Celebrant: Canon Residentiary

Stewards on Duty: Group A

1. Opening Hymn: A&MNS 2 (Melcombe)

2.Introductory Sentence:They said to one another, were not our hearts on fire as he talked with us on the road and explained the scriptures to us. Luke 24: 32.

3.The Preparation (Page 170)

4.Collect for Purity (Page 171)

5.Summary of the Law (Page 172)

6.Words of Comfort (Page 175)

7.Confession to Collect (Pages 175-176)

8.Collect: Almighty God, whose Son Jesus is the resurrection and the life of all who put their trust in Him : raise us, we pray, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness, that we may seek the things which are above, where He reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

9.O.T. Reading: 1 Kings 17: 17-24 - Revd. Adebola Ojofeitimi

10.Epistle: 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11- Mr. Maurice Duke

11.Gradual Hymn: A&MNS 402 (Christ Church)

12.Gospel:John 11: 17-27 Revd. Segun Ladeinde

13.Sermon: Ven. S. Obi Nwankerendu

14.Creed: (Page 178)

15.Intercession:(Pages 183-184) Mrs. Adetunji Duke

16.Offertory Sentence: Praise the Lord, O my soul; while I live will I praise the Lord : yea, as long as I have any being, I will sing praises unto my God, alleluia.

17.Offertory Hymn: A&MNS 420 (Tune A&MNS 425 - Harewood)

18.Preparation of Gifts to Eucharistic Prayer (Pages 187-190)

19.Breaking of Bread to Anthem: (Pages 190-193)

20.Prayer of Humble Access: (Pages 193-194)

21.Communion Sentence: A little while, and ye shall not see me, alleluia : and again, a little while and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father, alleluia, alleluia.

22.Administration: (Page 194)

23.Hymns during Administration:

(i) A&MNS 122 (St. Peter)

(ii) A&MNS 141 (St. Magnus)

(iii) A&MNS 82 (St. Albnus)

(iv) A&MNS 272 (St. Flavian)

(v) A&MNS 424 (Tune A&MNS 150 - Naranza)

(vi) A&MNS 421 (Set Tune)

(vii) A&MNS 427 (Tune A&MNS 240 - Sandys)

24.Post Communion Hymn: A&MNS 510 (The Ash Grove)

25.Post Communion Prayer: Jesus said, If you had known me you would have known my Father also, hence you know Him and have seen Him (Alleluia).

26.The Lord’s Prayer to Thanksgiving Prayer (Pages 195-196)

27.Altar Call: The Family of Late Moses Aboyede Pearce

The Family of Late Mr. Cindy Raphael Okechukwu –

Hymn A&MNS 453


29.Spiritual Tonic: Isaiah 60: 20

30.Benediction to Dismissal: (Page 196)

31.Withdrawal Hymn: A&MNS 139 (Gospel) - Bible Week Collection

Cantor: Revd. Segun Ladeinde



2. What does the Holy Spirit do?

1.Entrance Hymn: A&MNS 101 (Hanover)

2.Call to Worship: (pages 18-19)

3.Confession and Absolution

4.Venite: ASB 2 - John Stainer in G

5.Psalms: 121 - ASB 218 - H. Walford Davies in D

126 - ASB 224 - E. Cutler in G

6.Bible Reading: John 14:15-26 Mrs. Ayo Shodipo-Olabode

7.Benedictus: ASB 17 - John Lemon in G

8.Creed to 3rd Collect

9.Anthem: Rejoice In The Lord Alway - Purcell - 1st Tune Venice)

Rejoice in the Lord alway,

And again, I say rejoice

Let your moderation be known unto all men,

The Lord is at hand

Be careful for nothing;

But in everything

By prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,

Let your requests be made known to God.

