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FT / 02 - CIRCULAR - May 12, 2008
My Dear Confreres,
We are still in the season of Easter. In the joy of Easter experience, we too continue our walk with the Lord and His people. I truly appreciate your faithful walk with the Lord. The Resurrection of Christ will be reduced to a mere annual ritual without experiencing the “rising” from tombs of egoism and authoritarianism, disrespect and disregard, fear and anxiety, joylessness and the spirit of negativity. It is my prayer that the experience of journeying with the Lord renews and fills us with new joy and peace. Several external challenges confront us from all corners and I am aware of the challenges you are called to face in your own personal lives. Yet, none of us can possibly gauge the intensity of those situations or their impact on our missionary endeavors. Let no challenges, personal or communal dampen the spirit or the resolve to give ourselves entirely for the mission of the Church. In our responses to these challenges we shall be innovative and truly daring. With the spirit of optimism and a profound joy we shall continue the journey with the Lord. Truly, the Lord continues to manifest his special presence with us. I perceive His presence daily and in many mysterious ways in our midst. On a personal note, I want to assure you my prayerful support and invite you to carry the challenge of the mission with a new fervor.
The Legacy of Our Patron
The biographical notes of St. Francis de sales, our Patron show that they responded ingeniously to their particular situations. St. Francis’ first visit (April 9, 1597) to Theodore de Beze a Calvinist and head of the Protestant Church of Geneva, and his preaching before the King Henry IV (April 14, 1602) were innovative responses to the religious and political challenges faced by him. Let us turn to our patron for inspiration and in our journey together, let us be united in spirit and truth.
The Feasts of Ascension and Pentecost
The Season of Easter receives a new vigor with the feasts of Ascension and Pentecost. The Ascension of our Lord brought about such a change in the disciples that “whatever before had been a source of fear now became a source of joy for them” (Leo the Great). With the Pentecost experience, the disciples were on fire with God and from then on their life has been a story of incredible perseverance and faith. May these feasts inspire us to a fresh awakening to the call of the mission, and to new frontiers of missionary adventure. To each of you, I offer the greetings and prayerful blessings of these two feasts.
I. Provincial Chapter 2008
Provincial Chapter 2008: The First Ballot Result.
Through the Letter to the Confreres of Northeast Province dated April 10, 2008, the results of the first ballot have been published. The votes of 79 confreres were received at the time of counting of the first ballot. Due to the inefficient postal system many votes have not reached the provincial office on time and some did not reach at all. I want to thank everyone who participated in the process of electing delegates to Provincial Chapter. The three confreres, George Panthanmackel, Emmanuel Uppanthadathil and Tomy Monnanampallil who received an absolute majority, were declared elected.
Provincial Chapter 2008: The Second Ballot
Since the results of the first ballot were inconclusive, in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution and Directory of the Congregation, the process for a second ballot was initiated. For the election of 17 delegates, the second ballot containing names of 40 confreres who secured the highest votes in the first ballot was circulated. The confreres who reside abroad were also able to participate in the election of delegates through the help of Superior General. I sincerely thank Very Rev. Father Agnelo Fernandes, the Superior General for his prompt assistance. I also thank everyone who participated in the election process.
Results of the Second Ballot
In the second ballot, the votes of 100 confreres have been received by the Provincial office and the Provincial Council met on May 1, 2008 counted and tabulated the votes.
1.MATTATHIL Jacob -79
2.THAIKHO Simon -78
3.PUTHUMANA Mathew -69
5.THEKKEL Jose-68
6.OVELIL Kurian -65
7.BARA Nicholas -64
8.MANALEL Devasia -62
9.OVÜNG Philip Mhonchumo -60
11.TIRKEY Milkius -55
12.MARAYIKULAM Stephen (Sr.) -52
15.CHAKKALACKAL Joseph -48
16.PATTIMACKEL Kurian -47
17.VARAPADAVIL Chacko -47
19.MANASRAYIL Sabu -42
20.VARAPADAVIL Thomas Paul -41
21.THUNDATHIL Augustine Joseph -39
22.POOVATHUNKAL George -36
23.PULIYILAKLAT Joseph -35
24.DIO D. Jacob -35
26.MUNDOLY Jose -33
27.KAREKAT Dominic-32
28.KUNNAPPALLY Thomas-29
31.KURIKILAMKATTU Joby Mathew -24
32.KAIPPALLIL Kuriakose -24
34.EZHANIKAT Shaibu Mathew-23
35.KULANGARA Augustine -23
37.KHAKHA John Bosco -22
39.KUNNEL George-18
40.MANGAT Philip -16
As per the norms, the first 17 confreres who secured relative majority are elected as delegates to the Chapter and the mandate was made known to the confreres. Frs. Jose Thekkel and Reji Kizhakethalackel have expressed their inability to attend the Chapter and they have been dispensed from their obligation to attend the Chapter (Cf. Directory #275). In their place the next two who secured the relative majority are automatically elected to attend the Chapter. Fr. Sabu Manasrayil also has expressed his difficulty in attending Provincial Chapter and has been granted dispensation from it.
