Fashion & Advanced Fashion


Fashionis a course that familiarizes students with fashions of the past and encourages then to create their own brand if style and unique designs. This course stresses creativity, fashion terminology, fabric patterns and fibers, understanding if the fashion figure(croqui), importance of accessories, and unique role fashion has played through time in all civilizations. Class critiques will be conducted often to allow student’s feedback. Marketing trends and a wide variety of individual styles will be explored.

Advanced Fashiontakes fashion terminology, designing, marketing trends and developing a brand to the next level.

Students will explore growth of individual fashion line and their human figurecroqui rendering.

Course Goals and Objectives

Students will create a fashion Journal; which will include inspirations, fashion designers, sketches, swatches and fashion collages.

Students will have some knowledge of the fashion croqui and how to draw it.

Students will create their own logos and understand brand in fashion.

Students will understand and create a mood boards.

Students will learn how fabrics are made, design textile, and patterns in culture.

Students will study fashions from the past and learn how to take elements and create modernized versions.


Students will create fashion, accessories, and textiles. They will participate in art shows.They will be expected to treat themselves, peers, materials, teachers and the art room with respect. Students will learn valuable life and career skills.

Course Topics and Units

  • Due to the create nature in art and focus of student-centered curriculum, projects may vary from year to year.
  • Understanding fashion terminology, practices and design.
  • Sketching and knowing the elements of fashion designing.
  • Studying fashion trends through history and drawing from them for modern inspiration.
  • Developing a journal and mood boards to connect to personal design aesthetic.
  • Understanding patterns and textures in fabrics.
  • Understanding how to use and mix colors.

Grading Criteria- 100 Points

Point Value / 10 Points / 10 Points / 20 Points / 30 Points / 30 Points
Rationale / Preparation for project and correct labeling of work. / Students have appropriate behavior in class and for materials while maintaining a clean workspace. / Project is creative and reflects the student’s own individual technique. / Student understood & accomplished the correct use of materials / Artwork is inline with project criteria, is well organized, neat & thoughtfully executed.

There will be a midterm Project/exam and final Project/Exam . Weekly/bi-weekly homework assignments per quarter.

Extra help available during days with open art room lunch period & by 24 hour notice appointment.

Fashion & Advanced Fashion Contract

Come to class on time, be ready to listen/start as the bell rings.

No talking during lectures, demonstrations or presentations.Listen, watch, and follow directions.

Be prepared for class (any requested materials or Homework).

Proper use and clean up of materials. Abuse of materials will result in automatic detention and parental contact.

Have all due assignments completed by the end of each quarter.Utilize class time efficiently!!!!!!!!! Extra Help is available.

Class participation is an integral part of your grade.

Look at class syllabus: Note:

Grading Criteria- 100 Points

Point Value / 10 Points / 10 Points / 20 Points / 30 Points / 30 Points
Rationale / Preparation for project and correct labeling of work. / Students have appropriate behavior in class and for materials while maintaining a clean workspace. / Project is creative and reflects the student’s own individual technique. / Student understood & accomplished the correct use of materials / Artwork is inline with project criteria, is well organized, neat & thoughtfully executed.

There will be a Midterm Project/Exam and Final Project/Exam .1-2 homework assignments per quarter.

Remain seated until bell rings.

Respect others and artworks of others



Remember: I don’t give you detention……….. you earn that for yourself. Immediately with a major infraction by not adhering to the classroom rules, or eventually by earning 3 strikes due to a collection of minor infractions. Every quarter cleans the slate for strikes. A strike is like a reminder.

I, ______, understand and agree to the rules of the classroom. Failure to comply with each of these rules will result in a lesser grade.

X______Student signature X______Parent signature ______Date