Deutsch mit Frau Lesher

Contact Information:

Office#: 512- 841-1635Room 311

Course Information will be available on Canvas

Course Description for German I, II & Pre-AP III

Students will work on the following six thematic units:

Personal and Public Identities Families and Communities Contemporary Life, Science and Technology, Global Challenges and, Beauty and Aesthetics. Students will develop their proficiency skills in speaking, reading, and writing German. Additionally, students strengthen their English skills through the exploration of a second language.

Course Description for AP/IB German IV, V & VI

Learner-centered activities involving authentic situations and interactive “real-life” communications will provide daily enhancement of proficiency in German. Teaching is conducted in German and authentic resources are used. Students are encouraged to develop confidence in the use of the language, sensitivity to the audience and an ability to communicate their ideas clearly. Students should look forward to using the German language both in class and when working outside of class. This course will provide an opportunity for enjoyment, creativity and intellectual stimulation while developing an awareness of the role of language in relation to other areas of knowledge. Grammatical structures will be studied within the context the topics covered. Through the entire year, the class will follow a thematic schedule (see level I-III for thematic topics); assignments may vary in type and difficulty for juniors and seniors.

Students will complete a number of performance based assessments aligned with Texas Curriculum Standards for foreign language with criterion-referenced grading rubrics that reflect both the academic standards for oral performance/written assessments as well as the three assessment criteria (language, cultural interaction and message) used by the IB and/or AP. Other assessments include journal entries, quizzes, homework assignments and projects.

Instructional Philosophy

In order to be successful in this course, students are expected to be active participants. It is my goal to provide a safe, positive and engaging classroom where all students have the opportunity to learn, succeed, and share their thoughts and opinions without fear.

Course Methods

Class, group and partner discussions

In-class and homework practice activities

Formal and informal writing assignments

Group and individual projects

Peer writing and editing workshops

Teacher-student conferences

Goal setting and reflection

Group and individual projects

Formal quizzes, tests and exams

Course Goals

Our goals are to work together to develop students' proficiency as speakers, readers and writers, of German as well as English and to prepare students for higher-level reading, writing and critical thinking skills, so they may become globally-minded citizens.

Classroom Management

In order for each student to feel safe and comfortable in my classroom, a positive and respectful attitude is expected of all students. This includes respecting others’ thoughts, work, feelings, and individuality. If a student does not demonstrate positive behavior, I will visit with him/her and we will try to resolve the issue together. If this proves unsuccessful, students will call their parent at home or work and explain their behavior. The third offense will be a disciplinary report to the office. Any negative behavior that continues will result in a conference with the student, parent(s)/guardian(s), the teacher, and a principal.


  1. Be respectful - Treat everyone with proper consideration, regardless of whether he/she is in the classroom at the time. Use respectful language, in writing as well as in discussions. Show respect for your environment by keeping the classrooms clean and neat.
  2. Be responsible - Arrive at class on time and with all necessary materials. Complete assignments on time, ask questions when necessary, and stay aware of deadlines. Be prepared for the start of class each day. Do what is right, regardless of what everyone else in class is doing.
  3. Be appropriate - Conduct yourself as a mature, well-mannered young adult. Think before speaking, and make sure all contributions to the class dialogue are meaningful and pertinent. Take care of personal business when the time is appropriate. Use your privileges wisely.
  4. Be involved - Participate to the fullest extent that you can. Take part in discussions. Ask questions. Answer questions. Stay on task. Take notes. Do your homework. Use class time efficiently. Listen. Watch. Participate. Participate. Participate.
  5. Be honest - Do your own work. Do not cheat, and do not plagiarize. Do not attempt to sneak around the rules. Avoid inventing excuses to cover up for your mistakes. Accept consequences for your mistakes, and learn from them.

Student Materials needed for German

- a three-ring German binder

- a spiral notebook for vocabulary IN the binder

- paper

- pen and pencil

- highlighters (yellow, orange, pink, green and blue)

- an English-German dictionary

*AP/IB German IV, V & VI will need a small journal to keep in class

Grading Policy*

German I, II & Pre-AP III AP/IB German IV, V & VI

45% major grades 40% major grades

45% minor grades 40% minor grades

10% oral participation 20% oral participation

Semester Average:

average of the three 6 weeks AND the final exam

* Please remember that I do not GIVE grades, you EARN grades

Late Work Policy

Timely completion of all assignments is crucial to the success in a foreign language course. However, I understand that sometimes life gets in the way and therefor homework will be accepted up to three calendar days late with penalty as follows:

day 1 - 15pts

day 2 - 30pts

day 3 - 50pts


Tutoring will be:

- Tuesdays during FIT time OR

- Wednesdays from

8:30 am - 8:50 am


- by appointment with the teacher


- with an assigned National German Honor Society member.

Make up Work Policy

Make-up work is the responsibility of the student, NOT the teacher.

All vocabulary quizzes may be made up for a maximum grade of a 90.

Quizzes and tests will be made up during FIT time on Fridays AFTER having attended a tutoring session or by appointment.

All other make-up assignments must be turned in in a timely manner.

German Club

All students are encouraged to join German Club. Activities include Wurstfest, participation in area contests, celebrating German holidays and social activities appropriate to the foreign language.

National German Honor Society

To be eligible, the student must:

- be a German Club member for the rest of your high school career

- have completed at least 3 semesters of German

- attained an average of 3.6 in German and a 3.0 general average in these three semesters, on a 4.0 scale

- must be willing to provide tutoring during FIT time on Tuesdays or outside of the school day as needed

Austin-Koblenz Student Exchange

since 1991

Students studying German have the opportunity to participate in Anderson’s student exchange with students of Koblenz, Austin’s sister city in Germany. Koblenz, a city of approximately 110,000, lies on the most picturesque part of the Rhine River. In even-numbered years, Koblenz students visit Austin, and in odd-numbered years, Austin students travel to Koblenz for three-weeks. The highlight of the exchange is the home stay, which not only makes the trip very affordable, but also gives students the opportunity to get to know a German family on a very personal level.

For more information, please check out the exchange tab on Frau Lesher’s website or contact Frau Lesher



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I, the undersigned, have read and agree to support the stated guidelines for German class with Frau Lesher.