And the peace of God which passeth all understanding

Shall keep your hearts and minds

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

10.Hymn before Sermon: A&MNS 471 (All for Jesus)

11.Sermon: Revd. Adebola Ojofeitimi

12Intercession: Revd. Adebola Ojofeitimi

13.Hymn for Offering: A&MNS 125 (Dominus regit me)

14.Altar Call:


16.Spiritual Tonic: : Isaiah 60: 20

18.Conclusion to Benediction

19.Final Amen: William Byrd

20.Withdrawal Hymn:A&MNS 231 (Tune A&MNS 169 - University)

- Bible Week Collection



Worship Leader: Mrs. Tolu Animashaun


2.Opening Hymn: C.H. 369

3.Bible Reading: Luke 24: 36-49

4.Hymn: C.H. 391

5.Creed to Prayers:

6.Hymn: Choruses (Offering to be taken)

7.Closing Prayer

8.Hymn: C.H. 373

9.Children go to their various classes

1.11.15 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.Opening Service

2.11.30 a.m. - 03.00 a.m.Individual/Family Prayers and

Counseling, Praise and Hymn Singing

3.03.00 p.m. - 04.00 p.m.Break

4.04.00 p.m. - 04.45 p.m.Prayers and Counseling


Celebrant: Ven. Williams Mehinsan

Setting: Somervell

1.Hymn: A&MNS 464 (Blaenwern)

2.Introit: Holy, Holy, Holy - Schbert - CAB page 154

Holy, holy, holy, God Almighty Lord!

Holy, holy, holy, everywhere adored!

He without beginning, He th’eternal One

Reigns and rules for ever all things ‘neath the sun.

2.Power and love and wonder circling round His throne,

Praise Him, holy, holy, Lord of life alone.

3.Introductory Sentence: They said to one another, were not our hearts on fire as he talked with us on the road and explained the scriptures to us. Luke 24: 32.

4.The Preparation (page 170)

5.Collect for Purity and Gloria in Excelsis(page 374)

6.Summary of the Law: (page 172)

7.Words of Comfort (pages 175)

8.Confession: (pages 175-176)

9.Collect: Almighty God, whose Son Jesus is the resurrection and the life of all who put their trust in Him: raise us, we pray, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness, that we may seek the things which are above, where He reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

10.O.T. Reading:1 Kings 17: 17-24

11.N.T. Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 Gift Day Sub-Committee

12.Gradual: A&MNS 509 (TuneA&MNS 31 - Cross of Jesus)

13.GospelJohn 11: 17-27 - Revd. Segun Ladeinde

14.Address: The Provost

15.Creed: (pages 178)

16.Intercession: (page 387-388) Gift Day Sub-Committee

17.Peace: (Pages 186)

18.Offertory Sentence: Praise the Lord, O my soul; while I live will I praise the Lord: yea, as long as I have any being, I will sing praises unto my God, alleluia.

19.Offertory Hymn: A&MNS 287 (Almsgiving)

(Please drop all envelopes)

20.Preparation of Gifts to Eucharistic prayer: (pages 391 - 398)

21.Breaking of Bread to Anthem: (pages 190-193)

22Prayer of Humble Access: (page 193-194)

23.Communion Sentence: A little while, and ye shall not see me, alleluia: and again, a little while and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father, alleluia, and alleluia.

25.Administration: (Page 194)

26. Hymns during Administration:

(i) A&MNS 439 (Jackson)

(ii) A&MNS 473 (St. Botolph)

(iii) A&MNS 477 (Tune A&MNS 150 - Narenza)

(iv) A&MNS 260 (2nd Tune - Unde et memores)

27.Post Communion Hymn: A&MNS 249(1st Tune - Innocents)

28.Post Communion Prayer: Jesus said, If you had known me you would have known my Father also, hence you know Him and have seen Him (Alleluia).

29.The Lord’s Prayer to Thanksgiving Prayer (pages 195-196)

30.Altar Call: General Thanksgiving


32.Spiritual Tonic:Isaiah 60: 20

33.Benediction to Dismissal (page 196)

34.Final Amen: 3 - fold

35.Withdrawal Hymn: A&MNS 458 (Duke Street) - Bible Week Collection

1.Gift Day 2011

Today is our Gift Day, when we come for special prayers and counselling at the altar with members of our families or as individuals. It is also a day to make a special Gift to God for giving us this place of worship. I do hope that you have invited your friends also to come and be part of the programme.

2.SWSU Retreat:

The SWSU Retreat comes up on Monday, 23rd May, 2011, at St. Peter’s Church, Magbon-Alade at 10.00 a.m. The theme is “The Perfect love for God and Others” (1 John 4: 18) The Bus will depart the Cathedral premises at 9.00 a.m. Those who have served on the panel before may join if they so wish.