The List of Participants for the Provincial Chapter 2008
The final list of the participants for the provincial chapter 2008 is as follows:
A.Ex officio members:
1. THADATHIL Francis, Provincial
2. MULLENKUZHY Abraham, the outgoing provincial
3. KUNJAPARAMBIL Joseph, Regional Superior, South Africa.
4. KAVUNGAL, Lukose, Council member
5. MAPPILAPARAMBIL Emmanuel, Council member
6. NIRAPEL Thomas Nirappel, Council member.
7. AERATHEDATHU Thomas, Rector, MSFS Study House
8. VETTUKATTIL George, Novice master
9. POOVELIL, Francis Rector, Vinaya Bhavan Seminary
10. KANNMANGALTHU Joseph, Rector SFS Seminary
B. Elected Delegates:
8.OVELIL Kurian
9.BARA Nicholas
10.MANALEL Devasia
11.OVÜNG Philip Mhonchumo
12.TIRKEY Milkius
13.MARAYIKULAM Stephen (Sr.)
20.VARAPADAVIL Thomas Paul
C. Special Invitees:
In order to provide a better ambience for discussion and deliberation during the Chapter, the following confreres also have been invited to the Provincial Chapter 2008.
1. MARIADOSS Thumma, General Councilor, Representative of Superior general
2. VETTUVELIL Abraham, General Councilor
3. KOZHUPPAKALAM Mathew, Provincial, SouthWestProvince
4. D’ SOUZA Mario, Provincial, Pune Province
5. CHACKALACKEL Jolly, Rector, SuvidyaCollege, Bangalore
6. KUTTIKOTTAYIL,Johny Representative of Confreres in Europe
7. KIZHAKUMPURTAHU Philip Thomas, Representative of Confreres in USA
8. KONTHANANICAKAL Jiji, Representative, Innovative ministries
9. SORENG Corbinus, Representative, Innovative ministries
10. AVILHOU Stephen, Scholastic Representative (Theology)
11. SANGMA Nikseng, Scholastic Representative (Philosophy)
Substitute Delegates:
In the event of an emergency, when any of the elected delegates is not able to participate in the Chapter, the following confreres will act as substitute delegates and I request them to be ready and be prepared for participating in the Provincial Chapter.
1. PULIYILAKAT Joseph2. THUNDATHIL Augustine Joseph
3. DIO.D. Jacob4. POOVATHUNKAL George
Let us pray that the Provincial Chapter 2008 become a moment of grace for all the confreres and that together we may bear witness to Fransalian way of life.
II. Events to Know and Moments that Bring us Together
Annual Retreat 2008
As suggested at the Superiors Meeting held on February 28, 2008, two retreats have been organized in the Province this year.
First Retreat is animated by Fr. Jose Kumblolickal msfs.
Date: July 1 evening to July 6thnoon. Venue: MSFS Study House Shillong. Accommodation is available for 45 participants only.
Second Retreat is animated by Fr. Benny Kootanal.
Date: October 6 evening to October 11th evening. Venue: MSFS Provincialate, Guwahati. Accommodation is available for 65 participants only.
Both retreats will present Salesian themes for prayer and reflection. Confreres are requested to attend any one of the retreats. A flier will be sent to all the confreres with a reply card to help choosing the retreat of their choice. Seats will be allotted on a first-come first- serve basis. The best way to ensure your choice of retreat is to send in the reply card at the earliest to the Provincial office. We shall all participate in the annual retreat 2008. Please make necessary arrangements well in advance to ensure participation in the annual retreat 2008.
Silver Jubilee Celebration
As informed in the last circular, Frs. Kurian Ovelil and Job Karikkampallil have just completed the jubilee year of their ordination. As a sign of gratitude to God for the gift of these confreres to the Province, a simple ceremony of felicitation is scheduled for May 19, 2008 at MSFS Provincialate. This information comes with a short notice. All the confreres are welcome.
Fr. Chacko Varapadavil has just begun the Silver jubilee Year of his Ordination. During the course of this year we shall celebrate the event more appropriately.
