Unit Title



Prepare for, monitor and maintain, law enforcement operations


This unit is about the supervision of personnel involved in law enforcement operations. You will need to be able to assimilate information from a briefing or operational order, and communicate this information to those under your direction and control. You will also need to be able to ensure that you have sufficient resources and equipment to carry out your allotted tasks, and that you have the necessary authority required to carry them out.
You must be aware of the risks that may be present and what to do to minimise or deal with such risks. You must also be able to monitor events to maintain the safety of all personnel involved as well as others with whom you may come into contact.

There are two elements:

CC7.1 / Prepare for law enforcement operations
CC7.2 / Monitor and maintain law enforcement operations

This unit was developed by Skills for Justice.

Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement / Final version approved February 2008




Prepare for law enforcement operations

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 / confirm the specific tasks and objectives allocated to you for the operation
2 / gather and review all the available information and intelligence in relation to the operation
3 / confirm that you have sufficient resources to carry out the tasks allocated to you, reporting any deficiencies to the appropriate person
4 / check that all personnel under your direction are in possession of the required equipment and have been trained to use such equipment
5 / determine any contingency measures and tactical responses to counter any of the identified risks
6 / liaise with relevant others involved in the operation where joint actions are required
7 / deal with individuals in an ethical manner, recognising their needs with respect to race, diversity and human rights
8 / ensure you have the required authorities for the allocated tasks
9 / ensure your team are fully briefed regarding the operation, their tasks and objectives and are aware of all the necessary information
10 / fully document all decisions, actions, options and rationale in accordance with current policy and legislation


1 / Resources
a / human
b / equipment
2 / Relevant others
a / internal departments
b / external departments




Monitor and maintain law enforcement operations

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 / deploy all resources under your direction in accordance with the plan
2 / inform the person in charge of the operation of your state of readiness and any issues arising
3 / ensure that actions are carried out to plan and in co-ordination with relevant others
4 / take appropriate action to deal with any contingencies in accordance with your level of authority
5 / continually monitor and adjust the actions of your team towards the objectives, reporting any developments to the person in charge of the operation
6 / continually monitor the evolving operation to maintain the health and safety of all concerned, and to identify any risks to the operation
7 / deal with individuals in an ethical manner, recognising their needs with respect to race, diversity and human rights
8 / report the outcomes of your team’s involvement to the person in charge of the operation
9 / ensure your team is thoroughly debriefed
10 / fully document all decisions, actions, options and rationale in accordance with current policy and legislation


1 / Resources
a / human
b / equipment
2 / Relevant others
a / internal departments
b / external agencies




Prepare for, monitor and maintain, law enforcement operations

Knowledge and Understanding

To meet the standard, you need to know and understand

Legal and organisational requirements

1 / current, relevant legislation, policies, procedures, codes of practice and guidelines for preparing for, monitoring and maintaining, law enforcement operations
2 / current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to race, diversity and human rights
3 / current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to health and safety
4 / the importance of adhering to national guidelines relating to working appropriately with children and young people

Command structure

5 / the command structure and how it functions
6 / the procedures for communicating within the command structure
7 / the correct procedures for handing over responsibility

Risks and contingencies

8 / how to conduct risk assessments and ensure that they have been conducted effectively
9 / how to identify, plan and implement contingency measures to counteract risks
10 / the health and safety issues connected with law enforcement operations

The local community

11 / the composition and diversity of the local community

Briefings and de-briefings

12 / the points at which briefings and de-briefs should take place
13 / the importance of fully briefing and de-briefing your team

Preparing for law enforcement operations

14 / how to confirm the specific tasks and objectives that have been allocated
15 / the importance of reviewing information and intelligence in relation to law enforcement operations
16 / the sources of information and intelligence in relation to law enforcement operations
17 / the typical resources required for law enforcement operations within your area of responsibility
18 / the importance of checking that all personnel in your team have the necessary equipment and have been trained to use such equipment
19 / the relevant others (internal departments and external agencies) who may be involved with law enforcement operations
20 / the types of contingencies that may arise and how these should be dealt with
21 / the need for contingency plans and what circumstances these should relate to
22 / the types of authorisations that may be required and how to obtain them

Monitoring and maintaining law enforcement operations

23 / how to deploy resources for law enforcement operations
24 / how to check that actions are being carried out to plan
25 / the situations in which it is necessary to carry out actions in co-ordination with relevant others (internal departments and external agencies) and how this should be achieved
26 / your level of responsibility for dealing with contingencies during law enforcement operations
27 / the ways in which law enforcement operations are brought to a conclusion and the procedures for this

Record keeping

28 / the importance of keeping accurate records
29 / the types of records that must be completed
30 / the reasons for fully recording decisions, actions, options and rationale

Unit Title



Prepare for, monitor and maintain, law enforcement operations

Evidence Requirements

1Simulation is not allowed for any performance evidence within this unit.

2You must practically demonstrate in your work that you have met the standard for preparing for, monitoring and maintaining law enforcement operations on at least 3 separate occasions.

3Element CC7.1 Prepare for law enforcement operations

From the range in element 1 you must show that you:

- have dealt with all the relevant resources

- have dealt with all relevant others

4Element CC7.2 Monitor and maintain law enforcement operations

From the range in element 2 you must show that you:

- have dealt with all the resources

- have dealt with all relevant others

Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement / Final version approved February 2008