Crawford County Cattlemen’s Association Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria
Only one application accepted per high school student who will be an entering freshman the fall semester after their senior year in high school or per student at a university or vocational school who was previously awarded this scholarship.
Students shall be eligible regardless of their intended field of study. Students majoring in agriculture are attending a vocational school will be given preference however.
All applications must be postmarked by April 15thof each year.
Three scholarships in the amount of $200 each will be awarded to students who graduate from Bourbon High School, Cuba High School, and/or SteelvilleHigh School. These scholarships may be awarded to students graduating from high school or to students who graduated previously and received this scholarship. If there are no qualified applicants from one or more school, then the scholarships will be awarded to qualified applicants as determined by the Board of Directors of the Crawford County Cattlemen’s Association. If circumstances warrant, and the Board of Directors of the Crawford County Cattlemen’s Association deems it appropriate, additional scholarships may be awarded.
Applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors of the Crawford County Cattlemen’s Association and they will select the winning recipients for these scholarships.
Checks will be awarded to the selected recipients on their first day of attendance of the fall semester. Checks will be made payable to the selected recipients.
Crawford County Cattlemen’s Association
$500 Scholarship Application
Applicants Name:
City:State: Zip:
Telephone Number:Date of Birth: Sex:
Name of High School:
Other Scholarships and Awards:
What Percentage Of Your College Education Will Be Provided By:
Parents:% Loans:% Part-time Job:% Other:%
List MajorSchool Activities You Have Been Active In:
Name of ActivityNumber of Years Office Held
List Major Community Activities You Have Been Active In:
(Scouts, 4-H, Church, Youth Groups, ETC.)
Father’s Name:
Father’s Occupation:
Mother’s Name:
Mother’s Occupation:
Is Your Father Or Mother A Farmer Or Rancher Who Derives Income From A Farming or Ranching Operation?
Number Of Children In Your Family?
Number Of Children At Home?
Number Of AttendingCollege At Present?
You Must Attach A Short Paragraph Explaining Your Interests And Why You Need This Scholarship In Order To Be Considered.
I Certify I Am A High School Senior And The Above Information Is Correct
To The Best Of My Knowledge.
Signature of Applicant Date
To Be Completed By Guidance Counselor or Principal
Please attach student’s High School transcript
GPA______ACT Composite Score______Date of Test______
Guidance Counselor or Principal:______
Signature Date
In order to receive your scholarship money, should you be selected, you will need to provide the college address and the department which the money is to be sent to.
The information from the college is to be sent to:
Vonnie Richards
Treasurer Crawford County Cattlemen’s Assoc.
2108 Lick Creek Road
Leasburg, MO65565
Applicants must be a resident of CrawfordCounty.
Applicants do not need to pursue a degree in an Agriculture Field.
Scholarship applications must be postmarked no later than April 15th and mailed to:
Crawford County Cattlemen’s Association
Vernon Zelch (Chairman)
425 Bechter Rd.
Bourbon, MO65441