Garrison Area Partnership Board Meeting

Thursday7th September 2017, 6.00pm at St Cuthbert’s Community Hall, Colburn


1 / Attendees
  1. Austin Gordon – Richmondshire Leisure Trust
  2. Chloe Lewis - Richmondshire District Council
  3. Cllr Angie Dale - Richmondshire District Council
  4. Cllr Bev Partridge – Richmondshire District Council
  5. Cllr Lawrence Grose – Richmondshire District Council
  6. Cllr Paul Cullen - Richmondshire District Council
  7. Colin Boynton - Ministry of Defence
  8. Deidre Edgar - St John’s Community Centre
  9. Gillian Wall - North Yorkshire County Council, Stronger Communities
  10. Jag Sharma – Colburn Town Council and BGNC Group
  11. Jane Hailwood – Risedale Sports and Community College
  12. John Frankland – Brough with St Giles Parish Council
  13. Karen Richmond - Ministry of Defence
  14. Kim Mendham – Hipswell Parish Council
  15. Martin Richardson – Tunstall Parish Council
  16. Phil Maltby - Methodist Church
  17. Rebecca Briggs – Parents4Parents
  18. Rev Andrew Cromarty - Hipswell Church Parish
  19. Sgt Kev Graham - North Yorkshire Police
  20. Stephen Brown - Harewood Medical Practice
  21. Terry McCann - Risedale Sports and Community College
  22. Vivienne Schwartzberg – Parents4Parents
Apologies were received from:
Andrea Hobbs (Home-Start Richmondshire)
Ann Bagley (Hipswell Parish Council)
Cllr Bill Glover (Richmondshire District Council)
Cllr Carl Les (North Yorkshire County Council)
Cllr Geoffrey Linehan (Richmondshire District Council)
Cllr Helen Grant (North Yorkshire County Council and Richmondshire District Council)
Cllr Pat Middlemiss (Richmondshire District Council)
Colin Scott (Risedale School)
Julie Teasdale (Home-Start Richmondshire)
Lisa Pope (Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group)
Major Barrie Sampson (The Salvation Army)
Major Maria Sampson (The Salvation Army)
Ruth Charlton (NYCC Libraries)
2 / Welcome, Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
Chairlady Angie Dale welcomed everyone to the Garrison Area Partnership.
All agreed (one amendment – the Tapestry Group had been nominated for the co-operative award)
3 / Catterick Garrison Master Planning Update
Colin Boynton gave an update on the master planning work for Catterick Garrison, with the following points:
-RDC are progressing the local plan for the District
-RDC are developing a master plan for Catterick Garrison, not just including the MOD land but also including the wider Parish and Town areas.
-MOD have appointed planning consultants for this process and will be following RDC’s local plan process in terms of the timescales.
-RDC has issued call for sites are for any land owners to put forward sites suitable for development.
-MOD will be putting forward MOD land as part of the potential area for residential development.
-MOD will be using RDC’s consultation process as part of the Local Plan.
-A Communications Plan is being developed for the Master Planning work and engagement sessions will be planned in.
A discussion took place with Garrison Area Partnership Members and the following points were raised:
-Rev Andrew Cromartyexplained that there is a lack of supported living accommodation and that the Church Bishop would be interested in having discussions with the MOD, NYCC and RDC in terms of the development.
-Deidre Edgar also explained that there is a shortage of accommodation for disabled people.
-Lack of affordable housing in Tunstall Parish, with those on minimum wage struggling with private rents and tenures. Any schemes need to be ‘affordable’
-Cllr Dale explained the importance of the consultation
4 / Parents4Parents – North Yorkshire Presentation
Cllr Angie Dale welcomed Vivienne Schwartzberg and Rebecca Briggs from Parents4Parents to explain to the group the work of the organisation.
Vivienne explained to the group that Parents4Parents is a peer support organisation in a none judgemental environment. Parents who engage with the charity are usually lacking in confidence, therefore Parents4Parents helps to focus support on the parents more so the child. Volunteers are skilled in listening and helping parents to talk and think about what is troubling them. They help to build parents confidence so they can make positive changes for themselves.
The following points were made throughout the Parents4Parents presentation:
A lot of outreach events and activities.
-Initial referrals are given an informal introduction to Parents4Parents before meeting with the peer support groups. Word of mouth from other friends and parents tends to lead to new referrals.
-Peer support groups take place at least once a week as well as appointments with the key peer supporter in between these group sessions. Try to keep 1 to 1 appointments to around an hour and the peer support groups usually last an hour and a half.
-There are currently, 18 fully trained peer supporters working for Parents4Parents.
-Safeguarding both the parent and child is paramount for the work of Parents4Parents. Any safeguarding referral is made by the project manager not by the peer support worker.
-Training for volunteers tends to take around 4-6 months for the first stage, with supervised work experience after this.
-The matching process between the volunteer and the referral is very important. Similar experience between the two is helpful to ensure a successful match.
-Parents4Parents works very closely with Home-Start Richmondshire with co-support being offered from both organisations.
-Data-sharing and confidentially agreements are in place and other organisations respect this.
-NYCC Stronger Communities have funded a consultant to develop a business plan and to update policies and procedures for the organisation.
If anyone wants to get in touch withParents4Parents, then please do so on the following details:
Tel: 07864 502 301 or 07749 420833
Address: C/O 9 Broadway, Colburn, Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire DL9 4RF
Cllr Angie Dale thanked Vivienne and the Parents4Parents team for the support they offer – it is very commendable and a great asset to the community.
