



The House met at 10H07.

1. 10h08 Members were given an opportunity for silent prayers or meditation.

2. 10h09 The Speaker made announcements.

3. 10h14 The Speaker read the tabling of the following Reports into the record:

3.1 Report of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development on the Budget of Vote 3; and

3.2 Report of the Portfolio Committee on Education on the Budget of Vote 5.

4. 10h15 The Speaker made further announcements.

5. 10h17 The following Members gave notice of their intention to move

motions on the next sitting day of the House:

5.1 Ms L C Bebee, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

The commitment of the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (KZN) to improve overall municipal performance as part of its routine monitoring of municipalities.

This House therefore resolves:

To commend the department’s assistance in aligning municipalities’ resources and capacity with the implementation of their Integrated Development Plans, as well as the department’s efforts in reviewing municipal performance and taking steps to improve performance with regard to those development priorities and objectives that were not previously met.

5.2 Ms G N Swartbooi-Ntombela, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

The renewed focus of the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (KZN) on the effectiveness of ward committees at the start of this new term of local government.

This House therefore resolves:

To applaud various oversight decisions taken by the department to ensure, for example, that ward committee members sign a code of conduct to improve their accountability, or that operational plans are developed to ensure that operations by ward committees are structured in such a way to provide an enabling platform for them to actively take part in the planning, implementation and monitoring of service delivery.

5.3 Ms M M Ntuli, ANC, to move:

Le Ndlu inaka:

Yaba nokudumala okukhulu ngesenzo sokudutshulwa kwezingane ezihlala emgaqweni laphaya eThekwini kwashona ezimbili ezinye zaphuthunyiswa esibhedlela.

Kuyacaca ukuthi kunabantu abangenanembeza nabangaqondi ukuthi inkinga yalezi zingane eyethu sonke. Lenga inkinga engehlela noma ubani ngoba akekho umzali ongathanda ukuhlukana nengane yakhe.

Ngakho-ke le Ndlu inquma kanje:

Ukuba sonke siqinisekise ukuthi ama values emindeni yethu siyawanakekela nokuthi izidakamizwa ezingezinye zezimbangela zokuhlala kwalezi zingane emigwaqeni sizikhabe ngakho konke esingakwenza emiphakathini yethu.

[This House notes:

With big disappointment the shooting of street kids in Durban after which two of them lost their lives and others were rushed to hospital;

It is clear that there are heartless people out there who do not understand that the problems which these kids represent, affect us all.

What happens to these children can happen to anyone’s child, because no parent willingly parts ways with their kids.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on everyone [in society] to ensure that family values are instilled and to understand that drugs are often the reason that these kids stay on the streets; and

That we should fights drugs with all our might.]

5.4 Mr F A Rodgers, DA, to move:

This House notes:

With interest the unprecedented move by three former South African Presidents and a former Deputy President to come together on Friday to discuss the “deep and pervasive national general crisis” facing this country;

This includes the foundations of FW de Klerk, Thabo Mbeki and Kgalema Motlanthe, former Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka and Desmond Tutu, as well as those of Robert Sobukwe, Chief Albert Luthuli and Helen Suzman.

This House therefore resolves:

To welcome this progressive initiative to resolve the political crisis facing South Africa.

5.5 Mr M B Gwala, IFP, to move:

This House notes:

The irresponsible utterances made by hon M Ntuli (ANC) on Radio uKhozi when he referred to IFP candidates as thieves who need to rot in jail;

That hon Ntuli seeks to tarnish the reputations of candidates based on untested accusations; and

That he seeks to usurp the role of the judges and the courts.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on hon Ntuli to behave in a responsible manner and to refrain from stooping to such gutter politics in a vain attempt to win votes for the ANC.

5.6 Mr V R Mlotshwa, NFP, to move:

Le Ndlu iyakunaka:

Ukushaywa indiva udaba lwezikole ezimbili ezineminyaka eyevile eshumini zingatholile i-EMIS number.

Sengibikele oNgqongqoshe nokulandelana kwabo, u-MEC NP Nkonyeni owaphumayo kanye no MEC ME Ndlungwana kodwa akudikizi ngisho inqulu ku-MEC.

Ngakho-ke le Ndlu inquma kanje:

Ake u-MEC Dlungwana athumele izisebenzi zoMnyango eZankolongo Primary School nakwa Nkosana Primary School ukuba ziyolungisa lolu daba.

