Woodring College of Education
For curriculum effective fall 2007
Student Name: Student ID: W Year/Qtr. Entered Program:
WWU e-mail Address:
Home Telephone: Work / Cell Phone
Academic Advisor:
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DEGREE REQUIREMENTS– One hundred eighty (180) credits are required to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree at WesternWashingtonUniversity. The Human Services major comprises 76 required credits.
REQUIRED COURSES- The required “Core Sequence” includes the six “CORE” courses, two Practicum courses, two Professional Internship courses, and ten other courses.
Core Sequence (24 credits) / Capstone Portfolio (5 credits)Course / Title / Credits / Qtr Taken / Course / Title / Credits / Qtr Taken
HSP 301 / Personal Systems (4) / HSP 304 / Portfolio Learning (1)
HSP 303 / Interpersonal Systems (4) / HSP 495 / Capstone (4)
HSP 305 / Small Group Systems (4) / Internship (16 credits)
HSP 402 / Organizational Systems (4) / Course / Title / Credits / Qtr Taken
HSP 404 / Community Systems (4) / HSP 340 / Practicum & Seminar I (4)
HSP 406 / Global & Societal Systems (4) / HSP 341 / Practicum & Seminar II (4)
Other Required Courses (31 credits) / HSP 440 / Internship & Seminar 1 (4)
Course / Title / Credits / Qtr Taken / HSP 440 / Internship & Seminar II (4)
HSP 302 / Introduction to HS (3) / Electives (See notes)
HSP 315 / Human Development (4) / Course / Title / Credits / Qtr Taken
HSP 325 / Interviewing (4)
HSP 345 / Case Management and Interventions (4)
HSP 385 / Applied Research (4) (WP)
HSP 435 / Management (4)
HSP 455 / Diversity & Social Justice (4)
HSP 485 / Program Planning & Evaluation (4)
Notes: There are no electives required to complete the human services major, however, electives are required to complete the degree. The electives can be HSP elective courses, other WWU courses, or courses accepted for transfer to Western from either community colleges or other 4-year institutions. Students must have a minimum of 180 credits to graduate, 76 of which meet the requirements of the Human Services major. Students with a Washington State Direct Transfer Associates (DTA) degree need 14 credits of electives to graduate. Western students need the difference between 104 credits and the number of credits taken to satisfy General University Requirements (GURs). Work with your advisor and the CAPP report (see below) to determine the number of elective credits you will need to complete your degree.
Curriculum, Advising, and Program Planning (CAPP)
Curriculum, Advising, and Program Planning (CAPP) degree evaluation is an advising tool used by both students and advisors to evaluate course work against degree requirements. CAPP produces a report reflecting academic progress toward completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree in a student's declared or proposed major. The CAPP degree evaluation report shows how WesternWashingtonUniversity courses, transfer courses, and courses in progress apply toward degree requirements. You can initiate a degree evaluation, view results, and print evaluation reports viaWeb4U.
Human Services Curriculum
Pre- and Co-Requisites
Effective Fall 2007
Course / Prerequisites / Co-requisites301 Core-Personal Sys / Admission to major
304 Intro Portfolio Learning / Must be taken in first 5 credits
303 Core-Interpersonal Sys / 301 or permission of instructor
305 Core-Small Group Sys / 303 or permission of instructor
402 Core-Organizational Sys / 305 or permission of instructor
404 Core-Community Sys / 402 or permission of instructor
406 Core-Global Sys / 404 or permission of instructor
340 Practicum I / 301
341 Practicum II / 340
410 Mental Health / 315 or permission of instructor
440 Internship / 341 required / 325 and 345 recommended
484 Grant Writing / 435 or permission of instructor
485 Program Planning & Eval / 385 (WP3)
495 Capstone Portfolio / Taken in last 5 credits
Human Services Course Work QUARTERLY Planning Worksheet
IMPORTANT: Remember that one hundred eighty (180) total credits are required for graduation. You will need a graduation evaluation and application two quarters before graduating. It is the students responsibility to meet all application deadlines and requirements.
Total previous credits:FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
Human Services Course Work QUARTERLY Planning Worksheet
IMPORTANT: Remember that one hundred eighty (180) total credits are required for graduation. You will need a graduation evaluation and application two quarters before graduating. It is the students responsibility to meet all application deadlines and requirements.
Total previous credits:FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
Human Services Course Work QUARTERLY Planning Worksheet
IMPORTANT: Remember that one hundred eighty (180) total credits are required for graduation. You will need a graduation evaluation and application two quarters before graduating. It is the students responsibility to meet all application deadlines and requirements.
Total previous credits:FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
FALL / WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / Qtr. 20 / Credits / Grade / HSP course credits:
HSP / Other credits:
HSP / Quarter total credits:
HSP / Accrued total credits:
Tab from field to field. Press F 1 for help with the cursor in the field of interest.Rev. 6/1/2011