Installation and User’s Guide


April, 2015

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

I. What’sNew

  • Installation

I.Installing ReadyDesk Mobile

  • Configuration and Administration

I. Please see main user manual, as features and usage are nearly identical

  • Technician Usage

I. Logging in

II. The Main Dashboard

III. Tickets

IV. New Ticket

  1. Search
  2. Customers
  3. Chat

VIII. Articles

  1. Assets
  2. Schedule
  3. Tasks
  4. Settings
  5. Admin
  6. Logout


Introduction > What’s New

Below is a quick listing of the features available in ReadyDesk Mobile v5.5

  • Complete Admin Console:The admin console in ReadyDesk Mobile is nearly identical in features and usage, which are covered in the main user manual.
  • Technician Interface:A trimmed down version of the technician interface offers technicians access to the most important features they need from any mobile device with a web browser that supports HTML tables and basic Javascript. Below is a list of features that can be found in the mobile technician interface.
  • Tickets:Technicians can view, edit and create tickets. There is even support for custom tabs, added fields and workflow rules. *Billing, scheduling and time tracking are not currently available when creating /editing tickets, but techs can view existing schedules. Attachments can be downloaded and opened, but the supported mime types vary from one mobile device to the next.
  • Global Search: This feature allows techs to search multiple locations from one place. This includes tickets, customers, live chat sessions, support articles and assets. When the search is run, it will list the number of results found for each category. The technician can then drill down to view the detailed results.
  • Asset Management: Full asset management is include, including workflow rules.
  • Support Articles:Technicians can view and search existing support articles.
  • Schedules:Technicians can view a calendar of their scheduled jobs, and drill down for complete details.
  • Live Chat:Technicians can now interact with chat sessions right from their mobile devices. When a technician clicks on the link for on of the chat sessions, they are automatically joined into the session, and any auto-text they have set will be sent. They can then begin sending messages right away. There is an option to toggle on/off auto-refresh of the page.
  • Tasks: Technicians can view and update their calendar of personal tasks.
  • Settings: There is also a settings page for technicians to modify their preferences for the mobile interface.


InstallationInstalling ReadyDesk Mobile

To begin the installation of ReadyDesk Mobile, double-click on the downloaded file ReadyDesk_v5_5_MOBILE_NET.EXE. Click the “Next” button when you see the screen below.

Review the license agreement and click the “Next” button.

You will then need to select the destination directorywhere you want to install ReadyDesk Mobile. This must be the root path where your full installation of ReadyDesk is already installed. The default path is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ReadyDesk. If necessary, change this to point to the proper location of your \Inetpub\wwwroot directory.

All new installations can select “No” on the dialog asking if you want to back up replaced files.

Click the “Next” button to begin installing the directories and files.

You will then see the progress of the installation. This process may take a few minutes. Please wait until this dialog closes itself. It may sit at 100% for several seconds to several minutes as it configures directory permissions and IIS settings.

When you see the dialog below the installation has completed. Click the “Finish” button and you are now ready to begin using ReadyDesk.

Installation > Upgrading from previous installations

At this time there are no special instructions for upgrading. If you already had ReadyDesk mobile installed prior to the official release, you can simple install the latest build directly over it with no data loss.

Configuration and Administration

To access your ReadyDeskMobileAdministration Console go to Your exact URL may vary depending on installation location. For all other configuration and usage, please refer to the main user manual, as the features and usage are nearly identical.

Technician Usage

Technician Usage > Logging In

The path to the technician interface will be Your actual URL will vary depending on where you installed ReadyDesk.

The technician will be presented with a basic login page. The technician enters their technician ID and password and clicks submit. If the login is unsuccessful, the technician will be notified and prompted to try again. If login is successful, the technician will be forwarded on to the technician interface.

Your license determines the maximum number of technicians that can be logged in at any given time, to both the main interface and the mobile interface. If the maximum number of technicians are already logged in you see a message box informing you of that.

Only one technician at a time can be logged in using the same technician ID. If a technician tries to login with an ID that is already is use they will see a message box informing them of that. This also means that a technician cannot be logged into the main interface and the mobile interface at the same time using the same technician ID.