3.The Diocesan Charity Day:

This year’s family day will come up on Saturday, 21st May, 2011 DV at the Cathedral, Akodo and Iraye. Donation of the following items are welcomed.

-Fairly used clothes, shoes, etc, for men, women and children.

-Household items

-Foodstuff like - rice, bean, gari, yams etc,

-Beverages - Milk, sugar, milo, etc,

-Washing materials- Detergent, soaps for body and clothes

-Cash to purchase any of the above items

Please leave the items with the sextons for Mrs. Olabo Johnson, the Provost’s wife. Thank you.

4.Victory Night:

The Victory Night comes up on Friday, 10th June, 2011 at Immanuel Anglican Church, Mobil Road, Apapa, at 11.00 p.m. Come and spend a night with the LORD. You might wish to join the Church bus that will depart at 9.00 p.m. for the venue.

5.New Improved Cathedral Website:

As part of our mission to enchance the profile of the Cathedral, the website of the Church has been re-designed to make it more lively and attractive. Kindly visit it and also encourage your children and loved ones, especially those who are abroad, to constantly avail themselves of the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the going-on in the Church through this medium.

6.Mid-Week Fellowship and Love Feast:

Are you celebrating your birthday or any joyous occasion in your family or remembering a loved one? Think of sharing your joys with the lowly ones, who can give you nothing in return, but are being led to Christ by us. Sponsor a Wednesday afternoon. Cost is N27,000 per Wednesday. You can pay part of an afternoon’s cost. See Omoba Ademola or the Parish Clerk during the week. Thank you and God bless.

We thank Chief Ernest Shonekan for sponsoring our Mid-Week Fellowship on May 11, 2011 in thanksgiving to God for his birthday which came up on Monday, 9th May, 2011. God will continue to grant him good health, joy and happiness throughout the days of his life.

7.Elders’ Faith Clinic:

The Elders’ Faith Clinic will take place at Our Saviour’s Church, T.B.S. on Thursday, 26th May, 2011 at 9.00 a.m.

8.Church Needs:

(a) (1) HP Laptop with 250 GB hard drive, dual core Processor or AMD Turion

Technology (2.1 GHZ) with memory 4 GB.

(b) Camcorder (Panasonic or Canon) with Hard disk (80 GB), 78 X OPTICAL zoom and digital zoom 3500 x

(c) APC Smart - UPs 2.2 KVA.

(d) 2 Megaphones

We thank all those who have responded to our requests in the recent weeks. Please kindly assist in the provision of the above listed items for the Church. Thank you.

9.Feast of Dedication 2011 Raffle Draw Prizes


Prizes Ticket Name Status


1st LG Refrigerator 018728 Uwaila Ogunlana Collected

2nd Return Ticket to Dubai 012035 Ezomo Imoukhuede

3rd Toshiba Sat. C660

(Note Book) 018748 Uwaila Ogunlana Collected

4th Haier Thermocool Wahid Enitan

(Washing Machine) 021509 Oshodi Collected

5th Blackberry Smart phone 019421 Bankole Animashaun Collected

6th HP Mini 110 (netbook) 014131 Oresajo Collected

7th Scanfrost Cooker Donated to Cathedral Church of Christ, Marina

8th Gibson Dinnerware Set 013674 Bolaji Oduyoye Collected

9th Kenwood Juice Extractor 014312 Dele Ojo Osagie Collected

10th Food Steamer 011611 Dr. Olabisi

11th Chafing Dish Set 013223 Taiwo Soyannwo

12th Pressure Cooker 015702 Bolakale Ogboye Collected

13th Cloth Dryer 016519 Mofoluwaso Oguntade Collected

14th Fruit Bowl 019006 Thomas Orogan Collected

15th Vitafoam Handy Comfort Mat 021203 YS Collected

16th Vitafoam Handy Comfort Mat 021779 T. Ebinisi Collected

17th Vitafoam Handy Comfort Mat 014199 Roti Delano Collected

18th Vitafoam Handy Comfort Mat 021317 YS Collected

19th Vitafoam Handy Comfort Mat 015444 Bisi Akpeneye Collected

20th Vitafoam Handy Comfort Mat 014103 Mr. Oresajo Collected



The Church needs a Sexton. Interested person (who should be practising christians) should apply to the office of the Provost before Friday 27th May, 2011. Minimum qualification - WASC or SSC.