Sabbatical for Fr. Thomas Aerathedathu
The request of Fr. Thomas Aerathedathu for a year of sabbatical has been granted by the provincial council. During the first part of his sabbatical, he will be undertaking summer ministry in Europe from mid June to mid September. I thank him for his service to MSFS Study House and to the ministry of formation in the province for the last nine years. We wish Fr. Thomas Aerathedathu a year filled with rich blessings and inspiring experiences.
Mission Appeal and Summer Ministry in USA
After the General Council meeting in Rome, Fr. George Parampukattil will be leaving for a Mission Appeal program in the diocese of La Crosse, USA. Fr. Jacob Dio D will be leaving by mid June to take up Summer Ministry program in the diocese of Nashville, Tennessee. He will be serving as a substitute priest for a period of four months in a parish, which is 40 miles away from the place of Fr. Davis Chackalackel. We wish Fr. George Parampukattil and Jacob Dio.D safe travel and enriching ministry.
CBSE Status for SFSSchool, Narangi, Assam
By a notification dated 27, March 2008, SFS School Narangi has been granted the status of a CBSESchool. Fr. Sibi Mattapillil has worked very hard in getting the school affiliated to CBSE and let us appreciate his efforts in securing this status for the school and sincerely thank him for diligently monitoring the process with great patience.
Confreres in Studies: Congratulations and Best Wishes
Fr.Thomas Olicakmalayil has secured the fourth rank for the Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) examination conducted by NEHU. Fr. Abraham Ponvelil has secured first division in the same examination. Let us offer our heartfelt congratulations to them and truly rejoice at the success of our confreres. We are happy for your accomplishments!
Currently, Frs. Abraham Puthenpurackel (MSW) and Cornelius Bara (MSW), Fr. Gracious Chirattolickal (German Course), Fr. Kusum Kant (B.Ed) are pursuing studies. We wish all of them the very best in their studies.
Fr. Daniel Chennala will pursue B.Ed Studies while doing his pastoral work at Gaucheran. Bro. Vellakada Vincent Sooraj is also designated for B.Ed studies. He will reside at SFS Church Dhemaji and will render some service to the parish and school along with his studies.
Recently Published Documents
Copies of Constitutions of the Missionaries of St. Francis de sales, General Directory of the Missionaries of St. Francis de sales and New MSFS Governance Explanation have been distributed to all the professed members of Congregation. These documents have been designed for achieving unity and collaboration and to promote collective witnessing as Fransalians. Fr. Corbinus, Provincial Secretary has seen to the distribution of these documents. If anyone has not received any of theabove mentioned documents, please contact Fr. Corbinus. I appeal to every member of the province to read them personally and initiate discussion for better application of these norms in our religious life.
Fr. Thomas Cherukatt as Assistant Superior General
According to the provisions of the New Constitutions (cf # 208-212), the General Chapter has elected Very Rev. Fr. Thomas Cherukat as the Assistant Superior General. The NortheastProvince promises Fr. Thomas Cherukatt its support and prayerful wishes.
Theological Service Commission
A number of commissions have been constituted by Superior General especially after the General Chapter 2007. Theological Service Commission is the latest of the commissions and has a team of 8 members. Fr. Emmanuel Mappilaparambil is the chairman and convener of this commission. Fr. Davis Chackalckel is another confrere from the NE province who serves in this Commission.
Celebration of Mass for the Departed Confreres
The General Directory (# 98) gives guidelines on suffrages for the departed confreres. Please find a list of confreres who have died since 1st June 2007. Kindly check your Mass Diary to verify that you have celebrated mass for the following confreres who have gone away from us. Through the celebration of Mass, let us express our love for those confreres who have died in Christ.
Bro. Marius Avrillon, 29th October 2007, Switzerland
Bro. Nedunghat Anthony, 25th January 2008, Kerala.
III. Promotions to Various Stages of Formation and Renewal of Vows.
Having studied the reports of the scholastics and considered their applications, the Provincial Council has approved the following promotions to stages of formation and renewal of religious vows. On behalf of the Province, I offer my thanks to everyone who has accompanied the scholastics in their preparation for religious life and commitment. In particular, I truly appreciate all the confreres in formation houses for their unflinching commitment to the task of formation. Thank you dear confreres!
Promotion to Diaconate
Ambiyil Shaju Joseph , Bashena Adani James, Eattikkattil Antony Joseph, Madappallil James Shijo, Ngade Benjamine Nakho, Raising Jacob, Sahayaraj Albert, Saprünamai Ashihe Andrew are promoted to the Order of Deacon. The ordination to diaconate will be officiated on May 22, 2008 by Most Rev. Dominic Jala S.D.B., Archbishop of Shillong at MSFS Study House Mawroh. All the confreres of the province are welcome to join in the celebration.
