PMI-MN Paint-A-Thon Team

As part of its “Chapter That Cares” program, PMI-MN will be sponsoring a team for the 26th annual Metro Paint-A-Thon. The Paint-A-Thon is sponsored by the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches (GMCC) and involves over 2,000 volunteers who paint over 100 homes in the Twin City Metropolitan area. In order to qualify for the program, home owners must be either low income seniors or persons with disabilities.

This year’s Paint-A-Thon will be held on Saturday, August 1, 2009 (alternate rain date is Sunday, August 2). Painting teams vary in size, which allow the house to be painted in one day. Prior to the Paint-A-Thon date, there are opportunities to plan the event and prepare the house so that the team can focus only on painting on paint day.

Depending on the project assigned to PMI from GMCC, there may be a need for a small team of volunteers to help prepare the house. The prep day this year is Saturday, July 25 (alternate rain date is Sunday, July 26).

In addition to recruiting volunteers for the paint
and prep team(s), PMI-MN is looking people to help out with the Paint-A-Thon planning committee. PMI is also looking for volunteers to take over the Paint-A-Thon event going forward in 2010. /

You do not have to be an experienced painter to volunteer. There are other possible volunteer opportunities too. Please consider joining the PMI-MN Paint-

A-Thon team. You will not only have a good time as you work side-by-side with other chapter members, but will be making a major contribution to the community helping to

restore a home for someone in need.

To volunteer, please fill out the “PMI-MN Paint-A-Thon Volunteer Registration Form” that is included on the reverse side of this page. Complete and return the form via e-mail to .

If you have question, please feel free to contact Dan Hill at 612-759-8078.

Note: Volunteer registrations are accepted after June 3rd, 2009.

PMI-MN Paint-A-Thon Volunteer Registration Form

If you would like to join other PMI-MN members on July 25 and August 1 to help paint the homes of low-income seniors or persons with disabilities, please complete and sign this registration form and either mail or email it by June 3, 2009 to:

Prep Day _____ Prep Clean-up _____ Paint Day _____ Paint Clean-up _____

(check all that apply)

Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Contact Phone Number: ______Work___ Cell___ Home___

Alternate Phone Number: ______Work___ Cell___ Home___

E-mail Address: ______

Painting Experience:

_____ Novice / _____ Some Experience / _____ Experienced / _____ Very Experienced

T-Shirt Size:

_____ Small / _____ Medium / _____ Large / _____ X-Large / _____ XX-Large


____ I can provide a pick-up truck of van / _____ I have a ___ foot step ladder
____ I can help with yard work / _____ I have a ___ foot long extension ladder
_____ I can bring tools for prep work (such as saws, hammers, drills, shovel, rake, etc.)
_____ I would like to be part of the planning committee

Release of Liability:

By signing or checking the box below, I recognize that in consideration of my voluntary participation in the 2009 Metro Paint-A-Thon, which is a charitable event, I agree to release all sponsoring organizations (including their officers, employees, members and agents, all other volunteers, and homeowner participants) from all liability whatsoever that may arise out of or be connected with participation in this event and all activities related to it.

Signed:______Date: ______

_____ My E-mail response with this form represents my signature: Date: ______

_____ I also give permission to PMI-MN to use photos from the event that I’m included in.