Council Minutes

Monday 18 July 2016

18 July 2016

A. Reading of the Reconciliation Statement and Prayer

B. Apologies

C. Adoption and confirmation of minutes of previous meeting(s) in accordance with Section 63 of the Act and Clause 423 of General Local Law 2008 (No 1)

1. Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 4 July 2016 5

D. Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act[1]

E. Questions to Council from Members of the Public

F. Correspondence – (only if related to council business)

G. Questions to Council Officers from Councillors

H. Tabling of Petitions and Joint Letters

I. Notices of Motion

J. Reports of Special and Other Committees

K. Reports by Delegates

L. General Business

1. Planning Application 0709/15 - 19 Gordon Street, Toorak - construction of a new dwelling on a lot less than 500 square metres in a General Residential Zone and a Special Building Overlay 10

2. Planning Application 0716/15 - 1 - 10 Yarra Street, South Yarra - S72 Amendment to approved Planning Permit and/or Plans - to allow an increase in the operating hours for the restricted recreation facility. 16

3. Planning Application 0006/16 - 93 Wattletree Road, Armadale - Construction of a mixed use development containing a medical centre and dwellings in a Residential Growth Zone, alteration of access to a road in a Road Zone Category 1, reduction in car parking requirements and waiver of the loading/unloading bay requirements. 17

4. Planning Application 0831/15 – 615 Waverley Road, Malvern East – Construction of a multi dwelling development over a common basement and reduction in the visitor parking requirements 22

5. Draft Activity Centres Strategy 27

6. Amendment C233 - Heritage Protection for 878 High Street, Armadale - Submissions 27

7. Alexandra Avenue Boulevard Planting Project 28

8. Gardiner Park Synthetic Sportsground Concept Plan 28

9. Instrument of Delegation from Council to Organisational Roles (s6) 28

10. Administrative Decentralisation and Local Government Conference, Dili, Timor-Leste 17 and 18 August 2016 and Baguia Attendance 20 August 2016 28

11. Public Art Commission Proposal for Rockley Gardens 29

12. Arts and Culture Grant 2016-2017: Lyric Opera 29

13. Arts and Culture Grant 2016-2017: Duldig Studio 30

14. Responsible Gambling Policy 30

M. Other General Business

N. Urgent Business

O. Confidential Business

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Council Minutes

Monday 18 July 2016

Present : cr claude ullin, mayor

: cr tini athanasopoulos

: cr jim athanasopoulos

: cr john chandler

: cr erin davie

: cr jami klisaris

: cr matthew koce

: cr john mcmorrow

: cr melina sehr

Council Officers Present

: warren roberts, ceo

: steve relf

: karen watson

: stuart draffin

: fabienne thewlis

: gareth gale

: judy hogan

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Council Minutes

Monday 18 July 2016

A. Reading Of The Reconciliation Statement And Prayer

Fabienne Thewlis, Manager Governance & Corporate Support, read the following reconciliation statement:

We acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional land of the Boonwurrung and Wurundjeri people and offer our respects to the elders past and present. We recognise and respect the cultural heritage of this land.

The meeting began with a prayer at 7.00pm

B. Apologies

Request for Leave of Absence – Cr J Klisaris
Procedural Motion: Moved Cr Melina Sehr Seconded Cr Tini Athanasopoulos
That Cr Klisaris be granted Leave of Absence from the Council Meeting of 22 August 2016.

C. Adoption And Confirmation Of Minutes Of Previous Meeting(S) In Accordance With Section 63 Of The Act And Clause 423 Of General Local Law 2008 (No 1)

1. / Council Meeting - 4 July 2016
Motion: Moved Cr Tini Athanasopoulos Seconded Cr John McMorrow
That the Council confirms the Ordinary Minutes and the Confidential Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 4 July 2016 as an accurate record of the proceedings.

D. Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act

·  Cr McMorrow declared a Direct Conflict of Interest in Item 10 Administrative Decentralisation and Local Government Conference, Dili, Timor-Leste 17 and 18 August 2016 and Baguia Attendance 20 August 2016 as it is a request for him to attend and be reimbursed.

·  Cr Jim Athanasopoulos declared an Indirect Conflict of Interest – Amenity, in Item 2 Planning Application 0716/15 - 1 - 10 Yarra Street, South Yarra - S72 Amendment to approved Planning Permit and/or Plans - to allow an increase in the operating hours for the restricted recreation facility as he lives near the subject property.

