Sample Paper-2


Subject- English

Time. -3 hrs M.M-80

General Instructions:-

1.  All questions are compulsory-

2.  You may attempt any section at a time.

3.  All questions of the particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

Section A [Reading-20 marks]

Q1. Read the given passage carefully. [12]

1.  The months rolled on and Bruno had grown many times the size he was when he came. He had equalled the Alsatians in height and even outgrown them. But he was just as sweet, just as mischievous, just as playful. And he was very fond of us all. Above all, he loved my wife, and she loved him too! She had changed his name from Bruno, to Baba, a Hindustani word signifying’small boy’. And he could do a few tricks, too. At the commmand, ‘Baba, Wrestle’, or ‘Baba, box,’ he vigorously tackled anyone who came forward for a ‘rough’ and ‘tumble’. Give him a stick and say’Baba, hold gun,’ and he pointed the stick at you. Ask him,’ Baba, where’s baby?’ and he immediately produced and cradled affectionately a strump of wood which he had carefully concealed in his straw bed. But because of the tenant’s children, poor Bruno, or Baba, had to be kept chained most of the time.

2.  Then my son and I advised my wife, and fiorends advised her too, to give Baba to the Zoo at Mysore. He was getting too big to keep at home. After some weeks of such advice she at last consented. Hastily, and before she could change her mind, a letter was written to the curator of the zoo. Did he want a tame bear for his collection? He replied,’Yes’. The zoo sent a cage from Mysore in a lorry, a distance of eighty-seven miles and Baba was packed off.

3.  We all missed him greatly; but in a sense we were relieved. My wife was inconsolable. She wept and fretted. For the first few days she would not eat a thing.

Based on your knowledge of the above passage, write the answer of the questions:-

1.  Who was Bruno? How did he grow up?

2.  What tells you that Bruno was an intelligent creature? Give one example?

3.  Why had Bruno to be chained?

4.  Where was Bruno sent? How did the narrator’s wife react?

5.  Find words from the passage which have the same meanings as:

(a) Hidden (b) Agreed

6.  Give the suitable title of the passsage:

Q2. Read the following passage carefully:- 8

Eklavya, the fearless son of Hiranyadhanus, belonged to the Nishadas Race. His ambition was to become a renowned warrior of his times. To fulfil his dream, he approached Dronacharya, the teacher of the Kshtriya guru during those times. Drone was the most experienced archery guru during those times.

Drona refused to teach archery to Eklavya. He explained that he could not teach the art to non-kshatriyas. Eklavya was disappointed but did not want to compromise on his ambitions. He had a lot of respect for Dronacharya’s teachings and still considered him his guru. He made an idol of his teacher and worshipped him daily. He secretly observed Drona teaching his students. He practiced the same by himself and gained impeccable skills.

One day, while Eklavya was practicing archery, a dog happened to come on the way and disturb him. Since the dog kept barking, Eklavya shot arrows into his mouth with unbelievable precision. The Pandavas were in the same forest and saw the whimpering dog with the arrows in his mouth. They could not believe the skill with which the arrows had been shot and followed the dog to the archer. Eklavya met the Pandavas and disclosed his identity. He mentioned that he was an ardent student of Dronacharya.

Arjuna, the most adept archer of the Pandavas felt that Eklavya was much superior to him. However, Dronacharya had promised Arjuna that he would be the most populararcher int eh world. He went to his Guru and spoke about Eklavya. Dronacharya was mystified about a tribal boy claimed to be his student. He denied teaching eklavya and wanted to meet him. When he reached the forest, he saw Eklavya worshipping him in the form of an idol. He was touched by this gesture but could not go back on his promise. He demanded guru-dakshina from Eklavya. This was a traditional expression of gratitude by the students of their guru in olden days.

Dronacharya demanded the right thumb of Eklavya as guru- dakshina. Eklavya realized that he could nomore practise archery if he obeys his guru. However, because of his true respect for Drona’s teachings, he willingly cut his right thumb and handed it over to his guru and fell at his feet.


1.  Drone refused to teach archery to Eklavya because

a.  He had enmity with the Nishadas race to which Eklavya belonged.

b.  He did not teach archery to non- kshatryas.

c.  Eklavya knew archery already.

d.  Eklavya did not respect him.

2.  Eklavya grew adept at archery by

a.  Learning archery from Arjuna.

b.  Making a staute of Drona.

c.  Secretly observing Drona teach archery to his students and practicing it.

d.  worshipping his diety daily.

3.  Drona had promised Arjuna that

a.  He wpuld make Arjuna the best archer in the world.

b.  He would not teach Eklavya.

c.  He would teach archery to no except Arjuna.

d.  He would make the pandavas the best archers in the world.

