
Romeo and Juliet Act I Quiz


Match the term to its definition. Each term is used once.

a. tragedy b. comedy c. aside d. quatrain e. exposition f. blank verse

g. dialogue h. sonnet i. couplet j. soliloquy k. foreshadowing

______1. A fourteen-line poem ending in a couplet

______2. A type of play with a sad ending that includes the death(s) of the main character(s)

______3. A conversation between two or more characters onstage

______4. A pair of consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme

______5. Hinting at something that will happen later

______6. A speech addressed to the audience, not supposed to be heard by other characters onstage

______7. A set of four lines that have an alternating rhyme scheme (ABAB)

______8. A type of play that ends happily, usually with a marriage

______9. A speech by a character alone onstage, speaking to himself or herself or to the audience

______10.The introductory act of a play in which characters and setting are presented

______11. Unrhymed iambic pentameter

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 12. Which event in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet does the Prologue foreshadow?

a. / the deaths of Romeo and Juliet / c. / the deaths of Paris and Romeo
b. / the marriage of Romeo and Juliet / d. / the marriage of Paris and Juliet

____ 13. The setting of Act I of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is which of the following cities?

a. / Venice / c. / Mantua
b. / Verona / d. / Rome

____ 14. In a play, dramatic irony occurs when —

a. / a struggle is repeated in the course of the plot
b. / a character grows or changes as events unfold
c. / the audience knows something that a character onstage does not know
d. / a suspenseful plot keeps the audience guessing about future events

____ 15. In a line of poetry written in iambic pentameter,

a. / each unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable
b. / the poet uses internal rhyme
c. / there is no regular meter
d. / the poet uses only five words

____ 16. The fight in Scene 1 starts when—

a. / Capulet and Montague servants quarrel over petty insults
b. / Tybalt loses his temper
c. / Benvolio insults Tybalt
d. / the officer stirs up the two sides

____ 17. Adjectives that describe the character of Tybalt are—

a. / clever and witty / c. / lovesick and moody
b. / saucy and hotheaded / d. / intelligent and obedient

____ 18. When Benvolio talks with Romeo, he finds his cousin—

a. / happy-go-lucky and ready for fun
b. / prepared to fight anyone that insults a Montague
c. / interested in everyone else’s situation but his own
d. / depressed about love

____ 19. Adjectives that describe the character of Juliet are—

a. / shy and frightened / c. / young and obedient
b. / rebellious and angry / d. / sarcastic and angry

____ 20. Juliet first meets Romeo—

a. / on a walk in the woods / c. / through her cousin Tybalt
b. / at the Capulets’ party / d. / through Romeo’s friend Mercutio

____ 21. Mercutio can be described as a foil to Romeo because—

a. / he comes from a different social class
b. / he is much older than Romeo
c. / he is a Capulet and Romeo is a Montague
d. / unlike Romeo, he does not take love seriously

____ 22. A tragedy is defined by all of the following qualities except —

a. / a happy ending results after serious actions and complications
b. / a main character dies
c. / a character is responsible for his or her own downfall
d. / serious actions end unhappily

____ 23. All of the following happen when Romeo and Juliet meet, EXCEPT—

a. / they fall in love at first sight
b. / they introduce themselves
c. / they create a sonnet with their dialogue
d. / they kiss

____ 24. In these lines from Act I, Scene i, what is Prince Escalus's message to Capulet and Montague?

If ever you disturb our streets again,

Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.

a. / Capulet and Montague have been responsible for three brawls. / c. / Ancient citizens of Verona have been forced to take up arms.
b. / The city streets have been much disturbed. / d. / Capulet and Montague will pay with their lives if there are further disturbances.

____ 25. Which of the following best defines stage directions in drama?

a. / notes that define difficult words in the dialogue / c. / notes in the text of a play that describe how the work should be performed or staged
b. / notes about the performance history of a play / d. / marks on the floor of the stage that tell the actors where to stand

____ 26. Choose the item that best restates Capulet's answer to Paris's request to marry Juliet.

But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart;

My will to her consent is but a part.

An she agree, within her scope of choice

Lies my consent and fair according voice….

a. / Woo her gently, Paris. When you get her heart, you will have my consent. / c. / Win her heart, gentle Paris. My permission is only part of the process. If she agrees, then you have my consent as well.
b. / Woo her until you win her over. I will ask her to consent as well. / d. / Win her heart, Paris. I shall will her to consent, for my part. Once she agrees, having had a fair choice, I will agree, too.

____ 27. In Act I, Scene ii, Romeo agrees to go to the Capulets' party because he hopes to

a. / forget his love for Rosaline. / c. / catch a glimpse of Rosaline.
b. / challenge Tybalt to a fight. / d. / make peace with the Capulets.

____ 28. At the end of Scene iv, how does Romeo explain his reluctance to go to the Capulets' party?

a. / He is afraid of angering Capulet. / c. / He is afraid of upsetting his father.
b. / He sees a warning in the stars. / d. / Mercutio has warned him against going.

____ 29. What obstacles to Romeo and Juliet's relationship are already apparent in Act I?

a. / the families' rivalry and Lady Capulet's refusal to allow Juliet to marry so young / c. / Montague's refusal to allow the relationship and Benvolio's own affection for Juliet
b. / the families' rivalry and Capulet's desire for Juliet to marry Paris / d. / the Prince's refusal to allow the families to mix and Romeo's affection for Rosaline

____ 30. In Act I, Scene i, what detail about Montague most clearly reveals his character?

a. / the description of his home / c. / the description of his relationship with his wife
b. / the concern he shows over his son's unhappiness / d. / the way he treats Benvolio

____ 31. Act I of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is mainly about the Capulet-Montague family feud and

a. / Romeo and Juliet's first meeting. / c. / Paris's desire to marry Juliet.
b. / Romeo's desire to marry Juliet. / d. / Juliet's interest in marriage.


Identify the terms with the following quotations. Each term is used once.

c = couplet m = metaphor o = oxymoron p = prose s = simile

______32. “feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health”

______33. “It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night

as a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear”

______34. “Why, he’s a man of wax.”

______35. “I’ll go along, no such sight to be shown,
But to rejoice in splendor of mine own.”

______36. “If you be not of the house of Montagues, I pray come and crush a cup of wine. Rest you merry.”

A. Capulet B. Montague C. Neither

37._____ Romeo 41. _____ Benvolio

38._____ Juliet 42._____ Paris

39._____Nurse (servant for) 43._____ Tybalt

40._____ Prince

44. Write an original couplet (1pt):



45. Application of Skills

Scan the line below for meter. Mark the unstressed and stressed syllables. Draw a line after each iamb.

O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!