·  Cr Chandler declared an Indirect Conflict of Interest – Amenity – in Item 11 - Public Art Commission Proposal for Rockley Gardens as he lives in vicinity of this proposal.

·  Cr Ullin declared an Indirect Conflict of Interest – Conflict of Duty for Item 12 - Arts and Culture Grant 2016-2017: Lyric Opera, as he is a Board Member of Lyric Opera.

E. Questions to Council from Members of the Public

During Council’s previous Ordinary Meeting one set of questions to Council was received from a member of the public, being:

One question from Alex Wood relating to:

·  Basketball facilities within City of Stonnington.

At the time, I used my discretion available to me under Council’s General Local Law not to answer the questions at the meeting. As required under the Local Law, written answers were subsequently provided to the submitter.

For tonight’s Ordinary Meeting of Council no Questions to Council has been received for response.

F. Correspondence – (only if related to council business)

Cr McMorrow tabled the following correspondence:

·  Five (5) -e mails from residents objecting to the proposed Gardiner Park changes on the following points: synthetic turf, cost, flooding issues; poor landscape outcome and size of oval; parking and amenity; location of new sports pavilion and coaching bunkers

·  Fourteen (14) emails from residents and representatives of Prahran Cricket Club, Prahran Junior Football Club, Malvern Cricket Club, Melbourne Rugby Union Football Club, Melbourne Rebels Junior Gold Cup (rugby), East Malvern Junior Football Club, East Malvern Cricket Club, in support of the proposed Gardiner Park changes to bring the ground up to modern standards instead of the muddy areas of other sporting grounds.

Cr Tini Athanasopoulos tabled the following correspondence:

·  2 emails in respect to Gardiner Park proposed changes – one for, one against, already tabled.

Cr Chandler tabled the following correspondence:

·  Email from a resident of Tivoli Road South Yarra regarding a small garden along a brick wall along a petrol station on corner of Tivoli Road and Toorak Road that could be used for greening the area and also the condition of the building on the opposite of this corner which is dilapidated and becoming a hazard.

·  Emailed letter from resident of Osborne Street South Yarra outlining issues with the Melbourne Metropolitan Rail Project and how to give the affected residents a voice to air their concerns and feedback to MMRA and suggest some positive steps to minimise any adverse impacts.

·  Letter from resident of Warner Street Malvern concerning the need for repair of the low areas in the section of path between the children’s playground and the soccer ground at the Robert Menzies Reserve and asking when the works will be done.

·  Letter from resident of Osborne Street (05/07/16) outlining various issues in respect to traffic, parking, building works and potential asbestos issues from old scout hall building.

Cr Ullin tabled the following correspondence:

·  Letter (17/7/16) from resident of Larnook Street Prahran objecting to planning application for building alterations at 42 Irving Avenue Prahran as it is in Heritage Overlay 178 area and other issues.

·  Email objection to planning application at 118 Burke Road Malvern East from Knox Street resident as it is an inappropriate development and it is large with basement, potential traffic issues and affecting amenity of area.

·  Six (6) emails already tabled regarding Gardiner Park Reserve proposed changes – 3 in support and 3 against.

G. Questions to Council Officers from Councillors

1 / Parks and Reserves Maintenance
Cr McMorrow referred to an email from a resident of Karma Avenue East Malvern regarding the overgrown nature strip areas near the freeway exits at Burke Road , the traffic island separating the right and left turning lanes is always overgrown with weeds. Further the writer states that the lack of maintenance on many other roads in the neighbourhood and even the Phoenix park Library carpark looks shabby and indicates a lack of civic pride. Who is responsible for this maintenance and can it be followed up.
The CEO Warren Roberts took the question on notice.
2 / Parking Corner of High Street and Eva Street Malvern
Cr McMorrow referred to an email from Malvern Artists Society at 1297-99 High Street Malvern on corner of Eva Street, expressing concern with their access to their building from Eva Street with the new building being constructed and future clinic patients parking across their side access and seeking designated car parking for their vehicles. He asked if Officers could follow up.
The CEO Warren Roberts took the question on notice.
3 / Garbage Disposal Compactor Jackson Street Carpark
Cr Koce asked what is happening with Waste Disposal compactor at Jackson Street carpark.
Steve Relf Acting General Manager Assets and Services advised that the tender documentation is currently being finalised and will be out soon.
4. / At Grade Railway Crossing Schedules – Toorak, Tooronga and Glenferrie Roads
Cr Koce advised that the Glenferrie Road, Tooronga Road and Toorak Road rail crossings have been impacted with the changes in the trains due to the Burke Road undergrounding of the rail line which has resulted in the synchronising being out and the traffic held up longer than needed – needs to be followed up with VicTrack
The CEO Warren Roberts took the question on notice.
5. / Netball Court Funding
Cr Jim Athanasopoulos advised that the Netball Association had asked about the funding (referred to the $400K from the Federal Govt) for the Netball Courts and wants Council to explain why only being spent at Prahran and not the other end of the municipality as well.
The General Manager Community and Culture Karen Watson advised that a report will be brought to a Councillor Briefing when full details of the funding are received.

