- Election of Chair. It was RESOLVED to elect Councillor Lowe.
- Election of councillors to the following positions: It was RESOLVED to elect the following councillors to the following positions:
- Vice Chair: Cllr Mottershead
- SALC area committee: whoever has an interest in the topic being discussed.
- Tree Warden: Mr Williams Derrington.
- Village Hall Committee: Cllr Jones.
- Footpaths: Cllr Collingridge.
- Playing Fields Association: Cllr Barker.
- Local Joint Committee. Cllr Howells.
- Snow Warden. Cllr Lowe.
3. Consider co-opting to fill vacancy after election. It was RESOLVED to fill the vacancy remaining after the election by co-opting Mr Stuart Wentworth.
4. Approve Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Financial Risk Assessment and all other policies.
It was RESOLVED to adopt the listed documents for a further 12 months.
5. Approve dates of meetings for the next 12 months.It was RESOLVED to hold meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month except August.
6. Public Session. No members of the public were present.
- Acceptance of apologies: Apologies were accepted from Councillors Mathews and Smith. Present Councillors Lowe, Jones Mottershead, Wentworth, Barker, Howells and Collingridge.
8. Dispensations:none required.
9. Shropshire Council Report. No report.
10. Community Land Trust in Station Road.The boiler in the café needs replacing. Suggestions were discussed.
11. Minutes: Approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th April 2017. It was RESOLVED to sign and approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3th April 2017.
12. Matters Arising a. None.
13. Shropshire Local Joint Committee:No meeting held since last meeting.
14. Roads: a. any new problems.The street sign for Station Road is damaged. Clerk to report.
b. update on previous reports. clerk has reported all issues. It appears there will be some tarmacking carried out in and around the parish shortly.
c. Speeding traffic. The SaferRoads Partnership are consideringthe speeds of traffic.
d. Highway Maintenance update on funding. No update regarding funding.
e.Derrington Road. Road closure 11th June. Noted.
15. Planning: a. Consider the following planning applications:
- 17/00716/FUL 9 St Johns Court Ditton Priors Erection of an oak framed rear conservatory. Amended plans. It was RESOLVED to raise no objection.
b. Decisions:None reported.
c. Community House Fund. No update.
d. Any other planning matters.none.
16. Finance: Invoices to pay: It was RESOLVED to pay the following invoices:
a. 1. Willow Environmental £216.67 chq no.459
2. Information Commissioner’s Office £35.00 chq no 460
3. Came & Co £508.64chq 461
b. Shropshire Council Precept £11611.00. noted.
cConsider a defibrator project. It was RESOLVED to contact Community Heartbeat Trust regarding going ahead.
d.Consider change of bank. It was RESOLVED to open a bank account with Lloyds Bank.
e. Noticeboard Doors Consider funding.
f cast iron directional post. It was RESOLVED to go ahead with the project with a limit of £30.00.
17. Allotments. a. update. Clerk has asked for more time regarding name board.
18. Annual Parish Meeting 25th May 2017. The presentation of the Freeman will go ahead along with the presentation of the local council award. Clerk has also received information about a proposal for the adoption of the phone box in the centre of the village by West Mercia Police including a defibrillator. Clerk to invite West Mercia Police to speak at the Annual Meeting.
19. Local Council Award Scheme.(suggested presentation to be at annual parish meeting). Presentation will be at the Annual Meeting.
20. Correspondence: a. SALC training Fundamentals for Councillors 29th June 2017. Noted.
b. SALC Social Media training. 5th June 2017. Noted.
c. SALC Planning rom a local council perspective.7th June. Noted.
d. Correspondence about fencing on the playing fields (forwarded to dppfa). Noted.
e. Information from Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre whats on. Noted.
21. Item at Chair’s discretion.Clerk to add concern about nesting birds and dogs.
22. Date of next scheduled meeting Thursday8th June2017. The meeting was declared closed at 9.15pm.