A. Students in Theology
Currently all scholastics in theology pursue their theological training at OriensTheologicalCollege, Shillong by residing at MSFS Study House, Mowroh. The Province is deeply appreciative of the contribution of the staff of OriensTheologicalCollege in the formation of our future priests. Let us promise our special support to these confreres as they come nearer to the Ordination.
Promotion to Third Year Theology
Avilhou Stephen, Kerketta Pratap, Soreng Silanand, Tirkey Solomon.
Promotion to Second Year Theology
Borogaon Aloysius (Alois), Hasda Sudhir , Kaduthanathu Lijeesh, Kumbattu Praveen Johny (George), Mannachamkuzhiyil Shijo Paul, Palatty Jijesh (Chacko), Plakoottathil Sanish (George).
Promotion to First Year Theology
Kunnel Sijo George, Lyngdoh Donsuk, M. Sangma Nikseng, Sawma Stephen, and Thalayinakandathil Rijesh Thomas.
B. Students in Philosophy
All the scholastics in philosophy are currently students at SuvidyaCollege, Bangalore.
Let us accompany the young confreres in formation houses with the support of prayers, encouragement and a witness of fathful life.
To Third Year Philosophy
Awungshi Shimray Sophayo Joseph, Chiraparambil Libin C.J., Islari Lucas, Lalmuanzela Daniel, Naduppadavil Shijo Thomas, Poomarathingal Shiju P.M., Vadakkekuttu Bibin Thomas, Vechukunnel Joji Joseph, Xaxa Binod and Zothansanga Alwyn.
To Second Year Philosophy
Aramphadathil Donal Jose, Chennamkulath Rijesh Jose, Daimary Xavier, Kaippallill Toney Mathew, Kannampally Jibin Chacko, Maiong Nicholas, Manikho Abraham, Nakathingal Noble Jose, Ottathaickal Jince Jose, Pehausuiding Peter, Tedo Mathew, Terang Samuel Rajen, Thadathil Jaimon Joseph, Thekkekara Anoop Jose, Toppo Laulin, Vettukuzhiyil Jineesh Mathew, Vilangapara Jyothis Jose.
To First Year Philosophy
Eight candidates, after completing their canonical year of novitiate and first profession of religious vows will proceed to SuvidyaCollege, Bangalore for philosophical studies. They are Baruah Anthony, Ezung Mhonchan Lucas, Khongsit Priyor, Maliyil Mathew (Mathew MV), Meenpallil James (Abin Paul), Vamattathil James (Joldin George), Vattekattukandam Augusthy (Libin AV), Warbah Edilbert.
C. Admission to Novitiate
Ajit Daimary, Bibin P. Martin Puthuppaliyil, Bose P. Jose Puthiyampurath, Jibin Joseph Kayathumkara, John (Nirmal) Narah, Lucas Ekka, Mardona Riawed War, Mathew Sapunii, Melbin Francis Theruvil, Nithin Paul Padinjarakutt, Robert Punwein, Robins V. U. Vadakkekuttu, Rojin Joseph Pullattuvaliyaparambil, Shithin Jose Meembanal, Tony Joseph kavalakattu, and Wanlambor Khanummid are provisionally admitted to an year of novitiate at MSFS Novitiate Chabua, Assam.
Pre-novitiate Program
The above candidates have completed their formation from our minor Seminaries and currently they are going through a three-week long Pre-novitiate program (May 3-26, 2008) at Renewal Centre, Umroi, Meghalaya. Under the direction of Fr. Emmaunel Mappliparambil, the Councilor incharge formation, Frs. Joby Kurikilamkattu and Jude Poovakulath have chalked out a program to prepare the candidates adequately for their entry to novitiate. I thank the confreres for the service and truly appreciate their genrosity in accompanying those candidates.
Renewal of Religious Vows
Avilhou Stephen, Kerketta Pratap, Soreng Silanand, Tirkey Solomon, Borogaon Aloysius (Alois), Hasda Sudhir, Kaduthanathu Lijeesh, Kumbattu Praveen Johny (George), Mannachamkuzhiyil Shijo Paul, Palatty Jijesh (Chacko), Plakoottathil Sanish (George) Kunnel Sijo George, Lyngdoh Donsuk, M. Sangma Nikseng, Thalayinakandathil Rijesh Thomas and Vellakada Sooraj will renew their religious vows on June 6, at MSFS Study House Mowroh, Shillong. Fr. Thomas Aerathedathu, Rector, MSFS Study house will receive their vows.
Sawma Stephen will renew his vows at Vinayabhavan Seminary, Thamaraserry. Fr. Francis Poovelil the Rector will receieve the vows.