Student & Family Resource Center – COLLABORATIVE MINUTES
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016
3:30-5:00pm @ OHS Career Center
Alaya Frey - Glenn County Adult Education, Literacy Tutor
April Hine - Friday Night Live, Coordinator
Cathy Tompkins - Parent
Debbie Moutter - Parent/Children’s Interagency Coordinating Council Rep.
Francis Cuny - Health & Human Services Agency, Coalition Co-Chair
Hector Gonzalez - Migrant Education, Area Director
Jody Meza - Orland Free Library, Director
Kelly Haight - Orland Unified School District, CK Price Principal
Ken Geisick - Orland Unified School District, Superintendent
Linda Ram - Health & Human Services Agency, Children’s Interagency Coordinating Council
Lisa Ramirez - Orland Unified School District, Mill Street Elementary Principal
Maria Elena Vidal - Migrant Education, Family Support Paraprofessional
Marilyn Shoop - Orland Pantry, Volunteer Coordinator
Marilyn Stackhouse - Health & Human Services Agency, Eligibility Worker II
Michelle Allen - Orland Unified School District, Board Member
Maia Illa - Orland Unified School District Social Worker
Mark Ebalo - Orland Unified School District Bachelor of Social Work Intern
Melanie Minton - Orland Unified School District Bachelor of Social Work Intern
Neli Peña - Orland Unified School District, Student Support Services Secretary
Rebecca Fratus - Health & Human Services Agency, Social Services
Steve Thalken - Health & Human Services Agency, Child Welfare Services Program Manager
Tina Day - Butte College, Learning Resource Specialist
Tracy J Hoover - California Highway Patrol, Officer
Trudy Bryan - Hamilton Elementary School, Intervention District Liaison
Welcome & Introductions / v All members introduced themselves.Activities in Joining Together / v A. Longevity Pair/Share - Members got in a line by amount of time serving our youth/families. Line was then folded to pair person with least amount of time with person with most amount of time down the line. Members shared what services they provide for children. Members then introduced their partners and shared an interesting fact about them.
v B. Members played BINGO, but with the word ORLAND. Members went around the room trying to find members who matched the descriptions or identifying facts. Olive cans donated by Jeff Aguiar were handed out as prizes to the winners.
Attendee New Efforts / v Alaya Frey shared information about the new Dance-Yoga-Fitness Literacy Class that is now offered at the Student & Family Resource Center.
v Francis Cuny shared information about the Strengthening Families group. He mentioned it would be offered in Orland again at the end of January. He provided referral forms.
v Marilyn Shoop shared information about the Orland Pantry’s Christmas Basket Program. It is for families in need. Families can attend November 29th - December 3rd, from 9:00am-12:00pm at the Lutheran Church. Maria Vidal asked what was needed to pick up a basket. Marilyn said an ID and proof of address is needed although homeless families will not be turned away.
v April Hine shared the Friday Night Live Orland High students started doing student mentoring at CK Price.
v Melanie Minton shared that they will be meeting with students at North Valley High School in regards to helping them to connect to future possibilities for their life after high school. She asked members if they had any helpful information in regards to this to please share with her after the meeting.
v Alaya Frey shared that they’ve started an Adult Reading Club. They meet on Tuesdays at the Orland Library and on Wednesdays at the Willows Library. They also have a free computer workshop on Friday from 10:00am-12:00pm.
v Maia Illa shared that we are now doing a Safe Space group at Orland High. They currently meet every Tuesday during lunch but beginning November 28th it will be every Monday. She shared that a random raffle is done with the students so if anybody has any prizes/things they could donate, they would be welcomed. She also shared information about our Get Cookin’ Workshop that is being offered at CK Price cafeteria.
SFRC Service Data / v Maia Illa shared the Student & Family Resource Center service recap graphs and category information with the group. She informed the group that acronyms were avoided in our minutes to assist with everybody having a clearer understanding of what everything means. Maia gave everybody a few minutes to review and share thoughts about the matrix. Kelly Haight mentioned she appreciated it being color coded and representative of who was here and what they do for our youth/families/community.
Previous Meeting Data/Information/Results / v A. Contact List - A contact list was provided for members to review.
v B. Services Directory Draft - SFRC Service Directory was provided. Members were asked to review and give feedback if information was incorrect and/or outdated.
§ Marilyn Stackhouse - One Stop
§ Linda Ram mentioned that CAPIT should not be on here because it’s not available for everyone.
§ Alaya Frey asked if the Matrix and/or Service Directory could be translated so she can provide to her students/families.
§ Esther asked if there are any directories out there already. Marilyn Shoop said she believed so (about 4 others) but not as comprehensive as this one.
§ Tracy J. Hoover said that the California Highway Patrol also offers services to the community and that she would email to the SFRC to be added to this directory.
§ Debbie Moutter mentioned that the weatherization program was not in our directory. It was found under another heading.
§ Maia mentioned that we wanted to have our principal’s needs met so we wanted to do something that encompassed as many community services as possible.
§ Alaya asked if we could change Orland Adult Literacy to Glenn County Literacy Projects.
Community Needs Data / v SAEBRS - Maia talked about SAEBRS. Lisa Ramirez shared information about the partnership with Chico State. Each Mill Street teacher gave this assessment once, then submitted it to CSU. They then provide us the data of the results. From the data gathered, there was a School Level Total Behavior Base Rate of 28%. Classrooms identified as higher need are utilizing Mind Up curriculum. The classrooms that aren’t getting it, students with higher risk are being pulled out for individual implementation.
v Healthy Kids Survey – Maia shared Healthy Kids Survey Summary. April Hine mentioned that OUSD had newer data. She would provide us with the newest data for review.
v Maia asked members if there were any other needs assessments out there that we may not know about it. The following were mentioned:
§ Community Action
§ Glenn Medical Center
§ First 5
§ Mental Health (Drug & Alcohol Prevention) Esther asked how we can access it and who is it reaching. Francis Cuny said this survey is a qualitative survey and has hospitalization and accident data and it’s reaching SWAT, FNL, and Children Services.
§ Alaya Frey asked: What if we do our own? She would be willing to help.
Reflection & Closing / v Esther said it’s important to have really good data in regards to what our families are experiencing. We can spend time at our next Collaborative Meeting to see what’s needed specifically to families that are local to our area.
Next Collaborative Meeting Date: December 14th @Orland High School Career Center, 3:30-5:00pm