Summer Packet
The Chocolate War
By Robert Cormier
The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
Jerry Renault, a freshman at Trinity High School, has a confrontation with the school gang, The Vigils. The Vigils, headed by Archie Costello, specialize in making assignments that other students have to complete. These assignments vary, depending on the person, and intend to inflict as much psychological injury as possible. The novel details what happens when Jerry goes against a direct order of the gang.
The following link is for a website where you can access the audio of the novel.
Vocabulary- Chapters 1-15
Chapter OneGrotesque - very strange or ugly in a way that is not normal or natural
Chapter Two
Benevolently – kind and generous
Languidly- showing or having very little strength, energy, or activity
Chapter Three
Contemptuous - feeling or showing deep hatred or disapproval
Chapter Four
Exploit- to use (someone or something) in a way that helps you unfairly
Audacity- a confident and daring quality that is often seen as shocking or rude
Chapter Five
Exulted- to say (something) in a very excited and happy way
Snicker - to make a short, quiet laugh in a way that shows disrespect
Chapter Six
Prowling- to move through a place or area especially while searching for something often in a quiet or secret way
Inoffensive- not likely to offend or bother anyone
Dread- to fear something that will or might happen / Chapter Seven
Seldom- not often:almost never
Perceptible- able to be seen or noticed
Revelation- a usually secret or surprising fact that is made known
Chapter Eight
Suspicious- causing a feeling that something is wrong or that someone is behaving wrongly
Envision- to think of (something that you believe might exist or happen in the future):to picture (something) in your mind
Chapter Nine
Ravaged - to damage or harm (something) very badly
Chapter Ten
Skepticism - an attitude of doubting the truth of something (such as a claim or statement)
Chapter Eleven
Pandemonium- a situation in which a crowd of people act in a wild, uncontrolled, or violent way because they are afraid, excited, or confused
Havoc- a situation in which there is much destruction or confusion / Chapter Twelve
Annihilating - to destroy (something or someone) completely
Chapter Thirteen
Awe - a strong feeling of fear or respect and also wonder
Distinction - a difference that you can see, hear, smell, feel, etc.:a noticeable difference between things or people
Mockery- behavior or speech that makes fun of someone or something in a hurtful way
Chapter Fourteen
Quota- a specific amount or number that is expected to be achieved
Furtively- done in a quiet and secret way to avoid being noticed
Notorious- well-known or famous especially for something bad
Chapter Fifteen
Suppressing- to end or stop (something) by force
Vocabulary: Chapter 16-38
Chapter 16Detained - to officially prevent (someone) from leaving a place
Chapter 17
Convey- to make (something) known to someone
Chapter 18
Mortality- the quality or state of being a person or thing that is alive and therefore certain to die
Defiant - refusing to obey something or someone
Chapter 19
Vengeance - the act of doing something to hurt someone because that person did something that hurt you or someone else
Chapter 20
Futile- having no result or effect:pointless or useless
Chapter 21
Contemplating - to think deeply or carefully about (something)
Chapter 22
Scapegoat - a person who is unfairly blamed for something that others have done
Apathy- the feeling of not having much emotion or interest / Chapter 23
Sensational- causing very great excitement or interest with shocking details
Crimson - a deep purplish-red color
Chapter 24
Precarious - not safe, strong, or steady
Chapter 25
Instinctively- based on feelings or desires that do not come from thinking or learning
Chapter 26
Demureness- not attracting or demanding a lot of attention:not showy or flashy
Chapter 27
Insolent - rude or impolite:having or showing a lack of respect for other people
Adversary- an enemy or opponent
Chapter 28
Derision - the feeling that people express when they criticize and laugh at someone or something in an insulting way
Chapter 29
Staggeringly- very large, shocking, or surprising
Giddy- feeling or showing great happiness and joy
Chapter 30
Averted- to prevent (something bad) from happening
Resentment - a feeling of anger or displeasure about someone or something unfair / Chapter 31
Inflict- to cause someone to experience or be affected by (something unpleasant or harmful)
Futility- having no result or effect:pointless or useless
Chapter 32
Resonance- a quality that makes something personally meaningful or important to someone
Chapter 34
Sanctimoniously- pretending to be morally better than other people
Chapter 35
Goaded- to urge or force (someone) to do something
Chapter 36
Comply- to do what you have been asked or ordered to do
Submissiveness- willing to obey someone else
Chapter 37
Reluctant- feeling or showing doubt about doing something:not willing or eager to do something
Sufficient- having or providing as much as is needed
Chapter 38
Rebuked- to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone)
Part I.
Comprehension Questions
Directions: Answer all of the questions for designated chapters in the novel. Write your answers in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.
Chapters 1-6:
1. What does the first sentence “They murdered him.” Mean?
2. What impressions does the reader get of Jerry?
3. Why must people stay on Archie’s “good side”?
4. What is the secret organization and its purpose that the boys belong to?
5. Why do the boys near the bus stop call Jerry “square boy”?
6. What are your impressions of Brother Leon?
7. Why is it important to sell chocolates?
8. What is The Assigner’s job?
Chapters 7-13:
1. What do we discover about Emile Janza’s character?
2. What does Goober’s running show about him?
3. How does Jerry feel about himself on the football field?
4. Jerry does not want to be a “mirror of his father”. What does that mean?
5. What do Archie’s reactions tell you about him?
6. Who is Goober and what is his assignment?
Chapters 14-21:
1. How do the rest of the boys react to Jerry’s refusal to sell chocolates?
2. How does Archie use his power over Emile Janza?
3. What is the real reason why Leon keeps Carter after school?
4. What does Archie mean when he says “Nobody defies
The Vigils, Obie, and gets away with it.”?
Chapters 22-30:
1. What is Brother Leon’s reaction to Jerry’s refusal to sell chocolates?
2. Why is Goober quitting the team and refusing to give anything more to Trinity?
3. What is the purpose of Brother Leon’s phone call to Archie?
4. Why doesn’t The Vigil’s pressure convince Jerry to sell chocolates?
5. Identify and describe the types of mental/physical abuse that The Vigils commit against Jerry.
Chapters 31-39:
1. Why is Emile Janza waiting for Jerry after practice?
2. Describe the kinds of harassment Jerry must deal with.
3. Why do Obie and Carter force Archie to select a marble from the black box?
4. What does the author mean when he says Jerry is “invisible”?
5. What serious mistake does Carter make during the raffle?
6. Who shuts off the lights in the stadium? Why?
7. Who watches the entire boxing match from the top of the hill? Why doesn’t he stop the fight?
8. How does Brother Leon feel about the raffle and the results?
9. How does the story end? Do you think it is a realistic ending? Explain.
Part II. Character Analysis
Directions: Choose one of the following characters from the novel. Complete the character analysis chart for your chosen character.
Jerry Renault Archie Costello Brother Leon Roland Goubert (Goober)Character: ______
Character Trait / Evidence from the Text / Analysis: How does the evidence reflect the character trait?Part IV. Essay
Using the character that you chose for Part III, write an essay developing their personality. In your essay you must prove at least two character traits. Use the outline below to help you write the essay. The essay must be typed.
A. Hook
B. Brief Overview
C. Thesis (In The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier (insert character) proves that they are (insert character traits).
Body Paragraph 1- first character trait mentioned in thesis
A. Topic Sentence
B. Evidence
C. Analysis
D. Concluding sentence
Body Paragraph 2- second character trait mentioned in thesis
A. Topic Sentence
B. Evidence
C. Analysis
D. Concluding sentence
A. Restate thesis statement
B. Summary of the evidence
C. Final thought: What can someone learn from your topic? /Why is your topic important?