[This House notes:

The disregard shown to two schools that have not received their EMIS number in over 10 years;

I have reported this matter to successive MECs – former MEC NP Nkonyeni and her successor, MEC ME Dlungwana, but to no avail.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on MEC Dlungwana to send departmental officials to Zankolongo Primary School and Nkosana Primary School to resolve this matter.]

5.7 Mr V Ndlovu, EFF, to move:

This House notes:

President Zuma’s administration is failing dismally and is hell-bent on reversing democratic gains – today we have judicial supremacy, we cannot manage the fiscus, our debt ratio is up, our surplus is down and our current account deficit is high.

This House therefore resolves:

To welcome the call by former Presidents to discuss our country’s future;

To call on the SACP, unless it is suffering from parasitic strategic thinking, to support the vote of no confidence; and

To call on the ANC to embrace democracy by allowing a secret ballot on May 15 because Zuma must go.

The EFF is South Africa’s only future.

5.8 Ms S Thakur-Rajbansi, MF, to move:

This House notes:

That agricultural co-operatives worldwide play a significant role in poverty reduction and rural development; and

While these co-operatives assist food production, food distribution and long-term food security, there are numerous challenges hindering co-operative development in KwaZulu-Natal which must be addressed.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on hon Mthembu, MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development, to issue an executive statement on the current status of co-operatives in KwaZulu-Natal, as well as the department’s strategy on co-operatives during this financial year.

5.9 Ms V V Tambo, ANC, to move:

Le Ndlu inaka:

Ukululazwa kwesidima sikaMongameli nokuthi kubekho iguntswana elizama ukwenza intlukwano phakathi kombimbi lwentlangano. Ngokuthi bathethe into engekho ngokubukho buka Mongameli kwe-rally yomgubho wabasebenzi.

Le Ndlu inquma kanje:

i-DA mayohlukane noMongameli wabantu wonyulwa ngabantu hayi iguntswana. Mabaphole abe DA ne EFF uMongameli akayi ndawo.

[This House notes:

The attack on the President’s integrity and the fact that there is a minority who is trying to cause divisions among the tripartite alliance by making factually incorrect statements about the President’s presence at the Workers’ Day rally.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on the DA to leave the President alone; after all, the President was elected by the people, not by a minority. The DA and the EFF should just relax – the President is not going anywhere.]

5.10 Ms LXH Hlongwa, ANC, to move:

Le Ndlu iqaphela:

Ukwenyuka kwezinga lokukhulelwa kwezinye zezikole zethu okubalwa kuzo i-Msimbu High School eNquthu.

Ukuthi iningi labantwana abakhulelwayo bancane, futhi abanye bakhuleliswa yilabo abaseduze kwabo o-sugar daddy kanye nothisha kwesinye isikhathi.

Imvamisa yeningi lalabo abakhulelwayo batholakala ezizindeni zenhlupheko, ukungalingani nokungabikho kwemisebenzi.

Ngakho-ke le Ndlu inquma kanje:

Ukunxusa imiphakathi yakithi ukuba ibe nezithangami zokusiza nokuxoxa ngezindaba eziphathelene nabantu abasha.

Ukukhuthaza iMinyango yezeMidlalo kanye nowezeMfundo ukuba uqinise impela amaxhama okuthuthukisa abafundi ngezemidlalo, kanye nokukhuthaza abantwana bakithi ukuba babeke ikusasa labo phambili kunokuba bazicekele phansi ngocansi olungavikelekile.

[This House notes:

The increase in the number of pregnant teenage girls at some of our schools, including Msimbu High School in Nquthu;

The majority of these girls are young and are impregnated by persons who are close to them – sugar daddies, who include some of their teachers; and

Most of the girls who fall pregnant come from poverty-stricken areas, where unemployment and inequality are rife.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on our communities to convene forums to discuss issues that affect our youth;

To encourage the Departments of Sport and Recreation and of Education to strengthen their programmes aimed at developing learners through sports, and to encourage learners to put their future first, instead of destroying it through unprotected sex.]

5.11 Mr S W Mchunu, DA, to move:

This House notes:

That the Nquthu by-elections are set to take place on 24 May; and

That all political parties contesting those by-elections are today meant to sign the IEC’s electoral pledge.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on all parties contesting the Nquthu by-elections to honour the electoral pledge and ensure that the people of Nquthu are afforded an opportunity to have peaceful elections; and

To congratulate the DA for selecting candidates of high calibre and integrity, and individuals who are committed to serve the people of Nquthu.