In some cases an account can be stuck in a “logged in” status even when they are not, and techs could see the message boxes that the maximum number of techs are logged in or that their ID is already in use. In either case, depending on the feature the administrator has enabled, the technician may have the option to view a list of techs who are set as logged in and/or to force a log out of one ore more of those accounts. If the tech is presented with a list of techs who are logged in they can select the desired account and click on the “Force Logout” button and get presented with an authentication form. If no list of techs is presented, the tech will be taken directly to an authentication form. In either case the technician must enter the user ID and password of the technician account they wish to forcefully log out. If the ID and password are correct, the account will be logged out, and the technician can return to the login page to reattempt the login.

Technician Usage > The Main Dashboard

Each feature can be access by clicking on the icon or hyperlinked name below it.

Technician Usage > Tickets

The “Tickets” icon shows the number of tickets with a status of “Open” out of the number of non-closed tickets. In the example of above, it is 161/179.

Clicking tickets will show the following screen:

You can use the views dropdown and filters, just as you would in the main technician interface.

Each section displays the columns you have selected to be displayed in your settings page. These settings are shared in the mobile and main tech interfaces. To view/edit a ticket, just click on the hyperlinked subject.

Required fields on the ticket form will be noted with a red * next to them.

Tabs are displayed vertically, inline with the rest of the form, separated by a gray band. Workflow rules are applied just as they would be in the main interface.

File attachments are also listed, and can be opened if your mobile device supports the file type.

Updates to tickets will apply the same email templates as used in the regular technician interface.

Technician Usage > New Ticket

Clicking on the “New” icon will present a form to enter a customer ID. If an invalid or unsupported customer ID is entered, you will receive a message stating that, and to try again. Once a valid ID is entered, you will be taken to the new ticket form. Tabs, added fields and workflow rules are all supported. Billing, scheduling and time tracking entries are not supported at this time.

Submitting the ticket will present you with the new ticket number, and the same email templates as used in the regular technician interface will be applied.

Technician Usage > Search

The search icon will take you to the Global Search page. From there you can select the areas of ReadyDesk you wish to search, and enter a keyword to search for. Including Chat sessions in your search will cause the results to return more slowly, as it searches all chat sessions, including those that have been closed.

When the search is complete it will return a list of the sections and the number of results for each, as seen below:

Clicking on the hyperlinked numbers will take you to the detailed search results for that section.

Technician Usage > Customers

This will show a basic list of customers. You can filter them by keyword.

Clicking on the hyperlinked CID of the customer will show the full details for that account.

Technician Usage > Chat

This page displays a list of customer chat sessions.

By default, it will be set to show the pending chat sessions. You can change the view to show active or closed sessions as well. Searching closed sessions may take a long time to execute, depending on the number of closed session stored in your database.

To join a session, the technician would click in the hyperlinked customer ID. They will automatically be taken into the chat session, and any auto-text they have created in their technician settings will be sent. As soon as the page has finished loading the technician may begin sending messages.

Because nearly all mobile browsers do not fully support the technology used in the regular chat interface, this interface requires for the page to be reloaded. It is reloaded when a message is sent, or when technician enables the auto-refresh function. There is a button to toggle on/off the auto-refresh function, which refreshes the page every 10 seconds.

Technician Usage > Articles

This page lists the support articles available for technician viewing.

Clicking on the hyperlinked title will display the article details.

Technician Usage > Assets

This page lists the assets found in the system. From here you can view, add, edit and delete assets, depending on which options have been enabled for techs in the admin console.

Technician Usage > Schedule

This page displays a calendar, with blue highlighted squares for the days that have scheduled jobs for tickets associated with them. Below is an enlarged view.

Clicking the hyperlinked day will display the detailed schedules for that day. You can filter by Customer IDs and/or keyword.

Technician Usage > Tasks

Similar to the “Schedule” page discussed above, the Tasks page displays a calendar. The difference here is that it is for personal tasks, and not scheduled tasks that are associated with tickets.

Below is an enlarged view.

Clicking the hyperlinked day will display the personal tasks for that day, and clicking the hyperlinked plus sign will take you to the Add Task page, where you would create a new task.

Technician Usage > Settings

The mobile version of the settings page is very similar to that of the regular version, but obviously with fewer options. Only those options that would affect the mobile interface are available. Below is an enlarged view.

Technician Usage > Admin

This simply takes you to the mobile admin console login page.

Technician Usage > Logout

This will log the technician out of the mobile technician interface, and return them to the login page.