Proposed Certificate Title Architectural and Interior Design Graphics

School Engineering and Technology

Projected Implementation Date Fall 2013

APPC Review May 2013

Brief Description

The School of Engineering and Technology proposes a certificate that makes it possible for practicing professionals in both the architecture and interior design fields to learn or brush up on the critical skills and tools necessary to gain/maintain success in today’s design disciplines, as well as students who wish to augment their chosen career path with modern technological skills used in an architecture or interior design office.

1.  Does the Program Description clearly describe the new certificate?

The certificate requires 15 credits:

ART 11700 / Intro to Construction Drafting with AutoCAD
ART 29900 / Intro to Revit
CGT 21100 / Raster Imaging for Computer Graphics (Photoshop)
CGT 22100 / Graphical Representation in Architectural Documents
(Sketchup Modeling) Prerequisite: CGT 21100
CGT 32100 / Advanced Digital Pictorial Illustration

The major goal of the certificate is to equip students with entry level skills and knowledge of the most current design related software applications.

Upon completion of the certificate, students will be able to:

· Use Computer-Aided Drawing software to communicate 2 dimensional design ideas

· Use Computer-Aided Drawing software to communicate 3 dimensional design ideas

· Understand color theory, surface rendering and light control in relation to technical illustration

· Electronically model furniture, interiors, and architecture for a built environment

· Create photo-realistic renderings to communicate design ideas

· Effectively communicate graphic skillsets through a design portfolio

The certificate is designed to be completed on a stand-alone basis or in combination with a degree. The completion of this certificate on a free-standing basis will not prepare an individual for a career; however, it will make the recipient more employable in their chosen field.

2.  Does the statement of the program’s goals and objectives clearly differentiate this degree from other certificates at IUPUI?

The certificate’s focus on providing students with specific skills relating to the architecture and interior design industries distinguishes it from other certificate programs at IUPUI.

3.  Are the admission requirements and enrollment restrictions consistent with other IUPUI programs? If not, is the rationale clearly presented?

Candidates for this certificate are required to be formally admitted by the IUPUI Office of Admissions, but are not required to be a student in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology.

A history of some practical experience or familiarity with the fields of interior design or architecture is recommended, but not required.

4.  Are the certificate’s requirements consistent with other IUPUI programs?

The 15-credit requirement is consistent with other IUPUI programs. IUPUI has an established credit hour range for most certificates of 12-29 credits.

As part of the program’s requirements, students must have a minimum grade of C in any single course. The certificate has an overall minimum GPA requirement of 2.0.

5.  Does the curriculum have potential positive or negative impact on the enrollment in the courses or programs in other academic units?

As with most certificates, all courses required for the certificate are taught by the sponsoring school.

All courses currently are taught at IUPUI, though ART 29900 is currently taught using a variable title course. The school intends to begin the process to create this with its own course number.

6.  Does the unit have the faculty and other resources (financial, learning, library holdings, equipment, etc.) required to offer the certificate?

As this certificate will package coursework which already exists, no additional faculty, resources, or equipment are anticipated. No additional learning resources, including library holdings, materials or collections are required to offer this certificate.

7.  Is it likely that this certificate will compete with existing programs for students?

No. Given its focus on software applications related to the architectural and interior design fields, the school does not see this certificate as overlapping with any other IUPUI program.

The certificate is open to all IUPUI students with the exception of those pursuing a degree in Interior Design Technology (due to curricular redundancy).

All courses required for the certificate are available to any IUPUI student subject to course availability and completion of any necessary prerequisites. Prerequisites are listed in the proposal.

The proposal includes letters of support from the Department of Art and Design at Purdue University-West Lafayette and the School of Fine Arts & Design at Ivy Tech Community College-Columbus.

8.  Is the program evaluation plan consistent with the learning outcome assessment strategies used by other IUPUI certificate programs?

The evaluation plan is detailed, following a model already in use in the School of Engineering and Technology based on the recommendations of accrediting bodies for the related majors in Interior Design Technology (Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) and Computer Graphics Technology (ABET), and monitored in consultation with the school’s industrial advisory board.

The proposal includes individual course assessment methodologies and maps the learning outcomes to the PULs and the RISE initiative.

Program evaluation will involve multiple constituencies:

·  Students will provide feedback in surveys of course outcomes, satisfaction surveys, and exit surveys at time of program completion.

·  Alumni will be surveyed annually to gauge their satisfaction with the preparation the certificate provided them.

·  In addition to receiving feedback from course outcomes surveys, student satisfaction surveys, and course evaluations, faculty will complete a questionnaire for each course they teach.

·  Employer satisfaction with how well the certificate has prepared the student for the workplace will be measured through use of both a survey and focus groups. Members of the department’s Industrial Advisory Board also will be consulted.

·  The program director will track matriculation rates, certificate completion rates, placement rates, and advancements.

Reviewed annually, information gathered through the assessment process will be used by the program director, faculty, advisory group, and the school’s assessment committee to continuously improve the program.

The APPC review document presents a summary of the information within the proposal and, therefore, represents the perspective of the proposing unit. It is not meant to serve as an endorsement of the proposal but is intended to help guide our discussion at the meeting.

24 April 2013