2nd Quarter Report

INSTRUCTIONS: In order for the Houston Arts Alliance to release the quarterly payment of your grant award, please complete sections A, B and C of this form. Detail any progress, updates and changes that have been made to your scheduled activities and/or venues since submitting you contract. Keep in mind that all activities must be in compliance with the Hotel Occupancy Tax Code.

Upon completion, please email this form to the Grants Department at

No later than 5:30 PM on December 31, 2014.

GRANT QUARTER: (July 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014) GOS and GOSE
Organization Name: / Grant Number: / FY15 – – GOS/GOSE
B / Have any changes been made to your scheduled activities and/or programming?
No (If no, please provide any updates to the progress of your grant in Section C).
Yes (If yes, please make sure you have completed the appropriate form for changes and received approval from the Director. Additionally provide any updates to the progress of your grant in Section C).

*Payment will be released based on HOT fund receipt to Houston Arts Alliance

C / Updated Activities: Please list activities that have occurred during the grant quarter from July 1 – December 31, 2014. Note: You should include planning, scheduling and details that attribute to your activities, event or project. This section provides details of your organization’s progress moving towards the scheduled activities.
(Example 1)
11/15/14 thru 11/30/14 / “Confirmed and contracted venue space for the 1st concert of the series at Zilka Hall
*All activities should match information in grant application, unless an approved change was authorized by the Grants Department. / Zilka Hall, Hobby Center, 800 Bagby St, Houston TX 77002
(Example 2) / Changed the date of performance 3 and venue location. Completed the grants form “Special Conditions Form” approved by the Director on 12/12/2014 / New Venue location is the Wortham Theater, 501 Texas St. Houston, TX 77002 on January 22, 2015.
(Example 3) / Subcontracted all the artists for each show of the series.

Do not fax or mail in the form.

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Prepared by: Grants Department FY 15