So, why Arbonne?
Arbonne is a 33 year old company that is part
of the direct sales, networkmarketing industry. Arbonne is committed to the development of unparalleled products, free of any harmful ingredients. We are pure, safe and beneficial, and have the highest standards in
the industry. Swiss formulated but made right here in the US.
So, what is it that makes Arbonne’s products so unique?
1.  All of Arbonne’s products are:
2.  Botanically Based – we use herbs and botanicals
to formulate our products. / The
The pH Correct
Hypoallergenic and Dermatologist Tested
3.  This means even people with the most sensitive skin
4.  can use our products.
6.  Never tested on animals
8.  Formulated without Animal Product or By-Products
– Have you ever heard of collagen or lanolin??
9.  Do you know where they come from? Well believe it
10.  or not they come from animal sources. Many skincare
11.  products we use everyday contain collagen or lanolin.
. I I’ll bet if you went looking in your cabinets you’d be
d be surprised to find the products you are using contain
th these ingredients. You won’t find any animal products
or by-products in anything Arbonne makes. In fact we
are a certified vegan company.
We are formulated with out the “junk” you find in most products.
Actually that is one of the things that makes Arbonne’s products so special- what we don’t have in them- I am going to read you a list of toxic ingredients that you will find in many of the personnal care products we use- Whats great is Arbonne does not contain any of them!
We have no…
Formaldehyde-donating Preservatives
No Petroleum based ingredients:
No Mineral Oil & Petrolatum It has no long term skin benefit
because it is a skin barrier ingredient – any good ingredients in a
cream or lotion with mineral oil will not be able to penetrate
effectively. Plus petroleum encourages pre-mature aging,
aggravates acne and Is a known toxin.Great for you car…not for
your skin!
/ No Benzene
No Phthalates
No Toluene
No alcohol or acetone – both are very drying to the skin. Acetone is used in many astringent and toners. Removes acrylic nails. Why wold we put this on our skin?
Research has show that the average woman applies 515 chemicals to her skin daily with makeup, perfumes, lotions, mascara etc….anything we put on our skin is absorbed into the bloodstream within 26 sec…do you want 515 chemicals in your bloodstream???
Our Nutrition products contain no artificial color, flavor, or
sweeteners, no Cholesterol, or transfats and again no
animal products- We are certified Vegan.