Grant Application Packet


Application Deadline – August 24, 2015

F:\Shared\IOLTA\2014 Grant Application Packet\2014 Application Packet Final.doc

The Kansas Bar Foundation

Interest On Lawyers Trust Accounts Program

2016 Grant Proposal Packet

Completed proposals may be submitted by mail or preferably electronically (in PDF), but must be received on or before Monday, August 24, 2015.

Mail to:

The Kansas Bar Association
IOLTA Program

c/o Anne Woods, Public Services Manager

1200 SW Harrison St.

Topeka, KS 66612-1806


Each grant application shall be accompanied by a Project Cover worksheet (provided in this document), narrative and Project Budget worksheet (provided in this document). The entire grant proposal (including attachments) should not exceed 15 pages. The narrative should contain sections that correspond to and address each of the following:

I. Description/Goals

Grant applicants shall describe their project and include how their request meets one or more of the purposes listed by the Foundation for use of IOLTA funds. See IOLTA History and Grant Philosophy on our website for more information.

·  Applicants should indicate their prior track record in operating similar projects.

·  Consideration will be given to applicants whose proposed projects do not duplicate services already being provided.

II. Methodology

Applicants must state the methods they use to meet their goal and a timetable in which they expect results.

Things to consider:

·  Programs using local bar volunteer lawyers are encouraged.

·  Priority will be given to applications requesting funds for direct services to the public. The provision of those services shall be broken down into estimated cost per direct service, if possible.

·  The Foundation will make every effort to distribute IOLTA funds evenly throughout the state.

·  Any "experimental" project shall have statewide transferability and be innovative in nature. Applicants funded through this program will be required to provide information to other organizations interested in duplicating their program in other areas.

·  Additional consideration will be given to projects that work cooperatively with other grantees within the state.

III. Budget

Applicants must complete the Project Budget worksheet found at the end of this document.

·  Applicants shall indicate all sources of their program’s funding. The Foundation encourages applicants to search for additional sources of project income. Added consideration will be given to such programs.

·  If the applicant is reapplying for funding, they will need to indicate how much they received in the last year they received funds. This information will be used for purposes of comparison with their current request.

IV. Project Evaluation

Please include how your group intends to evaluate the success/effectiveness of your proposed project. The evaluation should include data regarding the number of people assisted and the impact the project or program has had on the public. Some projects will require a written impact statement illustrating how an individual or organization benefited from the assistance.

The Foundation reserves the right to require quarterly reports from IOLTA grant recipients. Consideration will be given to smaller applicants for a midyear and a final report. Single event projects will be exempt from quarterly reporting. The report will be due at the end of the event.

V. Attachments

·  501(c)(3) tax-exempt letter from the Internal Revenue Service

·  Last year’s final report or this year’s quarterly report, if you have received IOLTA funds in 2014 or 2015.

·  A list of board of directors (please indicate officers and any affiliations)

·  Applicant’s current fiscal year budget and

·  Support letters (limit to 2)

·  250 word description cover sheet, budget and grant category (forms provided below).

Kansas Bar Foundation

2016 IOLTA Grant Proposal

Insert name of your organization
Insert name of contact person
Insert street address
Insert city, state, zip
Insert phone number
Insert email address
Insert website
Did you receive a grant in 2014 or 2015? If yes, please indicate here and the amount(s).

Requested Amount for 2016: $

Insert brief description of the project (not to exceed 250 words)


Please state as specifically as you can how the IOLTA funds will be used and what other funding will be used on this project:

IOLTA / Other / Total
Personnel Costs:
Professional Staff
(by hours or number)
Support Staff
(by hours or number)
Employee Benefits
Total Personnel Costs
Non-Personnel Costs:
Total Non-Personnel Costs
Total Costs:

Please list other funding sources:

Grant Categories

The KBF considers grant proposals in several categories. Please indicate the one that best fits your project or program. Your proposal will be considered for other categories if it meets the requirements.

Civil Legal Services: The Foundation has committed itself to assisting with improving the access to the legal system for all Kansans. One of the key methods of accomplishing this objective is by providing grants to civil legal service programs that provide services to low-income citizens. In the past, these grants have concentrated on such high impact clients as victims of domestic violence, the elderly, and children. Funds are made available to assist with administering local and state bar pro bono legal services programs, reduced fee programs and to provide technical support for legal service staff.

Law-Related Education (LRE): The second largest category receiving IOLTA funds has been law-related education projects for the public. A variety of public education seminars on the Constitution have received funding. These seminars have been one-day to day-and-a-half programs developed for secondary school social studies teachers. Funds were also granted to assist with the Close-Up project, Citizen Bee programs, the LRE Clearinghouse, the Law Wise newsletter, the statewide Mock Trial competition, and legal rights and responsibilities booklets.

Access to the Civil Justice System for Low Income Residents: The Kansas Bar Foundation has received a direct grant of residual funds from a class action lawsuit. These funds are to be used to "support activities and programs that promote access to the civil justice system for low income residents" in the state of Kansas. These funds are available to civil legal service programs that provide services to the low income and other programs that relate directly to promoting and facilitating access to the civil justice system of the low income through education or other means.

Administration of Justice: The Foundation will consider grants to improve the administration of justice in Kansas. Generally, this area has covered such concerns as alternative procedures for the resolution of disputes, promotion and support for programs facilitating access to the legal system, and improvements in the court system.

Foreclosure Prevention Legal Assistance: The Kansas Bar Foundation has received funds from a financial institution settlement. These funds are to go to legal service organizations and used for things like assistance to homeowners with notification of being in arrearage, assistance to homeowners who fell behind and were threatened with court action or received notice of foreclosure; matters in which a loan modification was sought or obtained, including through foreclosure mitigation programs; legal assistance with servicer violations resulting in foreclosure notice; negotiation of retention programs, including forbearance plans, reinstatement quotes, and repayment plans; transitional options, including traditional short sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure and cash for keys; escalation, mediation, litigation and appeal of servicer violations, loan modification denials, and foreclosure.

Community Redevelopment Legal Assistance: The Kansas Bar Foundation has received funds from a financial institution settlement. These funds are to go to legal service organizations and used for things like support to non-profits or small businesses on projects or program that generate affordable housing or job creation.

Please note: Applicants will be notified of funding decisions in late Fall 2015.