11.(i)Fellowship Hour - Sunday - 22/5/2011

Prince Ademola Odunsi will host the Fellowship Hour after 7.15 a.m.-Vacant after 9.15 a.m. Service.

(ii)Fellowship Hour - June - July 2011

Sunday, 12/6/2011 - Vacant after 7.15 a.m. and 9.15 a.m.Service.

Sunday, 26/6/2011 - Vacant after 7.15 a.m. and 9.15 a.m. Service

Sunday, 10/7/2011 - Vacant after 7.15 a.m. and 9.15 a.m. Service

Sunday, 24/7/2011 - Vacant after 7.15 a.m. and 9.15 a.m. Service


Our Social Welfare Service Unit is seeking sponsorship for the following: Part payments will also be gratefully appreciated.

(i)Mr. Igri Prosper: He urgently needs the sum of N4.3 million for a kidney transplant. Kindly donate generously towards giving him a chance to live. Any amount would be highly appreciated. Cheques should be made payable to “Cathedral Church of Christ (SWSU) and “Mr. Igri Propser’s Kidney Transplant” endorsed at the back. We thank a parishioner who recently donated the sum of N200,000 towards this course.

(ii)A member of the Church: He is an OND student of Lagos State Polytechnic studying Accountancy. He needs a sum of N61,350 for his 1st year school fees.

(iii)A member of the Church: He is a graduate of the University of Lagos and needs a total sum of N119,400 for his ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants) examinations and tutorial/preparation fees.

(iv)Master Francis Opuni: He is a Primary 5 pupil of Timi Children’s School, Surulere, Lagos. He needs to be assisted with the sum of N45,000 per year (N15,000 per term) for the next 2 years.

(v)Master Segun Adisa: He is an 8 - year old child with cerebral palsy. He is about to be admitted into Modupe Cole Memorial Child Care and Treatment Home School, Akoka. We thank two parishioners who donated the sum of N120,000 and N183,480 respectfully. This covers the initial amount needed and six months monthly up-keep allowance. May the Lord continue to bles all their undertakings.

(vi)Master Emmanuel Ben: He is an SSI student of Starlight College, Sari-Iganmu, Lagos. He needs to be assisted with the sum of N45,000 per year (N15,000 per term) for the next 3 years.

(vii)Miss Opeoluwa Rachael Olaleye: She is an NDI Student of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta. She needs a sum of N90,500 for her year 1 School Fees and a sum of N65,000 for her year 2 School Fees, plus N15,000 for Project Allowance.

(viii) Omiyale Funso Babatunde (visually impaired): He is a 100 level student of University of Jos studying Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. He needs to be assisted with the sum of N30,000 per year for the next 3 years plus Project Allowance of N15,000.

(b)Need of Accommodation: The Social Welfare Service Unit would appreciate the donation of an accommodation at any suitable location within Lagos State to be used as a temporary home for the needy. Any member who can be of assistance should please contact the Provost.

(c)The members of the Social Welfare Service Unit would appreciate the donation of fairly used clothes, shoes for both young and old, and also food items like Rice, Gari, Beans, Provisions etc.

13.Advance Bookings - Fellowship Hour 2011

The Fellowship Hour takes place on 2nd and 4th Sundays of 2011 after 9.15 a.m. Services respectively for members who wish to share their Joy with other parishioners as they celebrate their birthdays or any other special occasion. Bookings on first come first served basis.

7.15 a.m. 9.15 a.m.

Sundays 10&24/7/2011Vacant Vacant

Sundays 14&28/8/2011Vacant Vacant

Sundays 9&23/10/2011Vacant Vacant

Sundays 13&27/11/2011Vacant Vacant

Sundays 11/12/2011 Vacant Vacant


The sermon seemed endless to the little boy in church with his family. Finally, overcome with restlessness, the boy whispered, “Mom, if we give the money now, will he let us go?”

(Easter 4)

Stewards on Duty: Group B Colour: WHITE


Celebrant: Ven. S. Obi Nwankerendu

O.T. Prov. 4: 10-19 Canon Residentiary

Epistle:1 Cor. 4: 14-25 Prof. Gabriel Williams

Gospel: John 16:5-22 - Revd. George Abara

Address: Revd. Segun Ladeinde

Prayers:Mrs. Vivian Williams

Thanksgiving at the Altar

9.00 a.m.The Koinonia will meet in the Elders’ Room on the Ground Floor of the Cathedral House.


