Guidelines for report on watching a TV show or movie in Spanish:

1.  As you are watching, write down the words that you hear and understand.

2.  Write down at least 4 words you hear more than once that you don’t understand.

3.  Include this information in your report.

4.  Also include a description of how you felt watching something in a foreign language, what helped you know what was happening, and some things that you felt were different about listening and watching in Spanish as opposed to English.

Guidelines for report on Shopping in a Latino store or restaurant.

1. Observe the similarities between this place of business and a similar one that is not


2. Observe the differences between this place of business and a similar one that is not


3. Tell about at least three new Spanish words you learned in the place of business.

4.Speak Spanish with someone who works there.

5.Report on your observations and what you said and heard in Spanish.

6.Also describe the feelings you had during this experience.

Guidelines for report on cooking an authentic recipe from a Spanish speaking country.

1.  I suggest that you do not choose a very difficult recipe to cook if you are not very

experienced in cooking.

2.  You can have a parent or friend help you, but you must do most of the work.

3.  Share the food with someone.

4.  Tell the name of the recipe and what ingredients are in it that make it interesting and different from what you are used to eating.

5.  Tell what your family or friends thought about eating the recipe.

6.  Tell whether or not you would make it again, why or why not.

7.  If possible, include a picture of the dish in your report.

Guidelines for report on “other”:

Look at the guidelines for the above reports. Include specifics from your experience, words you heard, learned, or used or pictures. Include your feelings about your activity as well. If you choose to learn the words to a song, you will have to repeat them to the teacher during intervention or in front of the class if you choose to do so rather than write a report.