H. Tabling of Petitions and Joint Letters

Cr McMorrow tabled a petition with 305 signatures from interested persons drawing to Council’s attention: “their objection to the concept proposal for Gardiner Park in particular synthetic turf, relocation of the pavilion, concrete bunkers and paths ad increased floodlighting”. The petitioners requested that Council: “not proceed with the concept proposal for Gardiner park but reinstate it to the original condition prior to the use of it by the Level Crossing Alliance.”

Procedural Motion: Moved Cr Melina Sehr Seconded Cr John Chandler
That the petition be received.

I. Notices of Motion


J. Reports of Special and Other Committees

The CEO, Warren Roberts, tabled the following Assembly of Councillors Record:

·  Economic Development and Culture Advisory Committee meeting held on 5 July 2016

·  Councillor Briefing held on 11 July 2016

·  Strategic Planning Advisory Committee meeting held on 18 July 2016

K. Reports of Delegates

Cr Sehr reported on the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee meeting held on 18 July where the following points were discussed:

·  Recent Amendments that have been approved:

o  C212 Malvern Road/Burke Road Neighbourhood Activity Centre – approved with changes

o  C230, 304 Glenferrie Road- built forma dn interim Heritage controls

o  GC47 Monash Freeway Upgrade Project at Warrigal Road exit but acoustic treatment not in scope

o  C217 Neighbourhood Character Overlays – Malvern East and Glen Iris

o  C219 – 590 Orrong Road rezoning

o  C232 – 878 High Street – Interim Heritage controls

Still no response on Chapel ReVision

·  Amendments on Exhibition include:

o  C231 PAI Porter and Grattan Street

o  C223 Glenferrie Road /High Street Planning Controls

o  C239 Phoenix Street

·  Caulfield Dandenong Rail Project

·  Heritage

o  Amendment C233 – 878 High Street

o  Amendment C222 Interwar Houses

o  Amendment C225 Heritage Protection federation Houses

o  Federation Houses Study tender

Activity Centre Planning update

o  Activity Centres Strategy

o  Hawksburn Structure Plan

o  C172 Chapel Street Activity Centre

·  Basement Standards review

·  Strategies for Creating Open Space

·  Yarra River Protection Proposals

Minutes of meeting will be circulated to all Councillors

Cr Ullin reported on the meeting of the Prahran Mechanics Institute where Cr Chandler had stepped down as President and Steve Stefanopoulos is now President. He commended Cr Chandler on the work over the years as Chair, especially in the move to the new premises.

Cr Ullin reported on his attendance at the Glenloch Homes meeting recently. He advised that they have secured a $3m loan and works on the building will now be able to commence soon in Rose Street and fund raising will all commence. He advised that he will be holding a Mayoral charity event for this with a Viennese Christmas on 30 July – tickets are $45 per head., with all proceeds to Glenloch.

Cr Ullin advised of the passing of David Laurtiz former President of the Malvern Cricket Club. He advised that he has sent a letter of condolence to the family.

L. General Business

1 / Planning Application 0709/15 - 19 Gordon Street, Toorak - construction of a new dwelling on a lot less than 500 square metres in a General Residential Zone and a Special Building Overlay
Motion: Moved Cr Matthew Koce Seconded Cr Melina Sehr
That a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit No: 709/15 for the land located at 19 Gordon Street, Toorak be issued under the Stonnington Planning Scheme for construction of a new dwelling on a lot less than 500 square metres in a General Residential Zone and a Special Building Overlay subject to the following conditions: