Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting


May 9, 2016

Present:Aaron Black, Hilmer Erickson,Kathryn Frommer, Andrea Mac Arthur, Sarah Meyerring,Scott Charlesworth-Seiler and Andrew Wold. Also present, Brian Erickson, Staff Liaison.

Not Attending:Denise La Mere – Anderson, Elissa Heilicher, Alan Ingber Toots Vodovoz and Peggy Watkins

Call to Order: Wold called the meeting to order at 6:53 p.m.

Agenda Changes or Additions:No changes or additions to the agenda.

April 11 Minutes:Erickson moved and Charlesworth-Seilerseconded the motion to approve the minutes fromApril 11. The motion passed unanimously

Run the Valley Evaluation:Members evaluated the event. Order more small and large shirts. Some discussion on promotion in the schools, exploring different timing options, more recycling containers outside and possible activity after the Kids Fun Run.

Upcoming Events:

Golf Classic and Lawn Bowling Event: The date has been set for Friday, July 15 with an 8:00 a.m. shot-gun start. Lawn Bowling will begin at 10:30 a.m. (approximate time). Erickson will work with the golf staff.

Sponsors: The brochure will sent to Communications for updating. Erickson will send the letter to last year’s sponsors with the updated brochure and members will contact past and possible new sponsors.

Door prize solicitation: Members volunteered to contact businesses for prizes for the tournaments.

Food/Beverages:It was decided to use New Bohemia for lunch.

PR/Marketing: Different ways to promote were discussed. Possibilities were using social media and contacting funded agencies.

Fees: The fee for golf sponsorships and golfers will remain the same ($1,000-corporate sponsor, $500-hole sponsor, and $300 for a foursome). A fee of $80, per lawn bowling team, was discussed and agreed upon. The fee will include lunch, soft drinks, and prizes.

Run the Valley date:A date was not selected, but agreed that it would be early April, 2017. It was noted that things could be different, in 2017, due to the construction of the new community center. A date will be selected at the June meeting.

Other Business:

Disc Golf Tournament: Wold discussed options for the disc golf tournament. Black will contact Gotta Go Gotta Throw for information on running the event.

The Board and Commission Dinner is set for Wednesday, June 22 at Brookview. Members and significant others are invited to attend. An invitation will be mailed at the end of May.

Elections: Mac Arthur moved to elect La Mere – Anderson as Chair and Black as Vice-Chair for the 2016-2017 year. Erickson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Member Update:Andrew Wold announced that he has been appointed to the Civil Service Commission.

Adjournment:Black moved to adjourn the meeting, Meyerring seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Wold, GVHSF ChairBrian Erickson, Staff Liaison