Chapter 7 Lesson4

Homework Guide

Monday –

  • Reread pages 252-253 and answer the following questions:
  • Which side had more casualties at Lexington?
  • What was the “shot heard ‘round the world”?
  • What did colonists do to respond to the news of the Battles of Lexington and Concord?
  • Why did the Patriot militia decide to build a fort on Breed’s Hill?
  • How many of the British soldiers were killed or wounded at the battle?
  • Why do you think a Patriot leader at the Battle of Bunker Hill told his soldiers not to fire at the British until they saw “the whites of their eyes”?

Tuesday –

  • Reread pages 254 – 255 and answer the following questions:
  • Why did Congress decide it needed to create an army?
  • Why did the Second Continental Congress send the Olive Branch Petition to King George III?
  • Could war between the colonies and Britain have been avoided? Why or why not?

Wednesday –

  • Finish classroom assignment if needed.
  • Study for Quiz tomorrow on lesson 4

Thursday –

  • No homework

Friday –

  • No homework

Chapter 7 Lesson4

Homework Guide

Monday –

  • Reread pages 252-253 and answer the following questions:
  • Which side had more casualties at Lexington?
  • What was the “shot heard ‘round the world”?
  • What did colonists do to respond to the news of the Battles of Lexington and Concord?
  • Why did the Patriot militia decide to build a fort on Breed’s Hill?
  • How many of the British soldiers were killed or wounded at the battle?
  • Why do you think a Patriot leader at the Battle of Bunker Hill told his soldiers not to fire at the British until they saw “the whites of their eyes”?

Tuesday –

  • Reread pages 254 – 255 and answer the following questions:
  • Why did Congress decide it needed to create an army?
  • Why did the Second Continental Congress send the Olive Branch Petition to King George III?
  • Could war between the colonies and Britain have been avoided? Why or why not?

Wednesday –

  • Finish classroom assignment if needed.
  • Study for Quiz tomorrow on lesson 4

Thursday –

  • No homework

Friday –

  • No homework