WEDNESDAYDecember 14, 2016 6:30PM



Tashia Lepage Jay Sweet Amber Kapatch Leanne Kempin

Sherry French Sherri Muyers


Kim RushfeldtLindi HillsTammy ShawSherry Melnychuk

Aliccia HollingsworthLoralie DammanDawn Dufresne

Called to order 6:45 pm

  1. Approval of last minutes

Sherry French motion to approve minutes from last meeting. Amber seconds. All in attendance in favor.

  1. New additions
  • Pictures- January 10, time TBA. Managerswill be given time and form to fill out.
  • AGM have next ears board members and time on board up to date so we know who needs to step down from positions.
  • Website upgrade to RAMP
  1. Treasurer’s Report-See Attached Appendix 1.0
  • A few cheques have will be cashed from lack of participation in tournament.
  • Purdy’s made $4338.29
  • Pants paid out $1001.91
  • Iviva, not so great. Looks into alternatives for next year. See what Terri Bancroft would be able to do for us.
  1. Tournament Report
  • From a planning standpoint November works, we just need to adjust the deadlines a bit to get more teams in.
  • Amber suggested using electronic roaster and have stickers sent in for game sheets with registration. Also having all registration mailed to tournament director instead of treasurer, to avoid delays.
  • Ref’ing went well. One of the out of town ref’s will not be asked back.
  • Active start- look at reducing the volunteer hours for families with only active start children.
  1. BGL Report
  • Double Headers- no more double headers for session 1, only at home double headers for session 2.
  • Travel to Fort McMurray has been up upgraded to $500.00
  • Rule change. If 31 minutes of penalties in one game is reached the coach is ejected. Changed from 30 minutes to avoid confusion.
  • Changes to visiting team providing minor officials in the box.
  1. Coaching
  • All coaches are trained and CI’s to be certified by RAB.
  • Terry to get on have a CSI for early in the season. Will follow up with him on that.
  1. Open Team Tournament
  • Question raised to the board if we would pay for an away tournament for them. Discussion and decision to refund the $25.00 fee for tournament all players pay. Motion made by Sherry French to have the 10 families have the $25.00 refunded and the open team pay for any away tournaments on their own. Seconded by Tashia all in attendance in favor.
  • Also have 1 or 2 contact people for the open team so all further communication is brought to the right people.
  1. Monica Braun came to the meeting to explain and keep board informed of the U16 fundraiser game planned for late December. Board discussed and approved as long as it clearly states all funds will be for U16 Fury only.
  2. Questions

Leanne asked if any dates were coming up for her to know of.

Apparel follow up with Loralie for selection to have ready and available at the AGM.

Adjourned at 8:10