3. How can I be filled with the Spirit?

Cantor:The Provost

Sermon:Ven. Williams Mehinsan

Bible Reading: Acts 3:37-47

Reader:Mr. Kehinde Johnson

Prayer:Ven. Williams Mehinsan

Thanksgiving at the Altar

After Mattins:

(i)The Young Women’s Christian Association will meet at the Lagos Anglican Diocesan Seminary.

(ii)The Monthly General Meeting of the Cathedral Ladies Helpers’ Union will take place at the Lagos Anglican Diocesan Seminary.

(iii)There will be a meeting of the Girls’ Guild at the Lagos Anglican Diocesan Seminary.

(iv)Welfare Sub-Committee Meeting will take place at the Elders’ Fellowship Room

11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Clinic

Dr. Tolulope EkisolaSister F.O. Adeluwoye

Sister Tayo PhillipsSamson Alalade


Celebrant:Canon Residentiary

O.T.Reading: Proverbs4:10-19 - Ven. Williams Mehinsan

Epistle: 1 Cor. 4:14-25 Guilds of Stewards on Duty

Gospel: John 16: 5-22 Revd. George Abara

Sermon: The Provost

Prayers:Guild of Stewards on Duty

After 11.15 a.mCommunion

The Statutory Meeting of the Standing Committee will take

Place at the Chapter House.


Conductor: Revd. Adebola Ojofeitimi

First Lesson:Prov. 4: 1-18

2nd Lesson:2 Cor. 4: 13-5:15

Sermon: Rev. Segun Ladeinde

Reader: Ms. Bimpe Alaba

Prayers:Revd. Segun Ladeinde

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. - John 14: 26 NKJV

Last week, we talked about the person of the Holy Spirit. He is the third person of the Godhead and shares equality, unity, splendor and eternity with the other two persons of the Trinity being God the Father and God the Son. As expoused by the preacher during the 9.15 a.m. Mattins Service, God the Spirit has been at work from the beginning of creation till date as seen in the Old Testament and confirmed in the New Testament. He is not retired, fed-up or sacked. What He was before the creation of the world is still what He is now. Dynamic, creative and inspiring force of life.

Today, we want to take you on a spiritual journey through the Bible and make you understand the more what the Holy Spirit does so that you can profit from His activities more than ever.

The Comforter, (Advocate or Counselor), in the above quoted text from St. John’s Gospel chapter fourteen verse twenty six is identified as the Holy Spirit. For the New Testament Christian, the most important thing about the Spirit is not His power (Acts 1:8), but that He is “Holy.” His holy character, along with the manifestation of that holy character in the lives of believers, is what matters most (c.f Rom. 1:4; Gal. 5:22-26).

Be that as it may, it is great and cool first of all, that another name for the Holy Spirit is “Comforter.” I think we all need some comfort sometimes, and to know that He is always close is a good thing as well. There is so much chaos in our world today, ranging from terrorism, armed robbery, violence, thuggery, wickedness, gangsterism, human trafficking, abuse of all sorts, and many other unprintable crimes. “Safe houses”, like churches and other religious houses are no longer what they used to be. Every human institution is stricken with one scandal or the other. People are running helter skelter, running for cover or protection and there seems to be nowhere to hide, no one offers any comfort or hope. All this brings to mind the words of prophecy that the entire world will be thrown into turmoil at end times and the only consolation will be to hide under the shelter of The Most High. Even when God tells us things that we do not really want to hear, like the end times prophecy, that comfort is there, helping us through it. And then it goes on, and says that He will teach us ALL things. That is awesome. Nothing now holds us back except ourselves from learning all there is to learn. The faster we learn the basic, the sooner we can go on to the harder basics. This actually informed the choice of our theme, “New Beginning” for last year that we are building upon this year. Besides, the remembrance part is amazing as well. Life seems so much like amnesia, the veil is drawn and everything is foreign to us, but the whole remembrance thing solves that problem. Through the Holy Spirit, we have access to that part of ourselves, and we remember things that we never knew in this life, and we have moments where we recognize the truth that we want to acknowledge.