4.  Tick the correct statement.

a.  Eklavya refused to yield to Dronacharya’s demand of guru- dakshina.

b.  Eklavya pleaded to Dronacharya and promised never to practice archery.

c.  Eklavya argued with Dronacharya that he was biased towards the Pandavas.

d.  Eklavya cut his right thumb and handed it over to Dronacharya as guru- dakshina.

5.  Drone demanded the right thumb of Eklavya as his guru- dakshina because

a.  Then Eklavya would not be able to practice archery and complete with Arjuna.

b.  He was angry that Eklavya had learnt archery by observing him teach other students.

c.  He wanted to punish Eklavya as he was a non- kshatriya.

d.  Eklavya was poor and could not pay his guru dakshina on time.

6.  Who was Dronacharya’s favourite student?

7.  What is the opposite of the word respect?

8.  Name the Title of the passage?

Section B [ Writing Grammar ]

Q3. Madhur of ckass VI-A has lost his expensive geometry box in the school during the games period. Write a notice in about 50 words on his behalf requestingthe finder to give handover the geometry box. Also, offer a suitable reward. [5]


As Anupreet Arya, the school Captain of Lovedale School, Ghaziabad, draft a noticein about 50 words for the students of 6th to 8th classes inviting them to participate in a Declamation contest. Invent details like date, time, venue, topics, time limits etc.

Q4. You are Neha. You stay in a boarding school. Write a letter to your parents asking them to send you Rs. 2000 to buy some books. Write this in not more than 120 words… use the following clues to develop the letter. [5]

·  Mention how soon you would want the cash.

·  Explain the options through which they can send money- cheque/DD/money order.

·  Give the details of your bank account in case they wish to deposit money directly into your account.

Q5. Draft a speech on the topic ”DRIVE SAFE, REACH SAFE.” [5]

Q6. Choose the most appropriate word for each blank space out of the options given at the end in each passage[4]

Thousands of years ago people climbed trees and slept (a)…………….. their boughs (b)…………….protect (c) …………….. from wild nimals. They often hid (d) ……….caves. Ther was (e) ……………. Difference between man and animals.

(a)  (1) at (2) in (3) on (4)from

(b)  (1) for (2) to (3) with (4)of

(c)  (1) them (2) their (3) themselves (4) himself

(d)  (1) to (2) in (3) into (4) with

(e)  (1) much (2) no (3) little (4) for

Q7. The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word which you have supplied. [4]

Incorrect Correct

We know that pencillin as not was is

a remedy for all infections. There were still (a)………………. ……………………

many diseases upon which it have no effects (b)………………. ……………………

but its discovery have led to researches on (c)………………. ……………………

other kinds of moulds and plants. Several

new ddrugs has been discovered. (d)………………. ……………………

Q8. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaning sentences. [4]

1.  Our/humanity/ connect is/ with/ they/ deepest

2.  Charming/ attractive/ shelooks/ features/ with her

3.  Of most/ now a days/ the attitude/ parents/ is different

4.  Pollution/ is/ the worst/ air/ that man/ menace/ has created

Q9. Change the verb in the brackets into simple present or the present continuous: [3]

1.  It is five o’clock and the boys…………….. (play)

2.  I ………………(drink) at least 4 cups of coffee daily.

3.  Mother………………..(prepare) breakfast in the kitchen now.

4.  The coffee we ……………….(drink) at present is very bitter.

5.  We …………………(go) to Mumbai next week.

6.  When you ………………(come) to Delhi, I shall see you.

Section C [Literature]

Q.10 Read these sentences and answers the questions that follows. [4]

“He called his powerful drawing simply ‘Hands’, but the entire world almost immediately opened their hearts to this great masterpiece and renamed his tribute of love ‘The Praying Hands’”.

a.  What was the subject of the drawing?

b.  Why did the artist call it ‘Hands’?

c.  Explain the phrase,’ opened their hearts’.

d.  Who is he here?

Q.11 Answer the following questions:- [8]

1. What kind of art pieces did Albrecht create?

2. Describe the stranger whom Rip met on the mountainside.

3. How did Uncle Ken and the narrator irritate each other while eating?

4. What surprise awaited Hughie the next morning?

Q.12 Write down the meaning of the word:- [5]

1. Sulkily 6. Caper

2. Immersed 7. Extravagance

3. Reverently 8. Rambles

4. Intixicate 9. Knoll

5. Morsel 10. Toil

Q.13 Answer the following questions:- [VALUE BASED QUESTIONS] [8]

1. ‘An idle mind is a devil’s workshop’ is an age –old proverb. Explain this proverb with example..

2. Every winter, when I came home from boarding school, I would spend a month with Granny….. How often do you spend time with your grandparents? What do you do when you are with them?

Q.15 Underline the verbs in these sentences and say whether they are Transitive (T) or Intransitive (I) verbs [5]

1. They showed me the photo album. ………………………

2. She cried all day when her dog died. ………………………

3. The poor sleep in the streets. ………………………

4. My mother cleans the house every day. ………………………

5. Time changes all things. ………………………