Ryan School PAC

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Meeting held in the Ryan School Library


Carolyn Gaglione- Chair

Lynette Montejo – Treasurer

Mrs. McInnes – Principal

Members – Attendance list kept with Secretary, not distributed with minutes


Welcomed everyone to the PAC meeting. Meeting began at 6:35pm


A Motion was made to approve the minutes from the March 2016 meeting. The motion was Seconded.

Minutes Approved.


1.  Available cash at 4/30/16 is $9,106. Remaining budget to spend $1,000 scholarships.

2.  Paid second scholarship from 2014/15 year.

3.  Plan to work on reporting and budgeting vs. actual tracking.

Principal’s Message

•  Mrs. McInnes would love to have the landscaping cleaned up in front and side of building. She thanked the PAC for all the purchases made this year and for providing Arts and Enrichment to the students.

Ryan School PAC Board 2016/2017 Nominations

The following members submitted nomination forms: Carolyn Gaglione-Chair, Lynette Montejo-Treasurer, Dina Callahan-Secretary. Due to only one form for each position the board has been filled by the above for the 2016/2017 year.

Updates-Upcoming Events

•  Community Service Update- The Book Drive went well with many boxes of books donated.

•  Dine-out nights- Still waiting on check from Papa Gino’s that was held in February. Wamesit Lane Dine-Out Night held in April and still waiting on the check.

•  Birthday Book and Green Team Update- 25 Books were donated to the library from the Birthday Book Club. Also, a motion to purchase TD Bank gift cards for $160 for the students that helped with the Green Team was made, and an attendee seconded the motion . Approved.

•  Box Tops Contest Update- At this point we are not going to be taping Mr. Hart to a wall due to the amount of Box Tops that have been collected. Mrs. McInnes is going to check with the teachers about having a 5 minute dance party to celebrate the amount that they have collected.

•  Career Day- Lisa Driscoll and Karla Branchaud are in the process of getting volunteers for June 3rd.

New Business

·  Scholarships- 2 recipients were randomly chosen- Jamie Burger and Justin Petrie. They will be notified at award nights. Carolyn has sent all the necessary information. Both students attended Tewksbury Memorial High School.

·  Fall Fundraiser Idea of 2016/2017- It was decided to put a Survey Monkey out to the parents of the Ryan School for ideas for fundraiser. Ideas are: Pies/ Cookies, Mixed Bags and Tervis Cups. The two highest votes will win and will be the fall fundraiser.

·  Landscaping- We have not had any volunteers offer to help with the landscaping. Therefore, a motion to spend up to $1200 on landscaping was made, and an attendee seconded the motion. Approved.

Carolyn thanked everyone for attending the PAC meeting and a successful year in supporting the Ryan School!

Motion to end meeting made, and Seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:45PM