
Hotel Charette 2008 participants

Report for Access TAC meeting, May 5, 2008

Step 3 Participation list

Chair- Jeff Gross

Moderator- Dick Browdy

Facilitator- Jeff Blair

DCA staff - Bruce Ketcham/MK Smith

Recommendations for Hotel Charette:

JR Harding TAC member recommends:

Marsha Mazz,Technical Assistance Coordinator

U.S. Access Board

1331 F Street, NW

Suite 1000

Washington, DC20004

(202) 272-0020 (Voice)

(202) 272-0082 (TTY)

Doug Anderson

LCM Architects

819 S. Wabash, Suite 509

Chicago, IL 60605

ph: 312.913.1717 ext. 225

David Capozzi, Director

Office of Technical and Information Services

U.S. Access Board

1331 F Street, NW

Suite 1000

Washington, DC20004

(202) 272-0010 (voice)

(202) 272-0082 (TTY)

Harry Rosen

Rosen Hotel Orlando, “attendee”

Julie Shaw

CIL area director , “attendee”

AIA of Florida recommends:

Larry M. Schneider

Larry M. Schneider AIA

9319 NW 48 Doral Terrace

Miami, Florida33178

Phone: 786-3361984

Fax: 786-3361985

Computer Fax: 786-5138322

BemmieEustace,TAC member recommends:

Robbie Ruth( recommended by Bemmie Eustace)

Morris Architects

622 E. Washington Street

Suite 500

Orlando, FL 32801

(407) 514-4668 Direct

Spearheaded design

for many ADA renovations at resorts and hotels. He is a former employee of Interplan.

Rick MaladeckiCAE( recommended by Bemmie Eustace)

Contact (current president) of the Central FL Hotel and Lodging Association.The web site link is If you go there and click on Leadership, you will seethe breadth of hotels that are represented on the Board. Rick Maladecki will not likely know me,but you can let him know that Interplan is an Allied member and thought is would be good to have them involved, or at least extend an opportunity for their involvement.


Direct phone line: (407) 313-5020

Jack Humburg, TAC member recommends:

Marian Vessels ( recommended byJack Humburg)

the Mid-Atlantic DBTAC

Staff recommends:

Karl Thorne, Architect( recommended by Bruce Ketcham)

Todd Anderson, Architect( recommended by Bruce Ketcham)

Past staff to the DOJ

Gail Austin, Architect( recommended by Bruce Ketcham)

DOJ staff

John Salmon, Architect( recommended by Bruce Ketcham)

Robert Fine, Attorney( recommended by Bruce Ketcham)

Additional potential associations, attendees, etc.:

Hotel and Restaurant Association

Bill Norkunas, FBC Commissioner

Charlie Danger, B.O. Miami Dade

Angel Franco,FBC Commissioner

Angel Watson

Tom Schmokel

Fred Shotz

Denny Wood

Med K

Dwight Wilkes, B.O.

Cam Fentriss

Phillip Wisley, Architect, Department of State

Brian Vaughn, DMS Accessibility Director

Diana Richardson

Dean Perkins, Department of Transportation

Warren Jernigan

Tom Ricci

Jim Schock

Division of Blind Services

Department of Children and Families