Test Review: Grimm's Fairy Tales
Directions: Please answer the following questions based on the Grimm versions only.
Cinderella p. 79
1. Who/what helps Cinderella when she needs things done? Magical Hazel Tree / Birds
2. How may balls does Cinderella go to? 3
3. What must Cinderella clean out of the hearth in order to attend the ball? Lentils
4. What kind of slippers does Cinderella wear to the ball? golden
5. How do the stepsisters fit into the slippers? Cut off their toe or heel
6. What happens to Cinderella's stepsisters at her wedding? Their eyes get pecked out
Snow White p. 181
1. How does the Queen try to kill Snow White? (name all 3) with a stay lace, a poisoned comb and a poisoned apple
2. What does the huntsman bring back to the stepmother to prove her death? Liver and lungs (of a boar)
3. What must Snow White do in order to live with the dwarfs? Cook and clean
4. How does the stepmother know that Snow White is the "fairest?" magic mirror tells her
5. How does Snow White come back to life? They trip while carrying the coffin and she spits up the poison apple
6. Of what is Snow White's coffin made?glass
Little Red Cap p. 93
1. To where is the young girl taking food? Grandmother’s house
2. What is the young girl bringing to the cottage? Cake and wine
3. What does the young girl do on the way to the cottage that steers her a little off the road? Picks flowers
4. By whom and how is the young girl saved? The huntsman cuts open the wolf
5. Who is the imposter at the cottage? wolf
6. How does the imposter die? He is filled with rocks and falls down dead
The Water of Life p. 327
1. Who traps the two brothers between two mountains? dwarf
2. How many kingdoms did the youngest brother save on the way home to help his father? 3
3. What things did the youngest brother need in order to get to the water of life? Iron wand, 2 loaves of bread
4. Who was ordered to kill the youngest brother? Why was he ordered to kill him? The huntsman b/c the king thought the youngest son tried to kill him
5. How would the princess know it was the "right man" coming to her castle? He would ride up the center, golden road
6. By what time did the prince have to leave the castle so that he wouldn't get trapped inside? Midnight (12:00)
7. How did the two older brothers trick their younger brother? Switched the water of life with salt water
One-Eye, Two-Eyes, & Three-Eyes p. 424
1. Why was Two-Eyes not liked by the rest of her family? Because she had 2 eyes
2. How did the rest of Two-Eyes' family punish her? They treated her like a servant and would not let her eat
3. What happened when Two-Eyes said "Little goat, bleat, and bring me things to eat?" a table full of food appeared
4. Who 1st fell asleep when they went out to the pasture with Two-Eyes? One-Eye
5. What did the woman tell Two-Eyes to do after the mother killed the goat? Bury the entrails outside
6. What appeared the next morning because of what the woman told Two-Eyes? Silver and gold magical tree
7. Who came to the house one day and saved Two-Eyes? A knight
8. What happened to Two-Eyes' sisters in the end? They became very poor beggars; then Two-Eyes forgave them
The Goose Girl p. 296
1. What was the name of the princess' horse? What was so special about this horse? Falada / Can talk
2. What did the princess' mother give her to help her on her journey? A handkerchief with 3 drops of her blood on it
3. What did the chambermaid tell the princess when the princess asked for water? Get it yourself
4. Upon arriving at the royal castle, the chambermaid had what done to the horse? Cut off its head
5. Who did the princess have to help with the geese (name)? Conrad
6. Why did the princess want the young man's cap to be blown off? So he would not pull her hair out (she had time to put it up)
7. Where did the princess talk about her sorrows? Inside the iron stove
8. How did the chambermaid die? Stripped naked, put in a barrel studded with nails and dragged by horse
Iron Hans p. 443
1. What happened in the forest that made people afraid to enter? People went in and never came out
2. What did the huntsman see in the forest? A pool with an arm sticking out of it
3. What happened to the golden ball the boy was playing with? It went into Iron Hans’ cage
4. Who let the wild man out of the cage? The young prince
5. What happened when something fell into the water? Turned to gold
6. What happened to the boy after he dropped things in the water three times? Iron Hans kicked him out of the forest
7. How many different suits of armor did Iron Hans give the boy? 3
8. Who was Iron Hans? A king who was cursed to be a wild man
Rumpelstiltskin p. 193
1. What was the job of the maiden's father? A Miller
2. What did he tell the king his daughter could do? Spin straw into gold
3. What did the maiden give the little man for his services on the first encounter? Her necklace
4. What did the maiden promise the little man on the last encounter? Her first born child
5. After the maiden finished all three jobs, what did the king do to her? Married her
6. List the names that the maiden tries to guess before choosing the right one. (Many German names!)
7. How did the maiden know the little man's name? Her servant hear him singing about it in the forest