Research Paper Checklist
1) Paper is not in a folder. It is stapled in upper left corner.
2) Heading has four evenly double spaced lines: 1. full name, 2. teacher’s name, class and period #, 3. assignment name (research paper), and 4. Date final draft was printed. Heading is aligned left.
3) Writer’s last name and a page number are missing from the upper right corner of the first page, but the writer’s last name and a correct page number appear in upper right of all pages that follow.
4) Title is in same style and sized font as rest of paper. Title is not in quotation marks, not underlined, does not have extra spaces above or below, but is centered. Title mentions subject of paper and hints at idea of thesis.
5) All paragraphs are indented at the start. No extra spaces between paragraphs.
6) In-text documentation shows parenthetical notes following bits of specific information. These notes show the first word of the corresponding works cited entry and a page number when appropriate. No “p.,” “page,” or comma before the page number. Periods come after the parentheses. The margin on the left side of direct quotations longer than three lines is indented ten spaces (two tabs).
7) Works cited says Works Cited at top, centered in same size/style font as rest of paper. Entries appear in reverse paragraph order and are alphabetized by first word.
8) The paper is evenly double spaced and printed in ink and in the same style and sized font. Writing is on one side of page. Margins are one inch or one and one-quarter inches.
9) There are no spelling errors, missing capital letters where necessary, or missing periods. All sentences make sense.
10) There are no run-on sentences, nor are there fragments in the paper.
11) Thesis statement is clearly stated after introductory information. All points made in thesis are supported with evidence and explanation.
Research Paper Checklist
1) Paper is not in a folder. It is stapled in upper left corner.
2) Heading has four evenly double spaced lines: 1. full name, 2. teacher’s name, class and period #, 3. assignment name (research paper), and 4. Date final draft was printed. Heading is aligned left.
3) Writer’s last name and a page number are missing from the upper right corner of the first page, but the writer’s last name and a correct page number appear in upper right of all pages that follow.
4) Title is in same style and sized font as rest of paper. Title is not in quotation marks, not underlined, does not have extra spaces above or below, but is centered. Title mentions subject of paper and hints at idea of thesis.
5) All paragraphs are indented at the start. No extra spaces between paragraphs.
6) In-text documentation shows parenthetical notes following bits of specific information. These notes show the first word of the corresponding works cited entry and a page number when appropriate. No “p.,” “page,” or comma before the page number. Periods come after the parentheses. The margin on the left side of direct quotations longer than three lines is indented ten spaces (two tabs).
7) Works cited says Works Cited at top, centered in same size/style font as rest of paper. Entries appear in reverse paragraph order and are alphabetized by first word.
8) The paper is evenly double spaced and printed in ink and in the same style and sized font. Writing is on one side of page. Margins one inch to one and one-quarter inches.
9) There are no spelling errors, missing capital letters where necessary, or missing periods. All sentences make sense.
10) There are no run-on sentences, nor are there fragments in the paper.
11) Thesis statement is clearly stated after introductory information. All points made in thesis are supported with evidence and explanation.