5.12 Mr H F Motala, IFP, to move:

This House notes:

That in 2005 hon MB Gwala, then MEC for Public Works in KwaZulu-Natal, was the first MEC to receive the International Professional Management Review: Africa Golden Arrow Award;

That hon Gwala also received the Commemorative Medal: Man of the Year Award from the American Biographical Institute;

That these prestigious international awards prove beyond any doubt that hon Gwala was an outstanding political head of the Department of Public Works; and

That, under his leadership, that department delivered on its mandate.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on all serving MECs to emulate hon MB Gwala’s exceptional leadership qualities and work ethic.

5.13 Mr N Mlaba, NFP, to move:

This House notes:

The Department of Trade and Industry has recognised and allowed a group of black farmers to organise themselves by forming a new union which will deal exclusively with black farmers’ interests.

This House therefore resolves:

To commend the department on the move;

To call on government to acknowledge the work done by SAFTA, a black-owned institution, and to join them in transforming the agricultural sector; and

To request government to direct more resources to such associations and to limit funding to white-owned unions which do not benefit black farmers.

5.14 Mr A V Khoza, EFF, to move:

This House notes:

That the Legislature did the right thing by providing hon members with tools of trade like tablets and laptops;

That the move towards a paperless legislature was a noble intention; and

That the failure to provide Members with access to adequate functional Wi-Fi in this House is a blatant abdication of officials’ responsibility and defeats the above-stated purpose.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on the Speaker and the Secretary to the Legislature to ensure that those paid to provide Members with access to Wi-Fi do so promptly; failing which,

To get competent people to do the job efficiently and effectively.

5.15 Mr Y S Bhamjee, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

That a number of countries and their Ministers of Health, including our own to a limited extent, have entered into private-public partnerships with an aim of improving accessibility, quality and efficiencies of healthcare; and

That these partnerships can be beneficial to all stakeholders in particular, as South Africa is forging ahead with its implementation of NHI.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on the MEC for Health to engage with stakeholders, as well as the national Minister of Health to pursue this avenue and opportunity.

5.16 Mr G Mari, DA, to move:

This House notes:

The revelation that approximately 300 cases of fraud and corruption are being investigated in the DA-led Johannesburg City Council;

That these cases have a combined monetary value of R10 billion;

That these cases of fraud and corruption occurred during the corrupt ANC’s term of office; and

That the ANC has perfected fraud and corruption to boost its looting spree.

This House therefore resolves:

To congratulate DA Mayor Herman Mashaba for declaring corruption enemy Number 1;

To support his war against corruption; and

To congratulate the voters and the DA in kicking out the corrupt ANC from the Johannesburg City Council.

5.17 Ms NJ Nkwanyana, IFP, to move:

Le Ndlu:

Idumele ngobudedengu boMnyango wezeMpilo

ngokunganakekeleli odokotela nabasebenzi bezeMpilo.

Imashi yodokotela enamhlanje iyihlazo eMnyangweni njengoba basakhala namanje ngezinsiza kusebenza ezibhendlela. Bathi ukuhamba kwabo beya kwamanye ama Provinces akukhona ukufa ibhodwe eliconsayo kodwa ukhwehluleka koMnyango lapha eKZN. Lokhu okushiwo u-MEC Dlomo kungukubethuka ukuthi bafuna ibhodwe eliconsayo - Bathi okumqoka ukunyanya ukubona abantu befa phambi kwabo bebe bengakwazi ukubalekelela.

Ngakho le Ndlu inquma:

Ukuba uMnyango ucabange nezimpilo zabantu bakithi.

UDokotela uDlomo ayithathele phezulu le nto yemashi yozakwabo ngoba badinga ukulalelwa.

[This House:

Is disappointed to see that the Department of Health neglects to take proper care of its doctors and other healthcare workers;

It is a sad indictment on the department that, during today’s march, doctors were still complaining about the lack of resources at hospitals. They say their relocation to other provinces is not about greed, but the result of failure on the part of the KZN Department [of Health]. MEC Dhlomo insulted them when he suggested that they are only motivated by greed. They themselves say they are distraught when patients die on their watch and they are unable to do anything about it.

This House therefore resolves:

To call on the department to show due regard for the lives of our people;

To call on Dr Dhlomo to intervene urgently to resolve this march since doctors only want to be heard.]

5.18 Ms N M Khoza, ANC, to move:

This House notes:

The cross-border crimes, especially ukwebiwa kwezimoto at Mhlabuyalingana [vehicle theft at Mhlabuyalingana]; and

The outcry over slow response times by the police due to inadequate resources and vehicles at the police stations.

This House therefore resolves: