- Welcome
- Principal’ Report-Mrs. Rawson
Mrs. Rawson encourages all parents to check in with their teachers. Right now teachers are testing reading levels of all students.
Spelling Bee is Thursday 1/14.
Thank you from the staff for the Gaga pit. All students seem to love it!
Bash-all teachers are being updated and are planning their perks and socials.
Mrs. Gee will retire at the end of this year, but will remain on staff in some capacity (unknown at this time)
Kinder and 5th took the Cogat test. Results will be sent home soon.
GT-no longer need to retest 5th graders
- Treasurer’s report
PTO has $283,000 undesignated cash on hand (plus another $243,000 designated for school gift to Ms. Patin and Paddles up for Programs)
- Huckleberry Park update-Elaina McNulty
$110,000 raised so far
Preliminary budget set for $566,000 to complete park. Ideally, construction will take place in 2 phases: Phase 1 will entail regrading of the surface and place artificial turf, drains will be moved closer to street. The field is the main issue and once we complete regrading, kids will be able to play on playground without so many missed days due to wet conditions of field. Track will be replaced in Phase 1. This phase will cost $350,000 and should be complete by fall 2016 if funds are met and park will open to public at that time.
Phase 2 will replace play structures and will be completed Summer 2017.
Please see the rendering in the rotunda.
Concerns: There will be a soccer field area with goals. There will be water fountains. The basketball court will remain and this area will be open to public when park is open (dawn to dusk). Trash pick up-several ideas given for keeping the park clean. Boy Scout troops, dad’s club, etc.
HISD and SPARK gave money up front and will not provide any more money or maintenance for the park.
Mrs. Patin is asking for a $100,000 donation from the PTO to get us closer to the goal of $350,000 by this summer. She will give a donation as well from the $100,000 the PTO gives her every year. Once she looks at her budget she will see how much she can give to Huckleberry Park fund. In the last calendar year, she spent $103,000 on technology.
On donation of $100,000 to Spark Park fund-Linda Barcot moves to vote, Tony Houck 2nds.
32 votes in favor of donation.
- Bash update-Brittany Wiesser
Table and ticket sales have begun. 8 & 10 top tables are available for purchase. Open seating available ($80), but no guarantee of seats. This year there will be a new online platform for bidding. There will be no actual items at the venue. Feb 4 and 5th will be previews of the silent auction items.Online bidding opens Friday Feb 5 and will continue until Friday Feb 12 at 3pm. Ticketed persons attending BASH will be able to continue online bidding at the auction via smart phone and IPads at the venue.
Paddles up will be for Literacy Programs. This includes the libraries in the school, LDC, etc.
Need wine for wine pull. Can drop off at Madonna or Brittany’s home, or call Houston Wine Merchant and make donation.
Need more socials-kid and adult
Personalized t-shirt sales end January 18.
Teacher tickets cost $60 for them and their guests (their cost). To sponsor a teacher (underwriting) cost is $70 per ticket.
- President’s report
Nominating committee: we will vote next month on the nominating committee. Think about your position and if you want to continue next year.
Kinder playground: Mrs. Patin has asked for $25,000 donation for kinder playground updates. This is probably financially possible, but we would like a plan first of what this money will cover.
Looking forward:
Bingo night, Friday, January22, 6-8pm.
Bash, Friday, Feb 12, 7pm
Art Night CHANGED, Thursday, Feb 4
Math and Science night, March 3
Mind Up Parent meeting, January 27, 6-8:30
- Shout outs
Kinsey Wall and Katie Trowbridge (art night chairs) and Madonna Bauch and Brittany Weisser (BASH chairs)
Thanks for sharing February 4 for Bash previews and Art Night
Sam Smith, Tony Houck, and Claudia Schnelle for work on the outdoor classroom and gardens over the holidays
Move to adjourn: Brittany Weisser, Megan Rose 2nds