5 / Garrison Area Partnership Funding 2017/18
The Garrison Area Partnership Members reviewed the applications received for 2017/18 funding. A discussion took place with regards to the applications. Agreed – All applications were supported (one objection and three abstentions)
6 / Partner Updates
NYCC Stronger Communities & Libraries
Gillian Wall updated the Partnership on the Stronger Communities Funding Scheme including the priority criteria:
-Children, young people and families
-Community transport
-Older people and adults
Any new groups can speak to Gillian with regards to establishing a constitution and bank account etc.
CRACCL are looking for new trustees to join the committee. If anyone is interested, then please contact Gillian on:
Brough with St Giles Parish Council
The Partnership noted that Brough Beck bridge has issues with HGV drivers accidently hitting the bridge with is resulting in very costly repair works.
Tunstall Parish Council
Martin Richardson explained that there were issues with speeding vehicles and the amount of vehicles coming through the village
An open garden day was recently held with 14 gardens opened within the village. The Village Hall Garden project (TIGER) is in the second stage of development with two walkway bridges being built by Phoenix House.
Colburn Town Council
Cllr Angie Dale explained that two youth workers have been recruited and will be working Mondays and Wednesdays.
MOD Update
Colin Boynton explained that a strategic level working group has been established for the development of Catterick Garrison as well as a working group which includes representatives and partners from NYCC Highways, Yorkshire Water, NYCC
A Communications Plan being drafted up which will ensure a joined up approach from all partners to keeping residents informed with regards to the development.
Colin described how Parishes had been contacted about dates for engagement briefing sessionshowever these were sent on the assumption that the MOD would have had more information available;unfortunately,Colin and his team are still waiting for further detail, with Parish sessions to be arranged as soon as the information is available. Colin apologised and reassured the Partnership that any engagement sessions will be arranged with plenty of notice for people to attend.
Partnership members requested that any briefing sessions take place in local community centres such as village halls. Members also asked whether specific briefings could happen for District and Parish Councillors and then separate ones for residents and members of the public (to ensure key messages are conveyed correctly)
Colin’s new email address is:
Harewood Medical Practice
Stephen Brown gave an update to the Partnership on the Medical Practice and explained that the annual patient survey will be distributed in the next couple of weeks and to please encourage people to fill it in. The recent CQC inspection rated the Practice as‘good’ across all categories. The Practice has also been successful with funding from the resilience fund to help with improvements to the Centre by Christmas.
North Yorkshire Police
Sgt Kev Graham circulated a recent report on the reported crime figures for the area, the content of which was noted by the Partnership Members.
The main points of the report included an update on the Anti-Social Behaviour incidents taking place on the Broadway. Sgt Kev Graham described that the incidents had taken place over the last 4 months with the perpetrators showing no remorse for their actions. The Gurkha’s Corner shop has experienced racial intimidation.
RDC are hoping to implement a police protection order to stop the perpetrators from gathering at the Broadway site.
Deidre Edgar explained that over the summer, St John’s Community Centre dealt with quite a few incidents of young people climbing onto and damaging the flat roof.
Risedale Sports and Community College
Vice Principal, Terry McCann and Associate Assistant Principle, Jane Hailwood updated the Partnership on the College and explained that:
-Pupil attendance has improved by 1.8% with pupil attitude improving dramatically (only 26 exclusions this year compared to an historic figure of 260 in one year) No permanent exclusions have happened this year when compared to last year which was two.
-The school is growing,with an additional 140 studentsjoining in year 7
-A total of £4,000 has been raised by pupils for charities
-GSCE results have improved
-The music studio within the school, has recently undergone a refurb
-A Parents4 Parents hub has been established on site.
-Generally, the school is improving standards further including more support and smaller staffing ratios.
St Cuthbert’s Church
Rev Andrew Cromarty explained that the family fun day was a great success. The Church will be looking to re-roof the Community Hall and hoping to obtain funding and grants to do so.
Methodist Church
The Partnership welcomed Phil Maltby, Methodist Forces Board Projects Officer, who provides support for armed forces chaplains.
Phil explained that the Methodist Church were looking into establishing a soft play centre within the area and looking into the various funding schemes for this. A meeting has been arranged for partners to come together and discuss. (Chloe to circulate the Partner meeting date to GAP Members)
Richmondshire Leisure Trust
Austin Gordon updated the Partnership Members on the Leisure Trust and explained that Colburn Leisure Centre has been undergoing a refurbishment, with new carpets and lights fitted. Feedback from gym members has proved that these upgrades have been welcomed.
The touch rugby team has recently done very well at competition events. Colburn Leisure Centre is now one of the venues used within the northern and regional venue pool for touch rugby matches.
Any Other Business
Catterick Park Run had had over 390 people competing. The run is free to attend, starting at 9am, every Saturday morning, with runners just needing to register online in order to record their completion time.
7 / Future Meeting Dates for 2017/18 Garrison Area Partnership Board Meetings:
The future proposed meetings for the Garrison Area Partnership 2017/18 are:
-Wednesday 29th November 2017, 6.00pm at Risedale School
-Wednesday 7th March 2018, 6.00pm at Tunstall Village Hall
Please do make a note of these dates in your diary and circulate throughout your networks and contacts.