are pleased to confirm the commissioning of an extension to the funded emergency supply service for a full year across all of Norfolk and Waveney. This will include all pharmacies willing to participate, and the scheme will operate on each of the Bank Holiday periods PLUS the weekend connected with a Bank Holiday. The agreement includes funding for the LPC to purchase and use PharmOutcomes for reporting and evidence gathering.

A communication explaining the service will probably just have been sent to Contractors by the time of the LPC meeting. Again, the service uses only EXISTING powers and the final decision to supply is at the discretion of each Pharmacist. Clearly to implement for Easter has been a rush.

ACTION: to discuss messages and support needed

  1. Application offering unforeseen benefits at Rouen House, Rouen Road, Norwich, NR1 1RB by One Pharmacy Ltd

As per email circulation of H.Thresh notification 4/2/15.

  1. LPC Contracts Sub-Committee

Geoff, Emma, Ben, Guppy, Lauren and Tony are to attend a training session by Steve Lutener on Market Entry on 21st April 2015. It is proposed that these, plus anyone else who feels they are competent should then form a new Contracts Sub-Committee to consider applications outside of LPC meetings.

  1. HLP

Thanks to the great work of Charlotte and Lauren on this we are pleased to confirm that the final details on a contract providing almost £20K per annum are under discussion with Norfolk County Council. This will cover not only the period Sept 2014-Sept 2015 as already reported, but another year until September 2016.

CW: We are now in the process of booking the next RSPH and Health Champion training dates for this year. There are going to be printed portfolios this year with all of the criteria information on each section of the portfolio so that the pharmacy staff will have a clearer more structured approach to building the portfolios. Will also be producing an order form for HLP accredited pharmacies to order promotional materials within an allocated budget.

LS and CW talked committee through new contract for HLP and all training dates that are now booked and available for pharmacy staff.

  1. 7 Steps Out Train the Trainer

CW: Norfolk County Council is providing this training for a group of local trainers to support the delivery of an innovative local programme to protect children from second hand smoke; Take 7 Steps Out / Chemical Soup is an award winning approach developed and successfully delivered across the North West of England by Tobacco Free Futures. Charlotte attending this training 13th& 14th July 2015 and will then report back on this.

  1. Carers week and hidden carers referral scheme in the south

LS: The South CCG have recently met with the Carers UK ambassador for Norfolk to discuss a pilot project which has had success run by the Carers trust. Details to follow but potential pharmacy involvement although no mention of remuneration as yet…

  1. Electronic Discharge and Referral to Pharmacy Project

See paper: Hospital referral to community pharmacy:

An innovators’ toolkit tosupport the NHS in England December 2014

Produced by the RPS Innovators’ Forum

TD: Met with Carol Farrow, Chief Pharmacist for both NNUH and James Paget and introduced the above document. The following discussion was extremely positive and exciting, with CF indicating that “we need to make this happen”. This would result in pharmacies receiving electronic discharge information AND consented referrals for NMS and MURs. TD has been tasked to produce a PID with the plan of setting up a Project Board to progress this. There are IT issues and potential costs, so we are looking to bring in the UEA to help assess the project and its outcomes. This may then enable us to look at new funding sources for extended MURs/ domiciliary MURs etc. (if no other new routes become available). This may form the subject matter for a meeting of the reformed LPF.

ACTION:Discuss advantages and barriers and seek input from interested Members

  1. Other CCG Engagement

TD now sits on the Capacity Planning Group which has the remit of looking at ways of increasing capacity in primary and secondary care. From this we now also have a dedicated pathway within the CSU to forward proposals such as Funded Emergency Supply and Minor Ailments. Whilst views on the latter remain somewhat mixed there is certainly strong interest- this issue is likely to be formulating a common service which all 5 CCGs are prepared to commission. Nevertheless, the basics seem now to be in place and this will certainly become a developing work-stream.

ACTION: Discuss aspirations/plans etc.

  1. CCA Report
  2. A.O.B